package wikipedia import org.apache.spark.SparkConf import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._ import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD case class WikipediaArticle(title: String, text: String) object WikipediaRanking { val langs = List( "JavaScript", "Java", "PHP", "Python", "C#", "C++", "Ruby", "CSS", "Objective-C", "Perl", "Scala", "Haskell", "MATLAB", "Clojure", "Groovy") val conf: SparkConf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local[*]").setAppName("WikipediaRanking") val sc: SparkContext = new SparkContext(conf) // Hint: use a combination of `sc.textFile`, `WikipediaData.filePath` and `WikipediaData.parse` val wikiRdd: RDD[WikipediaArticle] = sc.textFile(WikipediaData.filePath).map(WikipediaData.parse(_)) /** Returns the number of articles on which the language `lang` occurs. * Hint1: consider using method `aggregate` on RDD[T]. * Hint2: should you count the "Java" language when you see "JavaScript"? * Hint3: the only whitespaces are blanks " " * Hint4: no need to search in the title :) */ def occurrencesOfLang(lang: String, rdd: RDD[WikipediaArticle]): Int = try{ rdd.aggregate(0)((i,wiki)=> wiki.text.split(" ").filter(lang eq _).map(_ => 1).reduceLeft(_ + _), _ + _) } catch { case e:Exception => println(s"no Data Found for lang $lang!");0; } /* (1) Use `occurrencesOfLang` to compute the ranking of the languages * (`val langs`) by determining the number of Wikipedia articles that * mention each language at least once. Don't forget to sort the * languages by their occurence, in decreasing order! * * Note: this operation is long-running. It can potentially run for * several seconds. */ def rankLangs(langs: List[String], rdd: RDD[WikipediaArticle]): List[(String, Int)] = => (lang,occurrencesOfLang(lang, rdd))) /* Compute an inverted index of the set of articles, mapping each language * to the Wikipedia pages in which it occurs. */ def makeIndex(langs: List[String], rdd: RDD[WikipediaArticle]): RDD[(String, Iterable[WikipediaArticle])] = rdd.flatMap { wa => val words = wa.text.split(' ').toSet val intersect = words.intersect(langs.toSet).toList intersect map((_, wa)) }.groupBy(_._1) map { case (lang, it) => (lang, } /* (2) Compute the language ranking again, but now using the inverted index. Can you notice * a performance improvement? * * Note: this operation is long-running. It can potentially run for * several seconds. */ def rankLangsUsingIndex(index: RDD[(String, Iterable[WikipediaArticle])]): List[(String, Int)] = index.flatMap{case (key, values) => {case (articulo) => (key, 1)}}.reduceByKey(_ + _).collect.toList /* (3) Use `reduceByKey` so that the computation of the index and the ranking is combined. * Can you notice an improvement in performance compared to measuring *both* the computation of the index * and the computation of the ranking? If so, can you think of a reason? * * Note: this operation is long-running. It can potentially run for * several seconds. */ def rankLangsReduceByKey(langs: List[String], rdd: RDD[WikipediaArticle]): List[(String, Int)] = rdd.flatMap(_.text.split(" ")).filter(langs.contains _).map((_,1)).reduceByKey(_ + _).collect().toList def main(args: Array[String]) { /* Languages ranked according to (1) */ val langsRanked: List[(String, Int)] = timed("Part 1: naive ranking", rankLangs(langs, wikiRdd)) /* An inverted index mapping languages to wikipedia pages on which they appear */ def index: RDD[(String, Iterable[WikipediaArticle])] = makeIndex(langs, wikiRdd) /* Languages ranked according to (2), using the inverted index */ val langsRanked2: List[(String, Int)] = timed("Part 2: ranking using inverted index", rankLangsUsingIndex(index)) /* Languages ranked according to (3) */ val langsRanked3: List[(String, Int)] = timed("Part 3: ranking using reduceByKey", rankLangsReduceByKey(langs, wikiRdd)) /* Output the speed of each ranking */ println(timing) sc.stop() } val timing = new StringBuffer def timed[T](label: String, code: => T): T = { val start = System.currentTimeMillis() val result = code val stop = System.currentTimeMillis() timing.append(s"Processing $label took ${stop - start} ms.\n") result } }