You are teaching a course and must cover n (1 <= n <= 1000) topics. The length of each lecture is L (1 <= L <= 500) minutes. The topics require t1, t2, ..., tn (1 <= ti <= L) minutes each. For each topic, you must decide in which lecture it should be covered. There are two scheduling restrictions:
1. Each topic must be covered in a single lecture. It cannot be divided into two lectures. This reduces discontinuity between lectures.
2. Topic i must be covered before topic i + 1 for all 1 <= i < n. Otherwise, students may not have the prerequisites to understand topic i + 1.
With the above restrictions, it is sometimes necessary to have free time at the end of a lecture. If the amount of free time is at most 10 minutes, the students will be happy to leave early. However, if the amount of free time is more, they would feel t