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express 的安全中间件 helmet 简介

Helmet is a collection of 12 middleware to help set some security headers.
helmet 是一个包括了12个中间件,用来设置一些安全的 headers 的集合。
1. Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'
the CSP module sets the  Content-Security-Policy  header which can help protect against malicious injection of JavaScript, CSS, plugins, and more.
这个模块可以通过设置 Content-Security-Policy 这个 header 来防止被恶意注入 js, css, plugins 或者更多的内容。默认不启用。
2. X-Permitted-Cross-Domoain-Policys
Helmet’s  crossdomain  middleware prevents Adobe Flash and Adobe Acrobat from loading content on your site.
这个头部可以防止 Adobe Flash 和 Adobe Acrobat 在你的网站上去加载其它域名的内容。默认不启用。
3. X-DNS-Prefetch-Control
this middleware lets you disable browsers’ DNS prefetching by setting the  X-DNS-Prefetch-Control  header.
这个 header 可以让你禁止浏览器进行 DNS 预读取。通过这个设置,可以防止用户越权获取网站信息。默认启用。
The  Expect-CT  HTTP header tells browsers to expect Certificate Transparency.
这个 header 告诉浏览器是否期望 证书透明度。默认不启用。
5. X-Frame-Options
Frameguard mitigates clickjacking attacks by setting the  X-Frame-Options  header.
这个模块用来缓解点击劫持攻击。通过设置 X-Frame-Options ,可以设置是否允许页面加载 iframe, 或者设置允许同源或者某个站点的 iframe 加载。默认开启。
6. X-Powerd-By
The Hide Powered-By middleware removes the  X-Powered-By  header to make it slightly harder for attackers to see what potentially-vulnerable technology powers your site.
Express 或者其它的技术(比如 PHP)会设置一个叫做 X-Powered-By 的头部来表明这个服务背后是什么技术,这个模块可以去掉这个模块,或者伪装成其它模块。默认开启。
7. Public-Key-Pins
the HTTP Public Key Pinning module helps you set the  Public-Key-Pins header to prevent person-in-the-middle attacks.
这个模块用来防止中间人攻击,原理是通过存储证书的 hash 值来让浏览器识别是否是同一网站的证书。很容易误用而引起问题。慎重使用。默认不开启。
8. Strict-Transport-Security
this module sets the  Strict-Transport-Security  header to keep your users on HTTPS.
这个模块用来设置你的用户只能访问 https 的网站的时间。默认启用。
9. X-Download-Options
this middleware sets the  X-Download-Options  to prevent Internet Explorer from executing downloads in your site’s context.
这个模块用来设置避免低版本 IE 的问题,防止在你的网站执行下载的内容(比如页面或者脚本),默认开启。
10. nocache
the  nocache  middleware aims to disable browser caching by setting several headers.
通过设置几个 headers 来禁止浏览器缓存。如果浏览器缓存了文件,比如 js, 你就难以通过更新新版本代码来解决旧版本代码的问题。通过设置 Cache-Control, Surrogate-Control(控制代理), Pragma, Expires 这几个 headers 。默认不开启。
11. noSniff
the Don’t Sniff Mimetype middleware,  noSniff , helps prevent browsers from trying to guess (“sniff”) the MIME type, which can have security implications. It does this by setting the  X-Content-Type-Options  header to  nosniff
12. Referer-Policy
the Referrer Policy module can control the behavior of the  Referer  header by setting the  Referrer-Policy  header
通过设置 Referrer-Policy 来控制 referer 的值
13. X-XSS-Protection
the  xssFilter  middleware sets the  X-XSS-Protection  header to prevent reflected XSS attacks.
Visit each module’s page to learn more.
Included by default?
contentSecurityPolicy  for setting Content Security Policy
crossdomain  for handling Adobe products’ crossdomain requests
dnsPrefetchControl  controls browser DNS prefetching
expectCt  for handling Certificate Transparency
frameguard  to prevent clickjacking
hidePoweredBy  to remove the X-Powered-By header
hpkp  for HTTP Public Key Pinning
hsts  for HTTP Strict Transport Security
ieNoOpen  sets X-Download-Options for IE8+
noCache  to disable client-side caching
noSniff  to keep clients from sniffing the MIME type
referrerPolicy  to hide the Referer header
xssFilter  adds some small XSS protections

