mysql 控制台_MySQL管理工具MySQL Utilities — MySQL用户控制台(35)


shell> mysqluc

Launching console ...

Welcome to the MySQL Utilities Client (mysqluc) version 1.4.2

Copyright (c) 2010, 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

This is a release of dual licensed MySQL Utilities. For the avoidance of

doubt, this particular copy of the software is released

under the version 2 of the GNU General Public License.

MySQL Utilities is brought to you by Oracle.

Type 'help' for a list of commands or press TAB twice for list of utilities.

mysqluc> help

Command Description

---------------------- ---------------------------------------------------

help utilities Display list of all utilities supported.

help Display help for a specific utility.

show errors Display errors captured during the execution of the


clear errors clear captured errors.

show last error Display the last error captured during the

execution of the utilities

help | help commands Show this list.

exit | quit Exit the console.

set = Store a variable for recall in commands.

show options Display list of options specified by the user on


show variables Display list of variables.

Press ENTER to execute command.

Press ESCAPE to clear the command entry.

Press DOWN to retrieve the previous command.

Press UP to retrieve the next command in history.

Press TAB for type completion of utility, option,

or variable names.

Press TAB twice for list of matching type

completion (context sensitive).

mysqluc> help utilities

Utility Description

---------------- ---------------------------------------------------------

mysqlauditadmin audit log maintenance utility

mysqlauditgrep audit log search utility

mysqldbcompare compare databases for consistency

mysqldbcopy copy databases from one server to another

mysqldbexport export metadata and data from databases

mysqldbimport import metadata and data from files

mysqldiff compare object definitions among objects where the

difference is how db1.obj1 differs from db2.obj2

mysqldiskusage show disk usage for databases

mysqlfailover automatic replication health monitoring and failover

mysqlfrm show CREATE TABLE from .frm files

mysqlindexcheck check for duplicate or redundant indexes

mysqlmetagrep search metadata

mysqlprocgrep search process information

mysqlreplicate establish replication with a master

mysqlrpladmin administration utility for MySQL replication

mysqlrplcheck check replication

mysqlrplms establish multi-source replication

mysqlrplshow show slaves attached to a master

mysqlrplsync replication synchronization checker utility

mysqlserverclone start another instance of a running server

mysqlserverinfo show server information

mysqluserclone clone a MySQL user account to one or more new users

mysqluc> help mysqldb[TAB][TAB]

Utility Description

-------------- -----------------------------------------------------------

mysqldbcompare compare databases for consistency

mysqldbcopy copy databases from one server to another

mysqldbexport export metadata and data from databases

mysqldbimport import metadata and data from files

mysqluc> mysqlrplshow --m[TAB][TAB]

Option Description

--------------------- ----------------------------------------------------

--master=MASTER connection information for master server in the

form: [:]@[:][:]

or [:][:].

--max-depth=MAX_DEPTH limit the traversal to this depth. Valid only with

the --recurse option. Valid values are non-negative


mysqluc> mysqlrplshow --mast[TAB]er=:@localhost:13001

The console has detected that the utility 'mysqlrplshow' ended with an error code.

You can get more information about the error by running the console command 'show last error'.

mysqluc> show last error

Execution of utility: mysqlrplshow --master=:@localhost:13001

returned errorcode: 2 with error message:

Usage: --master=root@localhost:3306 error: The --discover-slaves-login is required to test slave connectivity.

mysqluc> mysqlrplshow --master=:@localhost:13001 \


# master on localhost: ... connected.

# Finding slaves for master: localhost:13001

# Replication Topology Graph

localhost:13001 (MASTER)


+--- localhost:13002 - (SLAVE)


+--- localhost:13003 - (SLAVE)


+--- localhost:13004 - (SLAVE)


+--- localhost:13005 - (SLAVE)

