

Liferay6.2有很多改动。service builder也有一些变化。可以设置的信息如下:

<!DOCTYPE service-builder PUBLIC
    "-//Liferay//DTD Service Builder 6.2.0//EN"

The service-builder element is the root of the deployment descriptor for
a Service Builder descriptor that is used to generate services available to
portlets. The Service Builder saves the developer time by generating Spring
utilities, SOAP utilities, and Hibernate persistence classes to ease the
development of services.
<!ELEMENT service-builder (author?, namespace, entity*, exceptions?,

The package-path value specifies the package of the generated code.

The auto-namespace-tables value specifies whether or not to automatically
namespace tables. The default value is false for core services and true for
plugin services.
<!ATTLIST service-builder
    package-path CDATA #REQUIRED
    auto-namespace-tables CDATA #IMPLIED

The author element is the name of the user associated with the generated code.
<!ELEMENT author (#PCDATA)>

The namespace element must be a unique namespace for this component. Table names
will be prepended with this namespace. Generated JSON JavaScript will be scoped
to this namespace as well (i.e., Liferay.Service.Test.* if the namespace is
<!ELEMENT namespace (#PCDATA)>

An entity usually represents a business facade and a table in the database. If
an entity does not have any columns, then it only represents a business facade.
The Service Builder will always generate an empty business facade POJO if it
does not exist. Upon subsequent generations, the Service Builder will check to
see if the business facade already exists. If it exists and has additional
methods, then the Service Builder will also update the SOAP wrappers.

If an entity does have columns, then the value object, the POJO class that
is mapped to the database, and other persistence utilities are also generated
based on the order and finder elements.
<!ELEMENT entity (column*, order?, finder*, reference*, tx-required*)>

The name value specifies the name of the entity.

The human-name value specifies the readable name to use when generating
documentation for this entity. If none is specified, one will be generated from
the name.

The table value specifies the name of the table that this entity maps to in the
database. If this value is not set, then the name of the table is the same as
the name of the entity.

If the uuid value is true, then the service will generate a UUID column for the
service. This column will automatically be populated with a UUID. Developers
will also be able to find and remove based on that UUID. The default value is

If the uuid-accessor value is true, then the service will generate a UUID column
accessor for the service. This accessor will provide a fast and type-safe way to
access entity's UUID.

If the local-service value is true, then the service will generate the local
interfaces for the service. The default value is false.

If the remote-service value is true, then the service will generate remote
interfaces for the service. The default value is true.

The persistence-class value specifies the name of your custom persistence class.
This class must implement the generated persistence interface or extend the
generated persistence class. This allows you to override default behavior
without modifying the generated persistence class.

You can generate classes to use a custom data source and session factory.
Point "spring.configs" in to load your custom Spring XML with
the definitions of your custom data source and session factory. Then set the
data-source and session-factory values to your custom values.

The data-source value specifies the data source target that is set to the
persistence class. The default value is the Liferay data source. This is used in
conjunction with session-factory. See data-source-spring.xml.

The session-factory value specifies the session factory that is set to the
persistence class. The default value is the Liferay session factory. This is
used in conjunction with data-source. See data-source-spring.xml.

The tx-manager value specifies the transaction manager that Spring uses. The
default value is the Spring Hibernate transaction manager that wraps the Liferay
data source and session factory. See data-source-spring.xml. Set this attribute
to "none" to disable transaction management.

The cache-enabled value specifies whether or not to cache this queries for this
entity. Set this to false if data in the table will be updated by other
programs. The default value is true.

The json-enabled value specifies whether or not the entity should be annotated
for JSON serialization. By default, if the remote-service value is true, then
the json-enabled value is true.

The trash-enabled value specifies whether trash related methods should be
generated or not.

The deprecated value specifies whether the entity's services are deprecated.
<!ATTLIST entity
    human-name CDATA #IMPLIED
    table CDATA #IMPLIED
    uuid-accessor CDATA #IMPLIED
    local-service CDATA #IMPLIED
    remote-service CDATA #IMPLIED
    persistence-class CDATA #IMPLIED
    data-source CDATA #IMPLIED
    session-factory CDATA #IMPLIED
    tx-manager CDATA #IMPLIED
    cache-enabled CDATA #IMPLIED
    json-enabled CDATA #IMPLIED
    trash-enabled CDATA #IMPLIED
    deprecated CDATA #IMPLIED

The column element represents a column in the database.
<!ELEMENT column (#PCDATA)>

The name value specifies the getter and setter name in the entity.

The type value specifies whether the column is a String, Boolean, or int, etc.

For example:

<column name="companyId" db-name="companyId" type="String" />

The above column specifies that there will be a getter called
pojo.getCompanyId() that will return a String.

Set db-name to map the field to a physical database column that is different
from the column name.

If the primary value is set to true, then this column is part of the primary key
of the entity. If multiple columns have the primary value set to true, then a
compound key will be created.

See com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.LayoutPK for an example of a compound
primary key.

The mapping-key attribute is no longer supported. See LPS-32250 for more
information. The value of the mapping-key is now always assumed to be the column
entity's primary key.

If the entity and mapping-table attributes are specified, then the Service
Builder will assume you are specifying a many to many relationship.

For example:


The above column specifies that there will be a getter called
pojo.getRoles() that will return a collection. It will use a mapping table
called Groups_Roles to give a many to many relationship between groups and

If you are creating a mapping table for an entity defined in another
service.xml, you need to specify the full package path.

For example:


The id-type and id-param values are used in order to create an auto-generated,
auto-incrementing primary key when inserting records into a table. This can be
implemented in 4 different ways, depending on the type of database being used.
In all cases, the primary key of the model object should be assigned a value of
null, and Hibernate will know to replace the null value with an auto-generated,
auto-incremented value. If no id-type value is used, it is assumed that the
primary key will be assigned and not auto-generated.

The first implementation uses a class to generate a primary key.

For example:


In this implementation, the class specified in the id-param value will be called
to retrieve a unique identifier (in the example above, an Integer) that will be
used as the primary key for the new record. This implementation works for all
supported databases.

The second implementation generates identifiers that are unique only when no
other process is inserting data into the same table. This implementation should
NOT be used in a clustered environment, but it does work for all supported

For example:


The third implementation uses an identity column to generate a primary key.

For example:


In this implementation, the create table SQL generated for this entity will
create an identity column that natively auto-generates a primary key whenever
an insert occurs. This implementation is only supported by DB2, MySQL, and
MS SQL Server.

The fourth implementation uses a sequence to generate a primary key.

For example:


In this implementation, a create sequence SQL statement is created based on
the id-param value (stored in /sql/sequences.sql). This sequence is then
accessed to generate a unique identifier whenever an insert occurs. This
implementation is only supported by DB2, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and SAP DB.

This accessor value specifies whether or not to generate an accessor for this
column. This accessor will provide a fast and type-safe way to access column

The filter-primary value specifies the column to use as the primary key column
when using filter finders. Only one column should ever have this value set to
true. If no column has this set to true, then the default primary column be

The convert-null value specifies whether or not the column value is
automatically converted to a non null value if it is null. This only applies if
the type value is String. This is particularly useful if your entity is
referencing a read only table or a database view so that Hibernate does not try
to issue unnecessary updates. The default value is true.

The lazy value is only valid when type is Blob. It specifies whether or not to
do a lazy fetch for Blob. The default value is true.

The localized value specifies whether or not the value of the column can have
different values for different locales. The default value is false.

The json-enabled value specifies whether or not the column should be annotated
for JSON serialization. By default, if the json-enabled value in the entity
element is true, then the json-enabled value in the column element is true.

The container-model value specifies whether the column represents the primary
key of a container model.

The parent-container-model value specifies whether the column represents the
primary key of a parent container model.
<!ATTLIST column
    db-name CDATA #IMPLIED
    primary CDATA #IMPLIED
    accessor CDATA #IMPLIED
    filter-primary CDATA #IMPLIED
    entity CDATA #IMPLIED
    mapping-table CDATA #IMPLIED
    id-type CDATA #IMPLIED
    id-param CDATA #IMPLIED
    convert-null CDATA #IMPLIED
    localized CDATA #IMPLIED
    json-enabled CDATA #IMPLIED
    container-model CDATA #IMPLIED
    parent-container-model CDATA #IMPLIED

The order element specifies a default ordering and sorting of the entities when
they are retrieved from the database.
<!ELEMENT order (order-column+)>

Set the by attribute to "asc" or "desc" to order by ascending or descending.
<!ATTLIST order

The order-column element allows you to order the entities by specific columns.
<!ELEMENT order-column (#PCDATA)>

The attributes of the order-column element allows you to fine tune the ordering
of the entity.

For example:

<order by="asc">
    <order-column name="parentLayoutId" />
    <order-column name="priority" />

The above settings will order by parentLayoutId and then by priority in an
ascending manner.

For example:

<order by="asc">
    <order-column name="name" case-sensitive="false" />

The above settings will order by name and will not be case sensitive.

For example:

    <order-column name="articleId" order-by="asc" />
    <order-column name="version" order-by="desc" />

The above settings will order by articleId in an ascending manner and then by
version in a descending manner.
<!ATTLIST order-column
    case-sensitive CDATA #IMPLIED
    order-by CDATA #IMPLIED

The finder element represents a generated finder method.
<!ELEMENT finder (finder-column+)>

The name value specifies the name of the finder method.

The return-type value specifies the return type of the finder. Valid values are
"Collection" or the name of the entity. If the value is "Collection", then this
finder returns a list of entities. If the value is the name of the entity, then
this finder returns at most one entity.

If the unique value is true, then the finder must return a unique entity.

If the db-index value is true, then the service will automatically generate a
SQL index for this finder. The default value is true.
<!ATTLIST finder
    return-type CDATA #REQUIRED
    unique CDATA #IMPLIED
    where CDATA #IMPLIED
    db-index CDATA #IMPLIED

The finder-column element specifies the columns to find by.
<!ELEMENT finder-column (#PCDATA)>

The name value specifies the name of the finder method.

For example:

<finder name="CompanyId" return-type="Collection">
    <finder-column name="companyId" />

The above settings will create a finder with the name findByCompanyId that will
return a Collection and require a given companyId. It will also generate
several more findByCompanyId methods that take in pagination fields (int begin,
int end) and more sorting options. The easiest way to understand this is to
look at a generated PersistenceImpl class. The Service Builder will also
generate removeByCompanyId and countByCompanyId.

See com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.LayoutPersistenceImpl for a good

The attribute case-sensitive is a boolean value and is only used if the column
is a String value.

The attribute comparator takes in the values =, !=, <, <=, >, >=, or LIKE and is
used to compare this column.

The attribute arrayable-operator takes in the values AND or OR and will
generate an additional finder where this column's parameter takes an array
instead of a single value. Every value in this array will be compared with the
column using the comparator, and the conditions will be combined with either an
AND or OR operator. For example, a finder column with the = comparator and an
arrayable-operator of OR will act like an IN clause.
<!ATTLIST finder-column
    case-sensitive CDATA #IMPLIED
    comparator CDATA #IMPLIED
    arrayable-operator CDATA #IMPLIED

The reference element allows you to inject services from another service.xml
within the same class loader. For example, if you inject the Resource entity,
then you'll be able to reference the Resource services from your service
implementation via the methods getResourceLocalService and getResourceService.
You'll also be able to reference the Resource services via the variables
resourceLocalService and resourceService.
<!ELEMENT reference (#PCDATA)>

See the comments in reference element.
<!ATTLIST reference
    package-path CDATA #IMPLIED
    entity CDATA #IMPLIED

The tx-required element has a text value that will be used to match method names
that require transactions. By default, the methods: add*, check*, clear*,
delete*, set*, and update* require propagation of transactions. All other
methods support transactions but are assumed to be read only. If you want
additional methods to fall under transactions, add the method name to this
<!ELEMENT tx-required (#PCDATA)>

The exceptions element contain a list of generated exceptions. This doesn't save
a lot of typing, but can still be helpful.
<!ELEMENT exceptions (exception*)>

See the comments in exceptions element.
<!ELEMENT exception (#PCDATA)>

The service-builder-import allows you to split up a large Service Builder file
into smaller files by aggregrating the smaller Service Builder into one file.
Note that there can be at most one author element among all the files. There can
also only be one and only one namespace element among all the files.

The attribute file is interpreted as relative to the file that is importing it.
<!ELEMENT service-builder-import (#PCDATA)>

Set the comments in the service-builder-import element.
<!ATTLIST service-builder-import
