python for android-python-for-android



Follow the quickstart


to install and begin creating APKs.

Quick instructions to start would be:

pip install python-for-android

or to test the master branch:

pip install git+

The executable is called python-for-android or p4a (both are

equivalent). To test that the installation worked, try

python-for-android recipes

This should return a list of recipes available to be built.

To build any distributions, you need to set up the Android SDK and NDK

as described in the documentation linked above.

If you did this, to build an APK with SDL2 you can try e.g.

p4a apk –requirements=kivy –private /home/asandy/devel/planewave_frozen/ –package=net.inclem.planewavessdl2 –name=”planewavessdl2” –version=0.5 –bootstrap=sdl2

For full instructions and parameter options, see the

