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Servant Locators


The ServantLocator Interface

module Ice {
    local interface ServantLocator {
        Object locate(Current curr, out LocalObject cookie);

        void finished(Current curr, Object servant, LocalObject cookie);

        void deactivate(string category);

Servant Locator Registration

module Ice {
    local interface ObjectAdapter {
        // ...

        void addServantLocator(ServantLocator locator, string category);

        ServantLocator removeServantLocator(string category);

        ServantLocator findServantLocator(string category);

        // ...

Servant Locator Example

struct Details {
    // Lots of details about the entry here...

interface PhoneEntry {
    idempotent Details getDetails();
    idempotent void updateDetails(Details d);
    // ...

struct SearchCriteria {
    // Fields to permit searching...

interface PhoneBook {
    idempotent PhoneEntry* search(SearchCriteria c);
    // ...
class MyServantLocator : public virtual Ice::ServantLocator {

    virtual Ice::ObjectPtr locate(const Ice::Current& c, Ice::LocalObjectPtr& cookie);

    virtual void finished(const Ice::Current& c, const Ice::ObjectPtr& servant,
                          const Ice::LocalObjectPtr& cookie);

    virtual void deactivate(const std::string& category);
MyServantLocator::locate(const Ice::Current& c, Ice::LocalObjectPtr& cookie)
    // Get the object identity. (We use the name member
    // as the database key.)
    std::string name = c.id.name;

    // Use the identity to retrieve the state from the database.
    ServantDetails d;
    try {
        d = DB_lookup(name);
    } catch (const DB_error&)
        return 0;

    // We have the state, instantiate a servant and return it.
    return new PhoneEntryI(d);

Using Identity Categories with Servant Locators

MyServantLocator::locate(const Ice::Current& c, Ice::LocalObjectPtr& cookie)
    // Get the object identity. (We use the name member
    // as the database key.)
    std::string name = c.id.name;
    std::string realId = c.id.name.substr(1);
    try {
        if (name[0] == 'd') {
            // The request is for a directory.
            DirectoryDetails d = DB_lookup(realId);
            return new DirectoryI(d);
        } else {
            // The request is for a file.
            FileDetails d = DB_lookup(realId);
            return new FileI(d);
    } catch (DatabaseNotFoundException&) {
        return 0;
class DirectoryLocator : public virtual Ice::ServantLocator {

    virtual Ice::ObjectPtr locate(const Ice::Current& c, Ice::LocalObjectPtr& cookie)
        // Code to locate and instantiate a directory here...

    virtual void finished(const Ice::Current& c, const Ice::ObjectPtr& servant,
                          const Ice::LocalObjectPtr& cookie)

    virtual void deactivate(const std::string& category)

class FileLocator : public virtual Ice::ServantLocator {

    virtual Ice::ObjectPtr locate(const Ice::Current& c, Ice::LocalObjectPtr& cookie)
        // Code to locate and instantiate a file here...

    virtual void finished(const Ice::Current& c, const Ice::ObjectPtr& servant,
                          const Ice::LocalObjectPtr& cookie)

    virtual void deactivate(const std::string& category)

// ...

// Register two locators, one for directories and
// one for files.
adapter->addServantLocator(new DirectoryLocator(), "d");
adapter->addServantLocator(new FileLocator(), "f");



