


This document describes ASP.NET Core integration for ASP.NET Boilerplate framework. ASP.NET Core integration is implemented in Abp.AspNetCore nuget package

本文档介绍了ASP.NET样板ASP.NET核心集成框架。ASP.NET的核心集成在abp.aspnetcore NuGet包实现

Migrating to ASP.NET Core?(迁移到ASP.NET Core

If you have an existing project and considering to migrate to ASP.NET Core, you can read our blog post for our experince on the migration.


Startup Template(启动模板

You can create your project from startup template, which is a simple, empty web project but properly integrated and configured to work with ABP framework.



Startup Class

To integrate ABP to ASP.NET Core, we should make some changes in the Startup class as shown below:

public class Startup
    public IServiceProvider ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

        //Configure Abp and Dependency Injection. Should be called last.
        return services.AddAbp<MyProjectWebModule>(options =>
            //Configure Log4Net logging (optional)
                f => f.UseLog4Net().WithConfig("log4net.config")

    public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
        //Initializes ABP framework and all modules. Should be called first.

Module Configuration(模块配置

You can use startup configuration to configure AspNet Core Module (using Configuration.Modules.AbpAspNetCore() in PreInitialize of your module).



Controllers can be any type of classes in ASP.NET Core. It's not restricted to classes derived from Controller class. By default, a class ends with Controller (like ProductController) is considered as MVC Controller. You can also add MVC's [Controller] attribute to any class to make it a controller. This is the way ASP.NET Core MVC is working. See ASP.NET Core documentation for more.

If you will use web layer classes (like HttpContext) or return a view, it's better to inherit from AbpController (which is derived from MVC's Controller) class. But if you are creating an API controller just works with objects, you can consider to create a POCO controller class or you can use your application services as controllers as described below.



Application Services as Controllers

ASP.NET Boilerplate provides infrastructure to create application services. If you want to expose your application services to remote clients as controllers (as previously done using dynamic web api), you can easily do it by a simple configuration in PreInitialize method of your module. Example:

ASP.NET样板提供基础设施创建应用程序服务。如果你想让你的应用服务远程客户作为控制器(如先前使用动态Web API),你可以很容易做到的一个简单的配置分发你的模块的方法。例子:

Configuration.Modules.AbpAspNetCore().CreateControllersForAppServices(typeof(MyApplicationModule).Assembly, moduleName: 'app', useConventionalHttpVerbs: true);

CreateControllersForAppServices method gets an assembly and converts all application services to MVC controllers in that assembly. You can use RemoteService attribute to enable/disable it for method or class level.


When an application service is converted to MVC Controller, it's default route will be like /api/services/<module-name>/<service-name>/<method-name>. Example: If ProductAppService defines a Create method, it's URL will be/api/services/app/product/create (assumed that module name is 'app').


If useConventionalHttpVerbs set to true (which is the default value), then HTTP verbs for service methods are determined by naming conventions:


  • Get: Used if method name starts with 'Get'.
  • Put: Used if method name starts with 'Put' or 'Update'.
  • Delete: Used if method name starts with 'Delete' or 'Remove'.
  • Post: Used if method name starts with 'Post', 'Create' or 'Insert'.
  • Patch: Used if method name starts with 'Patch'.
  • Otherwise, Post is used as default HTTP verb.

You can use any ASP.NET Core attributes to change HTTP methods or routes of the actions (but surely, this requires to add reference to related ASP.NET Core package).

Note: Previously, dynamic web api system was requiring to create service interfaces for application services. But this is not required for ASP.NET Core integration. Also, MVC attributes should be added to the service classes, even you have interfaces.


注意:以前,动态Web API系统要求为应用程序服务创建服务接口。但这并不是ASP.NET的核心集成所需。另外,MVC属性应该添加到服务类中,即使您有接口。


ABP defines some pre-built filters for AspNet Core. All of them are added to all actions of all controllers by default.


Authorization Filter(授权过滤

AbpAuthorizationFilter is used to integrate to authorization system and feature system.


  • You can define AbpMvcAuthorize attribute for actions or controllers to check desired permissions before action execution.
  • You can define RequiresFeature attribute for actions or controllers to check desired features before action execution.
  • You can define AllowAnonymous (or AbpAllowAnonymous in application layer) attribute for actions or controllers to suppress authentication/authorization.
  • 你可以定义为行动或控制器在执行检查所需的权限abpmvcauthorize属性。

Audit Action Filter(审计行为过滤

AbpAuditActionFilter is used to integrate to audit logging system. It logs all requests to all actions by default (if auditing is not disabled). You can control audit logging using Audited and DisableAuditing attributes for actions and controllers.


Validation Action Filter(动作验证过滤器

AbpValidationActionFilter is used to integrate to validation system and automatically validate all inputs of all actions. In addition to ABP's built-in validation & normalization, it also checks MVC's Model.IsValid property and throws validation exception if action inputs have any invalid value.

You can control validation using EnableValidation and DisableValidation attributes for actions and controllers.



Unit of Work Action Filter(工作单元动作过滤

AbpUowActionFilter is used to integrate to Unit of Work system. It automatically begins a new unit of work before an action execution and completes unit of work after action exucition (if no exception is thrown).

You can use UnitOfWork attribute to control behaviour of UOW for an action. You can also use startup configuration to change default unit of work attribute for all actions.


你可以使用属性来控制一个动作UnitOfWork UOW的行为。

Exception Filter(异常过滤

AbpExceptionFilter is used to handle exceptions thrown from controller actions. It handles and logs exceptions and returns wrapped response to the client.

  • It only handles object results, not view results. So, actions returns any object, JsonResult or ObjectResult will be handled. Action returns a view or any other result type implements IActionsResult are not handled. It's suggested to use built-in UseExceptionHandler extension method defined in Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagonistics package to handle view exceptions.
  • Exception handling and logging behaviour can be changed using WrapResult and DontWrapResult attributes for methods and classes.
  • abpexceptionfilter是用来处理从控制器动作抛出的异常。它处理和记录异常并返回对客户机的包装响应。

    它只处理对象结果,而不查看结果。所以,行动返回任何对象,objectresult JsonResult或将处理。动作返回一个视图或任何其他结果类型实现了iactionsresult处理不。建议使用内置的useexceptionhandler扩展方法在microsoft.aspnetcore.diagonistics包定义视图的例外处理。

Result Filter(结果过滤

AbpResultFilter is mainly used to wrap result action if action is successfully executed.

  • It only wraps results for JsonResult, ObjectResult and any object which does not implement IActionResult (and also their async versions). If your action is returning a view or any other type of result, it's not wrapped.
  • WrapResult and DontWrapResult attributes can be used for methods and classes to enable/disable wrapping.
  • You can use startup configuration to change default behaviour for result wrapping.
  • abpresultfilter主要用于包装的行动,如果行动是成功执行的结果。

    这只包的结果objectresult JsonResult,任何对象没有实现iactionresult(也是他们的异步版本)。如果您的操作返回视图或其他类型的结果,则不会包装。

Result Caching For Ajax Requests(用于Ajax请求的结果缓存

AbpResultFilter adds Cache-Control header (no-cache, no-store...) to the response for AJAX Requests. Thus, it prevents browser caching of AJAX responses even for GET requests. This behaviour can be disabled by the configuration or attributes. You can use NoClientCache attrbiute to prevent caching (default) or AllowClientCache attrbiute to allow browser to cache results. Alternatively you can implement IClientCacheAttribute to create your special attribute for finer control.

abpresultfilter添加缓存控制头(没有缓存,没有存储…)的响应Ajax请求。因此,即使GET请求,它也阻止浏览器缓存Ajax响应。可以通过配置或属性禁用此行为。你可以使用noclientcache attrbiute防止缓存(默认)或allowclientcache attrbiute让浏览器缓存结果。或者你可以实现iclientcacheattribute为更好的控制创建您的特殊属性。

Model Binders(模型绑定

AbpDateTimeModelBinder is used to normalize DateTime (and Nullable<DateTime>) inputs using Clock.Normalize method.

abpdatetimemodelbinder用来规范datetime(and Nullable<DateTime>)投入使用的时钟规范方法。


MVC Views can be inherited from AbpRazorPage to automatically inject most used infrastructure (LocalizationManager, PermissionChecker, SettingManager... etc.). It also has shortcut methods (like L(...) for localize texts). Startup template inherits it by default.

You can inherit your web components from AbpViewComponent instead of ViewComponent to take advantage of base properties and methods.


你可以继承您的Web部件代替ViewComponent abpviewcomponent利用基地的属性和方法。

Client Proxies(客户端代理

ABP can automatically create javascript proxies for all MVC Controllers (not only application services). It's created for Application Services as Controllers (see the section above) by default. You can add [RemoteService] attribute to any MVC controller to create client proxy for it. Javascript proxies are dynamically generated on runtime. You need to add given script definition to your page:

ABP可以为所有MVC控制器(不仅仅是应用程序服务)自动创建JavaScript代理。它是为应用程序服务创建的,默认情况下是控制器(参见以上部分)。您可以添加【RemoteService ]属性的任何MVC控制器为它创建客户端代理。JavaScript代理是在运行时动态生成的。您需要将给定的脚本定义添加到页面中:

<script src="~/AbpServiceProxies/GetAll?type=jquery" type="text/javascript"></script>

Currently, only JQuery proxies are generated. We can then call an MVC method with javascript as shown below:


    name: 'My test product',
    price: 99

Integration Testing(集成测试

Integration testing is fairly easy for ASP.NET Core and it's documented it's own web site in details. ABP follows this guide and provides AbpAspNetCoreIntegratedTestBase class in Abp.AspNetCore.TestBase package. It makes integration testing even easier.

It's better to start by investigating integration tests in startup template to see it in action.


