本文翻译自:Android Studio - How to Change Android SDK Path
When I open Android SDK Manager from Android Studio , the SDK Path displayed is: 当我从Android Studio打开Android SDK Manager时 ,显示的SDK Path是:
I want to change this path. 我想改变这条道路。 How do I do it? 我该怎么做?
From Android Studio 1.0.1 来自Android Studio 1.0.1
Go to 去
From the quick start window, choose Configure, then choose Project Defaults, and then choose Project Structure. 从快速启动窗口中,选择“配置”,然后选择“项目默认值”,然后选择“项目结构”。 Then on the left under Platform Settings choose SDKs. 然后在“平台设置”下的左侧选择SDK。 Then to the right of that choose the current android platform, mine was Android 4.2.2 Platform, and delete it using the red minus button at the top, then add a new android platform using the green plus button at the top and point it to your current SDK folder and that is it. 然后在右侧选择当前的Android平台,我的是Android 4.2.2平台,并使用顶部的红色减号按钮删除它,然后使用顶部的绿色加号按钮添加一个新的Android平台并指向它你当前的SDK文件夹就是这样。
您还可以创建环境变量(在Windows中)ANDROID_HOME到Android SDK的位置,Android Studio将使用它。
Here's how you can change the android sdk path in Android studio: 以下是如何在Android studio中更改android sdk路径:
Note: If changes do not take effect, restarting android studio should fix the problem. 注意:如果更改没有生效,重启android studio应该可以解决问题。
EUREKA I found it! EUREKA我发现了它!
With the current Studio 1.3 each project has a local.properties
file where you can edit the SDK! 使用当前的Studio 1.3,每个项目都有一个local.properties