今天遇到了一个问题,当我kubectl port-forward映射到本地的时候我control+z了,正常应该是control+c,找了不少资料 后来查了下control+z和control+c的区别得出结论 哈哈哈
opay1@OPay-20210101 1.15.2 % kubectl port-forward service/flink-feature-merchant-monitor-rest 8081
Forwarding from -> 8081
Forwarding from [::1]:8081 -> 8081
Handling connection for 8081
Handling connection for 8081
Handling connection for 8081
Handling connection for 8081
Handling connection for 8081
Handling connection for 8081
Handling connection for 8081
Handling connection for 8081
zsh: suspended kubectl port-forward service/flink-feature-merchant-monitor-rest 8081
opay1@OPay-20210101 1.15.2 % kubectl port-forward service/flink-feature-monitor-rest 8081
Unable to listen on port 8081: Listeners failed to create with the following errors: [unable to create listener: Error listen tcp4 bind: address already in use unable to create listener: Error listen tcp6 [::1]:8081: bind: address already in use]
error: unable to listen on any of the requested ports: [{8081 8081}]
-----------以下是我通过jobs命令查到的服务,我的服务[7]被挂起了,通过fg %7 然后再次映射就ok了
opay1@OPay-20210101 1.15.2 % jobs
[1] suspended kubectl get pods
[2] suspended ping
[3] suspended kubectl get pods
[4] suspended kubectl get pods
[5] suspended kubectl get pods
[6] - suspended kubectl get pods
[7] + suspended kubectl port-forward service/flink-feature-merchant-monitor-rest 8081
opay1@OPay-20210101 1.15.2 % fg %7
[7] continued kubectl port-forward service/flink-feature-merchant-monitor-rest 8081
zsh: terminated kubectl port-forward service/flink-feature-merchant-monitor-rest 8081
opay1@OPay-20210101 1.15.2 % kubectl port-forward service/flink-feature-merchant-monitor-rest 8081
Forwarding from -> 8081
Forwarding from [::1]:8081 -> 8081
Handling connection for 8081
Handling connection for 8081
Handling connection for 8081
Handling connection for 8081
opay1@OPay-20210101 1.15.2 % kubectl port-forward service/flink-feature-monitor-rest 8081
Unable to listen on port 8081: Listeners failed to create with the following errors: [unable to create listener: Error listen tcp4 bind: address already in use unable to create listener: Error listen tcp6 [::1]:8081: bind: address already in use]
error: unable to listen on any of the requested ports: [{8081 8081}]
-----------以下是我通过jobs命令查到的服务,我的服务[7]被挂起了,通过fg %7 然后再次映射就ok了
opay1@OPay-20210101 1.15.2 % jobs
[1] suspended kubectl get pods
[2] suspended ping
[3] suspended kubectl get pods
[4] suspended kubectl get pods
[5] suspended kubectl get pods
[6] - suspended kubectl get pods
[7] + suspended kubectl port-forward service/flink-feature-merchant-monitor-rest 8081
opay1@OPay-20210101 1.15.2 % fg %7
[7] continued kubectl port-forward service/flink-feature-merchant-monitor-rest 8081
zsh: terminated kubectl port-forward service/flink-feature-merchant-monitor-rest 8081
opay1@OPay-20210101 1.15.2 % kubectl port-forward service/flink-feature-merchant-monitor-rest 8081
Forwarding from -> 8081
Forwarding from [::1]:8081 -> 8081
Handling connection for 8081
Handling connection for 8081
Handling connection for 8081
Handling connection for 8081