ret2tick (fts)
Convert return series to price series for time series object
ret2tick (fts) is not recommended. Use ret2tick instead.
priceFts = ret2tick(returnFts)
priceFts = ret2tick(returnFts,'PARAM1',VALUE1,'PARAM2',VALUE2', ...)
returnFtsFinancial time series object of returns.
'PARAM1'(Optional) StartPrice is a Numeric value
and is a scalar or 1-by-N vector of initial prices
for each asset. If StartPrice is unspecified or empty, the initial price
of all assets is 1.
'PARAM2'(Optional) StartTime is Date value for a
scalar date number or a single date character vector specifying the starting time for the
first observation. This date is applied to the price series of all assets.
The first period price value of the resulting price series will not be reported if
StartTime is not specified. The resulting price series are scaled
based on the StartPrice, even if StartTime is not
'PARAM3'(Optional) Method is a character vector indicating
the method to convert asset returns to prices. The value must be defined as
'Simple' (default) or 'Continuous'. If
Method is 'Simple',
ret2tick uses simple periodic returns. If
Method is 'Continuous', the function uses
continuously compounded returns. Case is ignored for
priceFts = ret2tick(returnFts,'PARAM1',VALUE1,'PARAM2',VALUE2', ...)
generates a financial time series object of prices.
If Method is unspecified or 'Simple', the
prices are
PriceSeries(i+1) = PriceSeries(i)*[1 + ReturnSeries(i)]
If Method is 'Continuous', the prices
PriceSeries(i+1) = PriceSeries(i)*exp[ReturnSeries(i)]
Compute the price series from the following return series:
RetSeries = [0.10 0.12
0.05 0.04
-0.05 0.05]
Use the following dates:
Dates = {'18-Jun-2001'; '17-Sep-2001'; '18-Dec-2001'}
ret = fints(Dates, RetSeries)
ret =
desc: (none)
freq: Unknown (0)
'dates: (3)' 'series1: (3)' 'series2: (3)'
'18-Jun-2001' [ 0.1000] [ 0.1200]
'17-Sep-2001' [ 0.0500] [ 0.0400]
'18-Dec-2001' [ -0.0500] [ 0.0500]
PriceFtS is computed as:
PriceFts = ret2tick(ret, 'StartPrice', 100, 'StartTime', '18-Dec-2000')
PriceFts =
desc: (none)
freq: Unknown (0)
'dates: (4)' 'series1: (4)' 'series2: (4)'
'18-Dec-2000' [ 100] [ 100]
'18-Jun-2001' [ 110.0000] [ 112.0000]
'17-Sep-2001' [ 115.5000] [ 116.4800]
'18-Dec-2001' [ 109.7250] [ 122.3040]
Introduced before R2006a