function [p,f,t] = read_tetgenmesh( file )
% READ_TETGENMESH Reads Tetgen meshes
% Reads the native Tetgen format mesh-files into Matlab. The output
% [p,f,t] (nodes,faces,tetras) is similar to the output of init/poimesh
% of the PDEtool toolbox, which is [p,e,t] (nodes,edges,triangles).
% This function loads only the simplest tetrahedral Tetgen meshes
% (no volume/facet holes or any fance attributes).
% Tetgen manual:
% (13.07.2012)
% Let P,F,T be the number of nodes, faces, and tetras, respectively.
% Nodes (p):
% This function is designed to read the .node files which do not have
% attributes (see Tetgen documentation 4.1.1. on page 31), but have
% boundary markers. p is a [4,P] matrix, where 3 first rows are the
% coordinates, and the last one the boundary marker (1=boundary node,
% 0=inner node)
% Faces (f):
% This function is designed to read .face files which do not specify
% holes (see Tetgen documentation 4.1.2 on page 33), but have boundary
% markers. f is a [4,F] matrix, where 3 first rows are the node indices
% (for node matrix p), and the last one the boundary marker (1=boundary
% face, 0=inner face). A simply connected, no hole domain which has not
% been divided into parts has only boundary faces?
% Tetras (t):
% This function is designed to read .ele files which do not specify
% regional attributes (see Tetgen documentation 4.1.5 on page 38).
% t is a [4,T] matrix where the 4 rows are the node indices (for node
% matrix p).
% SYNTAX: [p,f,t] = readmesh( file )
% IN: file a collection of mesh files created by Tetgen
% file.node/face/ele
% OUT: p points by coordinates
% f boundary faces by points
% t tetras by points
% Author: Immanuel Anjam, University of Jyvaskyla
% Contact:
% Date: 13.07.2012
% Version: 1.1
% nodes for p
fid=fopen([file,'.node'], 'rt'); %open the file
title = fgetl(fid); %read in the header
title = str2num(title);
cols = title(1);
rows = title(2) + title(4) + 1;
data = fscanf(fid, '%e',[rows,cols]); %read in data
p = data(2:rows,1:cols); %ignore the first row
fclose(fid); %close the file
% boundary faces for f
fid=fopen([file,'.face'], 'rt'); %open the file
title = fgetl(fid); %read in the header
title = str2num(title);
cols = title(1);
rows = title(2) + 4;
data = fscanf(fid, '%i',[rows,cols]); %read in data
f = data(2:rows,1:cols); %ignore the first row
fclose(fid); %close the file
% elements for t
fid=fopen([file,'.ele'], 'rt'); %open the file
title = fgetl(fid); %read in the header
title = str2num(title);
cols = title(1);
rows = title(2) + title(3) + 1;
data = fscanf(fid, '%i',[rows,cols]); %read in data
t = data(2:rows,1:cols); %ignore the first row
fclose(fid); %close the file
% boundary edges for e
% these are the corner edges of a domain, not so useful
fid=fopen([file,'.edge'], 'rt'); %open the file
title = fgetl(fid); %read in the header
title = str2num(title);
cols = title(1);
data = fscanf(fid, '%i',[3,cols]); %read in data
e = data(2:3,1:cols); %ignore the first row
fclose(fid); %close the file