def apply_async(self, args=None, kwargs=None, task_id=None, producer=None,
link=None, link_error=None, shadow=None, **options):
"""Apply tasks asynchronously by sending a message.
args (Tuple): The positional arguments to pass on to the task.
kwargs (Dict): The keyword arguments to pass on to the task.
countdown (float): Number of seconds into the future that the
task should execute. Defaults to immediate execution.
eta (~datetime.datetime): Absolute time and date of when the task
should be executed. May not be specified if `countdown`
is also supplied.
expires (float, ~datetime.datetime): Datetime or
seconds in the future for the task should expire.
The task won't be executed after the expiration time.
shadow (str): Override task name used in logs/monitoring.
Default is retrieved from :meth:`shadow_name`.
重写日志/监视中使用的任务名称。默认值是从:meth: ' shadow_name '检索的。
connection (kombu.Connection): Re-use existing broker connection
instead of acquiring one from the connection pool.
retry (bool): If enabled sending of the task message will be
retried in the event of connection loss or failure.
Default is taken from the :setting:`task_publish_retry`
setting. Note that you need to handle the
producer/connection manually for this to work.
如果启用,将在连接丢失或失败的情况下重试发送任务消息。默认值取自:setting: ' task_publish_retry '设置。注意,您需要手动处理生成器/连接,这样才能工作。
retry_policy (Mapping): Override the retry policy used.
See the :setting:`task_publish_retry_policy` setting.
重写使用的重试策略。参见:设置:' task_publish_retry_policy '设置。
queue (str, kombu.Queue): The queue to route the task to.
This must be a key present in :setting:`task_queues`, or
:setting:`task_create_missing_queues` must be
enabled. See :ref:`guide-routing` for more
要将任务路由到的队列。这个键必须出现在:setting: ' task_queues '中,或者必须启用:setting: ' task_create_missing_queues '。参见:ref: ' guide-routing '获取更多信息。
exchange (str, kombu.Exchange): Named custom exchange to send the
task to. Usually not used in combination with the ``queue``
routing_key (str): Custom routing key used to route the task to a
worker server. If in combination with a ``queue`` argument
only used to specify custom routing keys to topic exchanges.
自定义路由键,用于将任务路由到工作服务器。如果与' ' queue ' '参数组合,则仅用于指定主题交换的自定义路由键。
priority (int): The task priority, a number between 0 and 9.
Defaults to the :attr:`priority` attribute.
任务优先级,一个介于0和9之间的数字。默认为:attr: ' priority '属性。
serializer (str): Serialization method to use.
Can be `pickle`, `json`, `yaml`, `msgpack` or any custom
serialization method that's been registered
with :mod:`kombu.serialization.registry`.
Defaults to the :attr:`serializer` attribute.
要使用的序列化方法。可以是' pickle ', ' json ', ' yaml ', ' msgpack '或任何自定义序列化方法,已注册:mod: ' kombu.serialization.registry '。默认为:attr: ' serializer '属性。
compression (str): Optional compression method
to use. Can be one of ``zlib``, ``bzip2``,
or any custom compression methods registered with
Defaults to the :setting:`task_compression` setting.
可选压缩方法使用。可以是' ' zlib ' ', ' ' ' bzip2 ' ',或任何自定义的压缩方法注册:func: ' kombu.compression.register '。默认为:setting: ' task_compression '设置。
link (Signature): A single, or a list of tasks signatures
to apply if the task returns successfully.
link_error (Signature): A single, or a list of task signatures
to apply if an error occurs while executing the task.
producer (kombu.Producer): custom producer to use when publishing
the task.
add_to_parent (bool): If set to True (default) and the task
is applied while executing another task, then the result
will be appended to the parent tasks ``request.children``
attribute. Trailing can also be disabled by default using the
:attr:`trail` attribute
如果设置为True(默认),并且在执行另一个任务时应用该任务,那么结果将被追加到父任务' ' request。孩子“属性。默认情况下也可以使用:attr: ' trail '属性禁用尾随
publisher (kombu.Producer): Deprecated alias to ``producer``.
不赞成使用' ' producer ' '的别名。
headers (Dict): Message headers to be included in the message.
celery.result.AsyncResult: Promise of future evaluation.
TypeError: If not enough arguments are passed, or too many
arguments are passed. Note that signature checks may
be disabled by specifying ``@task(typing=False)``.
kombu.exceptions.OperationalError: If a connection to the
transport cannot be made, or if the connection is lost.
Also supports all keyword arguments supported by