Running MySQL on Amazon EC2 with EBS (Elastic Block


Running MySQL on Amazon EC2 with EBS (Elastic Block Store)

This tutorial describes one approach to using Amazon EC2's Elastic Block Store (EBS) as a persistent storage mechanism for a production MySQL database server, including snapshot backup and restore.

This guide covers:
  • Benefits of using EBS for MySQL
  • Setting up an EBS volume on an EC2 instance for use with MySQL
  • Configuring MySQL to use the EBS volume for data files and binary logs
  • Snapshotting the database
  • Restoring the snapshotted database on a second EC2 instance
This explicitly does  not cover:
  • How to set up an Amazon EC2 account
  • How to use MySQL
  • Advanced multi-host redundancy, master/slave, failover, scaling, clusters

The focus here is on simplicity and to help the reader get a feel for the basics of what EBS offers to database servers.

Benefits of using EBS for MySQL

There are numerous reasons why you will want to run your MySQL database on EBS. Some of them are obvious and some are wonderful. They include:

Persistent storage in the event of instance failure - If an EBS volume is used as the storage for a MySQL database, then the data is protected from instance termination or failure. You can simply attach/mount the volume on another instance and MySQL will run its normal recovery procedures to bring the database up to date with the binary logs.

Safety & Replication - According to Amazon, "EBS volume data is replicated across multiple servers". This makes your data safer than the default instance storage.

Improved performance - Early reports from studies on random access disk IO performance indicate that EBS IO rates can be faster than ephemeral storage and even local disk IO. This has obvious benefits for databases which are often IO bound.

Large data storage capacity - EBS volumes can be up to 1TB in size. You can go larger with LVM or RAID across EBS volumes, or by placing different databases or table files on different EBS volumes.

Instance type portability - If you find that your current small EC2 instance is not able to handle your growing demand, you can switch the EBS volume holding your MySQL database to a running extra large instance in a matter of seconds without having to copy the database across the network. Downgrade instance types later to save money.

Fast and easy backups - EBS snapshots alone can be a sufficiently attractive reason to move a database server to Amazon EC2. Being able to take live, consistent, binary snapshots of the database in just a few seconds is a thing of beauty. Add in the ability to create a new EBS volume from a snapshot so another EC2 instance can run against an exact copy of that database... and you've opened up new worlds of possibilities.

Technology choices

This guide shows examples using the Amazon EC2 API command line tools which are assumed to be installed on your local system. Many of the same results can be accomplished with the AWS Console, the Firefox EC2 plugin or with some of the 3rd party web management interfaces to Amazon EC2 such as RightScale.

This guide shows examples using Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic). The same concepts would apply with slight modifications on Debian, Fedora, Red Hat, CentOS, and other Linux distributions. The latest versions of the Ubuntu AMIs can be found on the following page maintained by the author:

This guide shows examples using the XFS file system. Besides being a stable, modern, high performance, journaling file system, XFS supports file system freeze/thaw which is extremely useful for ensuring a consistent state during EBS snapshots. XFS also supports file system growth which can be used if your database and other data are reaching the limits of your current volume size.

Setting up an EBS volume on an EC2 instance for use with MySQL

To get started, we'll run an EC2 instance, create an EBS volume, and attach the volume to the instance. You can run the instance in any availability zone, just make sure to create the volume in the same zone so it can be attached to the instance.

As mentioned in the previous section, we assume that you have installed the EC2 API command line tools on your local system.

Run an instance of Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic base install specifying your ssh keypair name. Make a note of the instance id (say, i-IIII1111). Check to see if the instance is running (might take a minute) and make a note of the external hostname (say, HOST1111).

ec2-run-instances -z us-east-1a --key YOURKEYPAIR ami-1515f67c

ec2-describe-instances i-IIII1111

Create a new 10 GB EBS volume and make a note of the volume id (say, vol-VVVV1111). Check to see if the new volume is available (might take a few seconds).

ec2-create-volume -z us-east-1a -s 10

ec2-describe-volumes vol-VVVV1111

Once it's available, attach the EBS volume to the instance as /dev/sdh

ec2-attach-volume -d /dev/sdh -i i-IIII1111 vol-VVVV1111

Now we can set things up on the instance itself, so connect to it and install the necessary software on the instance. Enter and record a secure MySQL root password when prompted.

ssh -i YOURSSHKEYFILE ubuntu@HOST1111

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install -y xfsprogs mysql-server

Create an XFS file system on the EBS volume and mount it as /vol

grep -q xfs /proc/filesystems || sudo modprobe xfs
sudo mkfs.xfs /dev/sdh

echo "/dev/sdh /vol xfs noatime 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
sudo mkdir -m 000 /vol
sudo mount /vol

You now have a 10 GB (or whatever size you specified) EBS volume mounted under /vol with an XFS file system, and it will be automatically mounted if the instance reboots.

Anything you store under /vol (including MySQL files) will persist beyond the life of the current instance, and you can take snapshots of this volume for backup or replication.

Configuring MySQL to use the EBS volume

Now that we have an EBS volume mounted on the instance with a good file system, let's put the MySQL database on that volume and tell MySQL where it is.

Stop the MySQL server.

sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop

Move the existing database files to the EBS volume. Point MySQL to the correct database files on the EBS volume using mount bind.

sudo mkdir /vol/etc /vol/lib /vol/log
sudo mv /etc/mysql     /vol/etc/
sudo mv /var/lib/mysql /vol/lib/
sudo mv /var/log/mysql /vol/log/

sudo mkdir /etc/mysql
sudo mkdir /var/lib/mysql
sudo mkdir /var/log/mysql

echo "/vol/etc/mysql /etc/mysql     none bind" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
sudo mount /etc/mysql

echo "/vol/lib/mysql /var/lib/mysql none bind" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
sudo mount /var/lib/mysql

echo "/vol/log/mysql /var/log/mysql none bind" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
sudo mount /var/log/mysql

Restart the MySQL server.

sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start

You are now running MySQL with all of the data and binary log files persistently stored on a high performance, redundant EBS volume!

To prove to yourself that a later snapshot saved your database changes, you might want to load some data or simply create a placeholder database with a SQL statement like:

mysql -u root -p -e 'CREATE DATABASE tutorial_sample'

Your data is pretty safe here, but let's make it even safer with snapshot backups.

Snapshotting the database

An EBS snapshot is a point in time copy of the complete EBS volume. It will save the current state of all files that were placed on that volume at a block level including the MySQL database data and binary logs. Snapshots are saved to Amazon S3 which is even more secure than EBS in that it is archived in multiple geographic locations.

Since file systems and databases often have things in memory on their way to disk and active processes can be changing the state of the disk so that it isn't always entirely consistent with itself, we take pains to flush, lock, and freeze the database and the file system for the few moments that it takes to create the EBS snapshot. This may cause a slight pause in activity on that system, but if the process is automated, it tends to be sufficiently short that most folks won't notice.

To be able to type all the required commands in a single connection to the EC2 instance, this example uses the mysql "SYSTEM" statement to run command line programs, but these commands don't really have to be run from inside MySQL to be effective.

Start a MySQL session on the instance, using the password you set above.

mysql -u root -p

In the mysql session, flush the tables to disk and acquire a lock. Flush the file system to disk and freeze it. Do not exit the MySQL session or you will lose the lock and snapshot potentially inconsistent database files!

SYSTEM sudo xfs_freeze -f /vol

Note: The output from SHOW MASTER STATUS can be handy if you later want to start a slave database from the snapshot.

On your local system (which has the EC2 API command line tools installed) create a snapshot of the EBS volume. Make a note of the snapshot id (say, snap-SSSS1111).

ec2-create-snapshot vol-VVVV1111

Back in the same MySQL session on the instance, unfreeze the file system, release the database lock, and you're done!

SYSTEM sudo xfs_freeze -u /vol

Though the ec2-create-snapshot command returns quickly, the actual snapshot may take a while to complete writing to S3. Have no fear, it will be consistent as of the time the snapshot was initiated above and no further database or disk writes on the instance will affect it.

You can monitor the progress of the snapshot with this command:

ec2-describe-snapshots snap-SSSS1111

Note: If you have a busy database with some long running statements, then acquiring a database lock may be difficult without interfering with operations. However, if all of your tables use the InnoDB engine, then you may skip the LOCK/UNLOCK statements above. MySQL will restore the database to a consistent state when it is run against the binary backup.

Automated snapshot program

The above sequence of MySQL statements and shell commands can be a bit of a hassle when performed manually, not to mention that database activity will be blocked while you are typing, so...

The ec2-consistent-snapshot program automates the appropriate flushing and locking of MySQL and XFS file systems while the EBS snapshot is initiated. To install this on Ubuntu, use the following steps:

codename=$(lsb_release -cs)
echo "deb $codename main"|
  sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/alestic-ppa.list    
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys BE09C571
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y ec2-consistent-snapshot
sudo PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 cpan Net::Amazon::EC2

The documentation can be accessed using:

man ec2-consistent-snapshot

This program can be run from a scheduled cron job on the EC2 instance to automate backup snapshots while you sleep.

Since each snapshot only takes up space based on which blocks have changed since the last snapshot and since there may be additional compression applied, the incremental cost of frequent snapshots can sometimes be small.

Restoring the snapshotted database

So you want to check out the snapshot of your MySQL database to see if it really has the right data. Or, you'd like to test some code on an instance which has nearly current production data without risk to the live production database. Or, you want to start a MySQL replication slave. Or, you need to recover from an unfortunate DELETE statement without a WHERE clause...

We'll start another EC2 instance to run the second database server. It is not necessary to terminate the original instance; both can be running in parallel. The second instance and volume must be together in the same availability zone, though it does not have to be where the first instance/volume reside.

Run a second instance, making a note of the instance id (say, i-IIII2222). Check to see if the instance is running (might take a minute) and make a note of the external hostname (say, HOST2222).

ec2-run-instances -z us-east-1b --key YOURKEYPAIR ami-1515f67c

ec2-describe-instances i-IIII2222

Create a second EBS volume based on the snapshot of the original volume and make a note of the volume id (say, vol-VVVV2222). Check to see if the second volume is available (might take a while).

ec2-create-volume -z us-east-1b --snapshot snap-SSSS1111

ec2-describe-volumes vol-VVVV2222

Once it's available, attach the second EBS volume to the second instance as /dev/sdh

ec2-attach-volume -d /dev/sdh -i i-IIII2222 vol-VVVV2222

Note: If the original instance had crashed or been terminated, we could skip the creation of a second volume from a snapshot and simply attach the original volume to the second instance. The remainder of these instructions would apply just the same for getting up and running with that original volume, though you might want to run xfs_check just before mounting to make sure the file system is in a consistent state after the crash.

Now, hop on to the second instance, install the required software, and mount the attached EBS volume. (The MySQL password does not matter here because we will be using a pre-existing database.) We also make sure the files are owned by mysql, just in case UIDs are different on the new instance.

ssh -i YOURSSHKEYFILE ubuntu@HOST2222

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
sudo -E apt-get install -y xfsprogs mysql-server

echo "/dev/sdh /vol xfs noatime 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
sudo mkdir -m 000 /vol
sudo mount /vol

sudo find /vol/{lib,log}/mysql/ ! -user  root -print0 | 
  sudo xargs -0 -r chown mysql
sudo find /vol/{lib,log}/mysql/ ! -group root -a ! -group adm -print0 |
  sudo xargs -0 -r chgrp mysql

Point MySQL to the correct database files on the EBS volume.

sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop

echo "/vol/etc/mysql /etc/mysql     none bind" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
sudo mount /etc/mysql

echo "/vol/lib/mysql /var/lib/mysql none bind" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
sudo mount /var/lib/mysql

echo "/vol/log/mysql /var/log/mysql none bind" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
sudo mount /var/log/mysql

sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start

You now have a second machine running against an exact copy of the first database at the time of the snapshot. Imagine the possibilities and smile!

You can verify this by looking for the "tutorial_sample" database you created earlier.

mysql -u root -p -e 'SHOW DATABASES'

Note: Each of these instances has mounted a different volume and is using a different set of database files. Though they would have started out sharing similar values in the database, any changes made in one will not be reflected in the other.


If you followed the above steps, you will have created resources which will continue to be charged against your EC2 account until you release them. Here are the steps to shut down and delete everything created in this tutorial. The first commands run on the instances:

Unmount the EBS volume file systems on each of the EC2 instances.

sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop
sudo umount /etc/mysql /var/lib/mysql /var/log/mysql /vol

The rest of the commands should be run on your local system (which has the EC2 API command line tools installed):

Detach EBS volumes from EC2 instances, delete the volumes, delete the snapshots, and shutdown the instances.

ec2-detach-volume vol-VVVV1111
ec2-detach-volume vol-VVVV2222

ec2-delete-volume vol-VVVV1111
ec2-delete-volume vol-VVVV2222

ec2-delete-snapshot snap-SSSS1111

ec2-terminate-instances i-IIII1111
ec2-terminate-instances i-IIII2222

Verify that it's all gone.



