Table A have 12( 8+4) entries, 8 entries have valid relation with B Table B have 80(77+3) entries , 77 entries have valid relation with A.
then the return amount of join is : cross join : 12*80 inner join : 77 full outer join : 77+4+3 left outer join: 77 + 4 right outrer join: 77 + 3
INNER Join code as the following:
Select * from A a, B b where a.categoryID = b.categoryID; equals: Select * from A a inner join B b on a.categoryID = b.categoryID;
OUTER Join code as the following
select * from A a full(left/right) outer join B b on a on a.categoryID = b.categoryID;
left/right outer join claus specific for MSSQL: Select * from A a, B b where a.categoryID *= bcategoryID; elect * from A a, B b where a.categoryID =* b.categoryID;
left/right outer join claus specific for Oracle: Select * from A a, B b where a.categoryID = b.categoryID(+); Select * from A a, B b where a.categoryID (+) = b.categoryID;