利用 assistant_如何在没有编程经验的情况下为Google Assistant构建应用


利用 assistant

Recently, Google launched a developer program for Google Assistant. This program was launched with the incentive to engage users to Google Assistant. Google invited a ton of developers from all around the world to join their developer community to build some cool apps for Google Assistant.

最近,Google为Google助手启动了一个开发人员计划。 启动该计划的目的是鼓励用户参与Google Assistant。 Google邀请了来自世界各地的大量开发人员加入他们的开发人员社区,为Google Assistant构建一些很棒的应用程序。

There are two very cool things about this community program. First, you don’t need to be a developer to built apps. So, stay tuned because I’m going to tell you how you can build some cool apps and get them published even if you don’t know how to write code.

这个社区计划有两个非常酷的方面。 首先,您无需成为开发应用程序的开发人员。 因此,请继续关注,因为即使您不知道如何编写代码,我也将告诉您如何构建一些很酷的应用程序并将其发布。

And second, if your app gets published, then Google will send you an exclusive Google Assistant t-shirt — and your account associated with that app will be credited with up to $200 of cloud services every month for the next year. And also you will get some more awards and perks when your app crosses certain milestones.

其次,如果您的应用发布了,那么Google将向您发送独家的Google Assistant T恤-与此应用相关联的帐户将在下一年每月获得最多200美元的云服务信用。 当您的应用程序跨越某些里程碑时,您还将获得更多奖励和特权。

So, let’s get started. First of all, go to the Google Assistant developer community program. Then you will land on this page.

因此,让我们开始吧。 首先,转到Google Assistant开发者社区计划 。 然后,您将进入此页面。

Click on the “Home” button in the navigation bar. This will take you to a page which looks like this.

单击导航栏中的“主页”按钮。 这将带您进入一个如下所示的页面。

Now at this point, I suggest you go through the details given on this page. In the top-right corner of the page, you will find a button named “ACTIONS CONSOLE”. Click on that and it will now take you to this page.

现在,我建议您仔细阅读本页上的详细信息。 在页面的右上角,您将找到一个名为“ ACTIONS CONSOLE”的按钮。 单击它,现在将带您到此页面。

Now go forward and click on that “+” sign to Add or Import your project. After you clicked on that you will reach this stage.

现在,继续并单击该“ +”号以添加或导入您的项目。 单击后,您将到达此阶段。

Now write the name of your project and select your Country/region. And if you have time, make sure to read Terms of Service and Policies. After you have completed this, click on “CREATE PROJECT” and it will take you to the next page.

现在写下您的项目名称,然后选择您的国家/地区。 如果有时间,请务必阅读服务条款和政策。 完成此操作后,单击“创建项目”,它将带您进入下一页。

Here you will find a lot of things to do. If you are a developer then you can check out the options like Dialogflow, Smart home, and Actions SDK — but don’t worry if you are a newbie and you don’t know how to work with these things. Now scroll down to the bottom and you’ll find some options there.

在这里,您会发现很多事情要做。 如果您是开发人员,则可以签出Dialogflow,Smart home和Actions SDK之类的选项,但是不用担心,如果您是新手,也不知道如何使用这些功能。 现在向下滚动到底部,您将在其中找到一些选项。

Here, you have the option to choose one of these templates which are already built by Google. You have to just reinvent them in your own unique way. Now I’m going to choose trivia. So, click on the “BUILD” and proceed.

在这里,您可以选择Google已经构建的这些模板之一。 您只需要以自己独特的方式重新发明它们即可。 现在,我将选择琐事。 因此,单击“构建”并继续。

And now you’ll find yourself on this page.


Here, you have to choose a personality for your Google Assistant app. You can choose any of them according to your choice. I’ll choose the one on the right, “Beeps the Robot.” After you have chosen the personality for your app, click on the “NEXT” button.

在这里,您必须为Google Assistant应用选择个性。 您可以根据自己的选择进行选择。 我将在右侧选择一个“哔哔机器人”。 为您的应用选择个性之后,单击“下一步”按钮。

And you are here and now all you have to do is to click on the “Bulk upload the content for your app using Google Sheets.”


Now, here you can do one thing which will make your life easier. Just click on the link which says “Make a copy of the pre-filled Google Sheet for editing.” It doesn’t mean that you are going to copy someone else’s idea, but Google has a defined format for the app templates they have provided us. So don’t think that you’re going to get into any plagiarism stuff. When you click on that link, you will get a Google sheet which is filled already and looks somewhat like this.

现在,您可以在这里做一件事,这将使您的生活更轻松。 只需单击显示“复制预填的Google表格以进行编辑”的链接。 这并不意味着您要复制别人的想法,而是Google为他们提供给我们的应用模板定义了格式。 因此,不要以为您会涉嫌窃。 当您单击该链接时,您将获得一个已经填满的Google工作表,看起来像这样。

All you have to do is just edit this sheet in your own way, and when you are done just go to the previous tab and click “NEXT”.


Here you have to paste the link to the sheet that you edited previously and then click upload. Then it will start validating. If your content is validated then you will see something like this.

在这里,您必须将链接粘贴到先前编辑的工作表,然后单击上载。 然后它将开始验证。 如果您的内容经过验证,那么您将看到类似这样的内容。

Click on the “Create App” and proceed and you will see this.


You can test your app by clicking on “Test App,” and when you are done testing your app come back and click on “DONE”.


Then you will see something like this.


On the top left corner of the page, you’ll find “Overview” and then click on that to move further.


After you have clicked on the overview, you will reach the page you can see in the image above. Now you can edit the information for your app. You will reach a point while filling out the details for your app where you have to fill the link to your privacy policy.

单击概述后,您将进入上图所示的页面。 现在,您可以编辑应用程序的信息。 在填写您的应用程序详细信息时,您将到达必须填写隐私政策链接的地步。

At this point be careful — you don’t want to mess with the Privacy of your user since it is the most important issue. If at this moment you want help with your privacy policy, then click “LEARN MORE” in the blue bar.

在这一点上要小心-您不想弄乱用户的隐私,因为这是最重要的问题。 如果此时您需要有关隐私政策的帮助,请单击蓝色栏中的“了解更多信息”。

When you click on it you will get a Google sheet, and all the information about the privacy policy will be given to you in that sheet. You have to carefully follow the steps given in that sheet.

当您单击它时,您将获得一个Google工作表,并且有关该隐私权政策的所有信息都将在该工作表中提供给您。 您必须仔细遵循该表中给出的步骤。

When you are done with all the details of your app, then click on the “Save” at the bottom right corner of your page.


Now go back and click on the “Test Draft” to test your app. When you are done with your final testing, then click on “Submit Draft for Review.”

现在返回并单击“测试草稿”以测试您的应用。 完成最终测试后,请单击“提交草稿以供审核”。

And you are done. Whoa! You have created an application for Google Assistant. You are awesome!

您完成了。 哇! 您已经为Google助手创建了一个应用程序。 你真棒!

So this was all for the Google Assistant app. If you are still facing any problems with it, then make sure you contact me. This was my first ever article on Medium! Feel free to tell me your views about this article, and if you think it was helpful for you, then please make sure to clap! Also, make sure to check out my Google Assistant Apps too: 1. Silly Quizz 2.Element Name 3.Mr. Names.

这就是Google Assistant应用的全部内容。 如果您仍然遇到任何问题,请确保与我联系。 这是我关于媒体的第一篇文章! 请随时告诉我您对本文的看法,如果您认为这对您有所帮助,请务必鼓掌! 另外,请确保也签出我的Google Assistant应用:1. Silly Quizz 2. 元素名称 3. Mr. Names

Thank You :)

谢谢 :)

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-build-apps-for-google-assistant-with-no-programming-experience-42a490d63822/

利用 assistant
