git help
git version # Display the version of git.
git help # Prints the synopsis and a list of the most commonly used commands.
git help git # Display the git man page.
git <COMMAND> -h # Display the brief help.
git help <COMMAND/CONCEPT> # Display help for specific subcommand or concept. "git <COMMAND/CONCEPT> --help"
git help --help # Display the help of 'git help'.
git help --all # Print all available commands on the standard output.
git help --guide # Print a list of the useful Git guides on the standard output.
git config
git config --list # 显示所有配置信息
git config --global --list # 显示全局配置信息
git config --local --list # 显示local repository配置信息(在local repository目录下执行)
git remote
git remote # 查看remote repository信息
git remote -v # 查看remote repository详细信息。如果没有推送权限,就看不到remote repository的地址
git status
git status # Show the working tree status.
git status --short # Give the output in the short-format.
git log
git log # 查看commit日志
git log <file> # 查看某个文件的commit日志
git log -3 # 查看最近3次的commit日志
git log -p # 补丁格式显示每个提交之间的具体差异
git log --stat # 显示每个提交的文件修改统计信息
git log --oneline # 逐条简洁显示commit日志
git log --oneline --graph # 图形化显示分支合并历史
git log --oneline --graph --decorate # 图形化显示分支合并历史,包含commit的引用信息
git log --merges # 只显示merge commit日志
git log --no-merges # 显示过滤merge commit之后的git log
git log --author=<author name> # 搜索指定作者的提交历史
git log --grep=<pattern> # 搜索commit描述匹配<pattern>的commit.
git log --after="2016-12-1" --before="2017-1-1" # 显示某个时间段的commit日志
git shortlog
git shortlog # Summarize 'git log' output order by the author
git shortlog --summary # Suppress commit description and provide a commit count summary only.
git shortlog --numbered # Sort output according to the number of commits per author instead of author alphabetic order.
git shortlog --email # Show the email address of each author.
git reflog
git reflog # 显示命令日志
git show
git show # 查看上一次commit的内容:
git show <commit id> # 查看某次commit的内容
git show <commit>:<filename> # 显示某次提交时,某个文件的内容
git diff
git diff # 显示暂存区和工作区的差异
git diff HEAD # 显示工作区与当前分支最新commit之间的差异
git diff <commit-id-1>..<commit-id-2> # 查看commit之间的对比
git diff <branch-name-1> <branch-name-2> # 查看branch之间的对比
git blame
git blame <file> # Show what revision and author last modified each line of a file.