amazon - business 之 selling on amazon



1.Selling On Amazon Fee Schedule

(1)Selling on Amazon Fee Schedule (Professional & Individual Seller)

(2)Selling on Amazon Business fee schedule ( Business seller)

(3)High-Volume Listing Fee FAQ

(4)Amazon Business Seller program & Amazon Business Overview


1.Selling On Amazon Fee Schedule

(1)Selling on Amazon Fee Schedule (Professional & Individual Seller)

1)Monthly subscription fee(月会员费)

  • Professional Selling Plan: USD $39.99 per month
  • Individual Selling Plan: No subscription fee

2)Selling Fees

  • When your product sells, Amazon collects the amount paid by the buyer (including the price and any shipping, gift wrap, or other charges).

3)Per-item fees

  • Professional sellers: No per-item fee
  • Individual sellers: USD $0.99 fee for each item sold

4)Referral fees(销售佣金)

  • Referral fees vary by category, most between 8% and 15%.

5)Rental Book Service Fee

  • For each textbook rental that is sold, sellers pay a rental book service fee of USD $5.00.

6)Closing fees(Media产品另外收费)

  • 若是Books, DVD, Music, Software & Computer/Video Games, Video, Video Game Consoles, and Video Game Accessories这类产品,卖家另付 $1.80/item.

7)High-Volume Listing Fee

  • 若listing中asin超过100000个,对超出的数量收取每asin/$0.005

8)Refund administration fee

  • If you refund a customer for an order for which you have already received payment, Amazon will refund you the amount of the referral fee you paid for the item(s), minus the applicable Refund Administration Fee, which is the lesser of $5.00 or 20% of the applicable referral fee.
  • For example, if you refund a customer the $10.00 total sales price of an item in a category with a 15% referral fee, your Refund Administration Fee will be $0.30 ($10.00 x 15% referral fee = $1.50).


(2)Selling on Amazon Business fee schedule ( Business seller)


(3)High-Volume Listing Fee FAQ


(4)Amazon Business Seller program & Amazon Business Overview




