The Android Build Cookbook offers code snippets to help you quickly implement some common build tasks. For additional instruction, please see the other build documents in this section.
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) # Build all java files in the java subdirectory LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files) # Name of the APK to build LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := LocalPackage # Tell it to build an APK include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
Building a APK that depends on a static .jar file
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) # List of static libraries to include in the package LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES := static-library # Build all java files in the java subdirectory LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files) # Name of the APK to build LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := LocalPackage # Tell it to build an APK include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)Building a APK that should be signed with the platform key
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) # Build all java files in the java subdirectory LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files) # Name of the APK to build LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := LocalPackage LOCAL_CERTIFICATE := platform # Tell it to build an APK include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)Building a APK that should be signed with a specific vendor key
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) # Build all java files in the java subdirectory LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files) # Name of the APK to build LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := LocalPackage LOCAL_CERTIFICATE := vendor/example/certs/app # Tell it to build an APK include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)Adding a prebuilt APK
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) # Module name should match apk name to be installed. LOCAL_MODULE := LocalModuleName LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(LOCAL_MODULE).apk LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS := APPS LOCAL_MODULE_SUFFIX := $(COMMON_ANDROID_PACKAGE_SUFFIX) include $(BUILD_PREBUILT)Adding a Static Java Library
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) # Build all java files in the java subdirectory LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files) # Any libraries that this library depends on LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := android.test.runner # The name of the jar file to create LOCAL_MODULE := sample # Build a static jar file. include $(BUILD_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARY) Variables
These are the variables that you'll commonly see in files, listed alphabetically. First, a note on the variable naming:
LOCAL_ - These variables are set per-module. They are cleared by the include $(CLEAR_VARS) line, so you can rely on them being empty after including that file. Most of the variables you'll use in most modules are LOCAL_ variables.
PRIVATE_ - These variables are make-target-specific variables. That means they're only usable within the commands for that module. It also means that they're unlikely to change behind your back from modules that are included after yours. This link to the make documentation describes more about target-specific variables.
HOST_ and TARGET_ - These contain the directories and definitions that are specific to either the host or the target builds. Do not set variables that start with HOST_ or TARGET_ in your makefiles.
BUILD_ and CLEAR_VARS - These contain the names of well-defined template makefiles to include. Some examples are CLEAR_VARS and BUILD_HOST_PACKAGE.
Any other name is fair-game for you to use in your However, remember that this is a non-recursive build system, so it is possible that your variable will be changed by another included later, and be different when the commands for your rule / module are executed.
Parameter | Description |
LOCAL_ASSET_FILES | In files that include $(BUILD_PACKAGE) set this to the set of files you want built into your app. Usually:
LOCAL_C_INCLUDES | Additional directories to instruct the C/C++ compilers to look for header files in. These paths are rooted at the top of the tree. Use
You should not add subdirectories of include to
LOCAL_CC | If you want to use a different C compiler for this module, set LOCAL_CC to the path to the compiler. If LOCAL_CC is blank, the appropriate default compiler is used. |
LOCAL_CFLAGS | If you have additional flags to pass into the C or C++ compiler, add them here. For example:
LOCAL_COPY_HEADERS | The set of files to copy to the install include tree. You must also supply This is going away because copying headers messes up the error messages, and may lead to people editing those headers instead of the correct ones. It also makes it easier to do bad layering in the system, which we want to avoid. We also aren't doing a C/C++ SDK, so there is no ultimate requirement to copy any headers. |
LOCAL_COPY_HEADERS_TO | The directory within "include" to copy the headers listed in This is going away because copying headers messes up the error messages, and may lead to people editing those headers instead of the correct ones. It also makes it easier to do bad layering in the system, which we want to avoid. We also aren't doing a C/C++ SDK, so there is no ultimate requirement to copy any headers. |
LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION | If your C++ files end in something other than ".cpp ", you can specify the custom extension here. For example:
LOCAL_CPPFLAGS | If you have additional flags to pass into only the C++ compiler, add them here. For example:
LOCAL_CPPFLAGS is guaranteed to be after LOCAL_CFLAGS on the compile line, so you can use it to override flags listed inLOCAL_CFLAGS |
LOCAL_CXX | If you want to use a different C++ compiler for this module, set LOCAL_CXX to the path to the compiler. If LOCAL_CXX is blank, the appropriate default compiler is used. |
LOCAL_FORCE_STATIC_EXECUTABLE | If your executable should be linked statically, set |
LOCAL_GENERATED_SOURCES | Files that you add to |
LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES | When linking Java apps and libraries,
Note that setting |
LOCAL_LDFLAGS | You can pass additional flags to the linker by setting |
LOCAL_MODULE | LOCAL_MODULE is the name of what's supposed to be generated from your For exmample, for libkjs, theLOCAL_MODULE is "libkjs" (the build system adds the appropriate suffix -- .so .dylib .dll). For app modules, useLOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME instead of LOCAL_MODULE . |
LOCAL_MODULE_PATH | Instructs the build system to put the module somewhere other than what's normal for its type. If you override this, make sure you also set LOCAL_UNSTRIPPED_PATH if it's an executable or a shared library so the unstripped binary has somewhere to go. An error will occur if you forget to.
See Putting modules elsewhere for more. |
LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS | Set This variable controls what build flavors the package gets included in. For example:
LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME | LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME is the name of an app. For example, Dialer, Contacts, etc. |
LOCAL_POST_PROCESS_COMMAND | For host executables, you can specify a command to run on the module after it's been linked. You might have to go through some contortions to get variables right because of early or late variable evaluation:
LOCAL_PREBUILT_EXECUTABLES | When including $(BUILD_PREBUILT) or $(BUILD_HOST_PREBUILT), set these to executables that you want copied. They're located automatically into the right bin directory. |
LOCAL_PREBUILT_LIBS | When including $(BUILD_PREBUILT) or $(BUILD_HOST_PREBUILT), set these to libraries that you want copied. They're located automatically into the right lib directory. |
LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES | These are the libraries you directly link against. You don't need to pass transitively included libraries. Specify the name without the suffix:
LOCAL_SRC_FILES | The build system looks at LOCAL_SRC_FILES to know what source files to compile -- .cpp .c .y .l .java. For lex and yacc files, it knows how to correctly do the intermediate .h and .c/.cpp files automatically. If the files are in a subdirectory of the one containing the, prefix them with the directory name:
LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES | These are the static libraries that you want to include in your module. Mostly, we use shared libraries, but there are a couple of places, like executables in sbin and host executables where we use static libraries instead.
LOCAL_UNSTRIPPED_PATH | Instructs the build system to put the unstripped version of the module somewhere other than what's normal for its type. Usually, you override this because you overrode LOCAL_MODULE_PATH for an executable or a shared library. If you overrodeLOCAL_MODULE_PATH , but not LOCAL_UNSTRIPPED_PATH , an error will occur.
See Putting modules elsewhere for more. |
LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES | These are the static libraries that you want to include in your module without allowing the linker to remove dead code from them. This is mostly useful if you want to add a static library to a shared library and have the static library's content exposed from the shared library.
LOCAL_YACCFLAGS | Any flags to pass to invocations of yacc for your module. A known limitation here is that the flags will be the same for all invocations of YACC for your module. This can be fixed. If you ever need it to be, just ask.