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php jsonserializable,PHP: JsonSerializable::jsonSerialize - Manual


simple functions to make life easier.

I wanted a way to have a as property value the return value of a method in order to have it initialized. example

class portItem implements JsonSerializable{

private $idPort;

private $location;

private $portLanguages;

public function getLocation() {


return new locationItem();


return $this->location;


public function setLocation($location) {

$this->location = $location;


public function setidPort($idPort){



public function getidPort(){


return 0;


return intval($this->idPort);


public function setPortLanguages($portLanguages){



public function getPortLanguages(){


return new genericItems();


return $this->portLanguages;


public function getCategoryLanguages(){


return new genericItems();


return $this->portLanguages;


public function getPortLanguageAtIndex($index=false){




return $this->portLanguages[$index];


public function setPortLanguageAtIndex($index,$language){



public function jsonSerialize() {

$dataConverter = new dataConverter();

return $dataConverter->convertToJson($this);



Wit 2 ways you can automatically convert for json.

1.by reading properties

public function convertToJson($object){

/*approch by using object properties*/

$class = get_class($this);

$json = array();

$properties = get_class_vars($class);

$keys = array_keys($properties);

$plength = count($keys);


$method =  "get".$keys[$i];

if(method_exists ($this,$method)){

$json[$keys[$i]] = $this->$method();



return $json;


public function convertToJson($object){

/*approch by using object methods*/

$class = get_class($object);

$json = array();

$methods = get_class_methods($class);

$plength = count($methods);

$json = array();


if(stripos($methods[$i], "get")!==FALSE){

$property = mb_substr($methods[$i], 3,mb_strlen($methods[$i],'UTF-8'),'UTF-8');

$setter = "set".mb_substr($methods[$i], 3,mb_strlen($methods[$i],'UTF-8'),'UTF-8');


$json[$property] = $object->$methods[$i]();




return $json;


By using this method the result will be a json with value for properties initialized according to each method.

Things to note

1.if you are using the reading properties approach the code cant' work outside of the class for private properties, because they are nto visible, you have to put it the code directly to public function jsonSerialize() {} in order to work.

2.For both approaches has method seems not to be case sensitive else you are going to have problems, i strongly suggest to pay attention in naming convention between property names and method names idPort =>setIdPort() =>getIdPort() (i know my class is done not that way).

3.both approaches since you call method without knowing the arguments you need to pay attention in arguments for getter methods where applicable, check my example

public function getPortLanguageAtIndex($index=false){




return $this->portLanguages[$index];


that's why i have set it to optional argument. If you don't do that php will complain about missing argument parameter in method XXX.
