mysql utilities_MySQL Utilities工具介绍和命令行总结


MySQL Utilities是官方提供的MySQL管理工具,使用python开发,功能面面俱到,主要有五个层面的工具:数据库层面(复制、比较、差异、导出、导入)、审核日志层面、服务器层面(实例克隆、实例信息)、系统层面(磁盘使用情况、冗余索引、搜索元数据、进程)、高可用性层面(主从复制、故障转移、主从同步)。


mysqlauditadmin — Allows users to perform maintenance action on the audit log

mysqlauditgrep — Allows users to search the current or an archived audit log

mysqlbinlogmove — Binary log relocate utility

mysqlbinlogpurge — Binary log purge utility

mysqlbinlogrotate — Binary log rotate utility

mysqldbcompare — Compare Two Databases and Identify Differences

mysqldbcopy — Copy Database Objects Between Servers

mysqldbexport — Export Object Definitions or Data from a Database

mysqldbimport — Import Object Definitions or Data into a Database

mysqldiff — Identify Differences Among Database Objects

mysqldiskusage — Show Database Disk Usage

mysqlfailover — Automatic replication health monitoring and failover

mysqlfrm — File reader for .frm files.

mysqlgrants — Display grants by object

mysqlindexcheck — Identify Potentially Redundant Table Indexes

mysqlmetagrep — Search Database Object Definitions

mysqlprocgrep — Search Server Process Lists

mysqlreplicate — Set Up and Start Replication Between Two Servers

mysqlrplms — Set Up and Start Replication Among a Slave and Multiple Masters

mysqlrpladmin — Administration utility for MySQL replication

mysqlrplcheck — Check Replication Prerequisites

mysqlrplshow — Show Slaves for Master Server

mysqlrplsync — Replication synchronization checker

mysqlserverclone — Clone Existing Server to Create New Server

mysqlserverinfo — Display Common Diagnostic Information from a Server

mysqlslavetrx — Slave transaction skip utility

mysqluc — Command line client for running MySQL Utilities

mysqluserclone — Clone Existing User to Create New User

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