Material status determines whether a material can be posted to a stock.
There are 3 types of material status in SAP:
Cross-Plant Material Status (mm03->Basic data1->X-plant matl status)
Indicates whether the material may be used in the following areas for all plant:
1>Material management(for example, in purchasing and in inventory management);
2>Production planning and control;
3>Plant maintenance;
4>Costing with a quantity structure
The cross-plant material status restricts the usability of the material for all plants, that is, it defines whether a warning or error message is displayed if you include the material in a particular function.
Plant-Specific Material Status(mm03->Purchasing->Plant-sp.matl status)
Indicates whether, for a specific plant, the material may be used in the following areas:
1>Material management(for example, in purchasing and in inventory management);
2>Production planning and control;
3>Plant maintenance;
4>Warehouse management;
5>Costing with a quantity structure
The plant-specific material status restricts the usability of the material for the plant concerned, that is, it defines whether a warning or error message is displayed if you include the material in a particular function.
Cross-distribution-chain material status
Indicates whether the material may be used in individual functions in sales and distribution for all distribution chains.
The cross-distribution-chain material status restricts the usability of the material for all the distribution chains, that is, it defines whether a warning or error message is displayed if you include the material in a particular function.
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