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x264 - x264_slicetype_analyse


void x264_slicetype_analyse( x264_t *h, int intra_minigop )
    x264_mb_analysis_t a;
    x264_frame_t *frames[X264_LOOKAHEAD_MAX+3] = { NULL, };
    int num_frames, orig_num_frames, keyint_limit, framecnt;
    int i_mb_count = NUM_MBS;
    int cost1p0, cost2p0, cost1b1, cost2p1;
    // X264_LOOKAHEAD_MAX = 250
    // 确定最大的搜索长度
    // 在我的调试当中, h->lookahead->next.i_size = 4
    int i_max_search = X264_MIN( h->lookahead->next.i_size, X264_LOOKAHEAD_MAX );
    int vbv_lookahead = h->param.rc.i_vbv_buffer_size && h->param.rc.i_lookahead;
    /* For determinism we should limit the search to the number of frames lookahead has for sure
     * in h->lookahead->next.list buffer, except at the end of stream.
     * For normal calls with (intra_minigop == 0) that is h->lookahead->i_slicetype_length + 1 frames.
     * And for I-frame calls (intra_minigop != 0) we already removed intra_minigop frames from there. */
    // 在我的调试当中,h->param.b_deterministic = 1,
    // h->lookahead->i_slicetype_length = 3
    // intra_minigop = 0
    if( h->param.b_deterministic )
        i_max_search = X264_MIN( i_max_search, h->lookahead->i_slicetype_length + 1 - intra_minigop );
    int keyframe = !!intra_minigop;

    assert( h->frames.b_have_lowres );

    if( !h->lookahead->last_nonb )
    // 让frames[0]指向上一次的非B帧
    frames[0] = h->lookahead->last_nonb;
    // 让frames[] 依次指向 lookahead->next链表中的帧
    for( framecnt = 0; framecnt < i_max_search && h->lookahead->next.list[framecnt]->i_type == X264_TYPE_AUTO; framecnt++ )
        frames[framecnt+1] = h->lookahead->next.list[framecnt];

    // 见 x264_lowres_context_init
    x264_lowres_context_init( h, &a );

    if( !framecnt )
        if( h->param.rc.b_mb_tree )
            x264_macroblock_tree( h, &a, frames, 0, keyframe );

    keyint_limit = h->param.i_keyint_max - frames[0]->i_frame + h->lookahead->i_last_keyframe - 1;
    orig_num_frames = num_frames = h->param.b_intra_refresh ? framecnt : X264_MIN( framecnt, keyint_limit );

    /* This is important psy-wise: if we have a non-scenecut keyframe,
     * there will be significant visual artifacts if the frames just before
     * go down in quality due to being referenced less, despite it being
     * more RD-optimal. */
    if( (h->param.analyse.b_psy && h->param.rc.b_mb_tree) || vbv_lookahead )
        num_frames = framecnt;
    else if( h->param.b_open_gop && num_frames < framecnt )
    else if( num_frames == 0 )
        frames[1]->i_type = X264_TYPE_I;

    int num_bframes = 0;
    int num_analysed_frames = num_frames;
    int reset_start;
    if( h->param.i_scenecut_threshold && scenecut( h, &a, frames, 0, 1, 1, orig_num_frames, i_max_search ) )
        frames[1]->i_type = X264_TYPE_I;

    x264_opencl_slicetype_prep( h, frames, num_frames, a.i_lambda );

    if( h->param.i_bframe )
        if( h->param.i_bframe_adaptive == X264_B_ADAPT_TRELLIS )
            if( num_frames > 1 )
                char best_paths[X264_BFRAME_MAX+1][X264_LOOKAHEAD_MAX+1] = {"","P"};
                int best_path_index = num_frames % (X264_BFRAME_MAX+1);

                /* Perform the frametype analysis. */
                for( int j = 2; j <= num_frames; j++ )
                    x264_slicetype_path( h, &a, frames, j, best_paths );

                num_bframes = strspn( best_paths[best_path_index], "B" );
                /* Load the results of the analysis into the frame types. */
                for( int j = 1; j < num_frames; j++ )
                    frames[j]->i_type = best_paths[best_path_index][j-1] == 'B' ? X264_TYPE_B : X264_TYPE_P;
            frames[num_frames]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;
        else if( h->param.i_bframe_adaptive == X264_B_ADAPT_FAST )
            for( int i = 0; i <= num_frames-2; )
                // i + 2 作为 P 帧编码的代价
                cost2p1 = x264_slicetype_frame_cost( h, &a, frames, i+0, i+2, i+2, 1 );
                if( frames[i+2]->i_intra_mbs[2] > i_mb_count / 2 )
                    frames[i+1]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;
                    frames[i+2]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;
                    i += 2;

                if( h->param.b_opencl )
                    int b_work_done = 0;
                    b_work_done |= x264_opencl_precalculate_frame_cost(h, frames, a.i_lambda, i+0, i+2, i+1 );
                    b_work_done |= x264_opencl_precalculate_frame_cost(h, frames, a.i_lambda, i+0, i+1, i+1 );
                    b_work_done |= x264_opencl_precalculate_frame_cost(h, frames, a.i_lambda, i+1, i+2, i+2 );
                    if( b_work_done )
                        x264_opencl_flush( h );
                // i + 1 作为B帧编码的代价
                cost1b1 = x264_slicetype_frame_cost( h, &a, frames, i+0, i+2, i+1, 0 );
                // i + 1 作为P帧编码的代价
                cost1p0 = x264_slicetype_frame_cost( h, &a, frames, i+0, i+1, i+1, 0 );
                // i + 2 作为P帧编码的代价
                cost2p0 = x264_slicetype_frame_cost( h, &a, frames, i+1, i+2, i+2, 0 );

                if( cost1p0 + cost2p0 < cost1b1 + cost2p1 )
                {  // 如果i+1作为P帧编码的代价 +  i+2作为P帧编码的代价
                  // 小于 i+1作为B帧编码的代价 + i+2作为P帧编码的代价
                  // 那么i+1将作为P帧编码
                    frames[i+1]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;
                    i += 1;

                // arbitrary and untuned
                #define INTER_THRESH 300
                #define P_SENS_BIAS (50 - h->param.i_bframe_bias)
                // i+1 将作为B帧编码
                frames[i+1]->i_type = X264_TYPE_B;

                int j;
                for( j = i+2; j <= X264_MIN( i+h->param.i_bframe, num_frames-1 ); j++ )
                    int pthresh = X264_MAX(INTER_THRESH - P_SENS_BIAS * (j-i-1), INTER_THRESH/10);
                    // 预测j+1作为P帧编码代价
                    int pcost = x264_slicetype_frame_cost( h, &a, frames, i+0, j+1, j+1, 1 );
                    // 如果pcost 满足下述条件, 则确定了一个P帧,跳出循环
                    if( pcost > pthresh*i_mb_count || frames[j+1]->i_intra_mbs[j-i+1] > i_mb_count/3 )
                    // 否则就是B帧
                    frames[j]->i_type = X264_TYPE_B;
                // 将j帧确定为P帧
                frames[j]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;
                // 改变循环变量i
                i = j;
            } // for( int i = 0; i <= num_frames-2; )
            // 最后一帧确定为P帧
            frames[num_frames]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;
            // 确定有多少个B帧
            num_bframes = 0;
            while( num_bframes < num_frames && frames[num_bframes+1]->i_type == X264_TYPE_B )
        {   // neither h->param.i_bframe_adaptive == X264_B_ADAPT_TRELLIS
            // or h->param.i_bframe_adaptive ==X264_B_ADAPT_FAST
            // 确定多少B帧
            num_bframes = X264_MIN(num_frames-1, h->param.i_bframe);
            // 每num_bframes + 1一个P帧, 其余皆为B帧
            for( int j = 1; j < num_frames; j++ )
                frames[j]->i_type = (j%(num_bframes+1)) ? X264_TYPE_B : X264_TYPE_P;
            // 最后一帧为P帧
            frames[num_frames]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;

        /* Check scenecut on the first minigop. */
        // 如果B帧中, 有帧有场景切换, 则改变其为P帧
        for( int j = 1; j < num_bframes+1; j++ )
            if( h->param.i_scenecut_threshold && scenecut( h, &a, frames, j, j+1, 0, orig_num_frames, i_max_search ) )
                frames[j]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;
                num_analysed_frames = j;

        // 确定重设帧类型为 X264_TYPE_AUTO的帧索引
        reset_start = keyframe ? 1 : X264_MIN( num_bframes+2, num_analysed_frames+1 );
        // if( h->param.i_bframe ) 为 false
        // 则所有的帧皆为P帧
        for( int j = 1; j <= num_frames; j++ )
            frames[j]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;
        // 确定重设帧类型为 X264_TYPE_AUTO的帧索引       
        reset_start = !keyframe + 1;
        num_bframes = 0;

    /* Perform the actual macroblock tree analysis.
     * Don't go farther than the maximum keyframe interval; this helps in short GOPs. */
     // 见 x264_macroblock_tree
    if( h->param.rc.b_mb_tree )
        x264_macroblock_tree( h, &a, frames, X264_MIN(num_frames, h->param.i_keyint_max), keyframe );

    /* Enforce keyframe limit. */
    if( !h->param.b_intra_refresh )
        for( int i = keyint_limit+1; i <= num_frames; i += h->param.i_keyint_max )
            // 迫使为I帧
            frames[i]->i_type = X264_TYPE_I;
            reset_start = X264_MIN( reset_start, i+1 );
            if( h->param.b_open_gop && h->param.b_bluray_compat )
                while( IS_X264_TYPE_B( frames[i-1]->i_type ) )

    // 见 x264_vbv_lookahead
    if( vbv_lookahead )
        x264_vbv_lookahead( h, &a, frames, num_frames, keyframe );

    /* Restore frametypes for all frames that haven't actually been decided yet. */
    // for reset_start, restore frame type to X264_TYPE_AUTO
    for( int j = reset_start; j <= num_frames; j++ )
        frames[j]->i_type = X264_TYPE_AUTO;

    x264_opencl_slicetype_end( h );

static void x264_lowres_context_init( x264_t *h, x264_mb_analysis_t *a )

    // X264_LOOKAHEAD_QP = 12
    a->i_qp = X264_LOOKAHEAD_QP;
    // a->i_lambda = 1
    a->i_lambda = x264_lambda_tab[ a->i_qp ];
    // 见 x264_mb_analyse_load_costs
    x264_mb_analyse_load_costs( h, a );
    // 如果需要进行子像素分析
    if( h->param.analyse.i_subpel_refine > 1 )
        // 初始化运动向量搜索方法
        h->mb.i_me_method = X264_MIN( X264_ME_HEX, h->param.analyse.i_me_method );
        h->mb.i_subpel_refine = 4;
        h->mb.i_me_method = X264_ME_DIA;
        h->mb.i_subpel_refine = 2;
    h->mb.b_chroma_me = 0;

/* initialize an array of lambda*nbits for all possible mvs */
static void x264_mb_analyse_load_costs( x264_t *h, x264_mb_analysis_t *a )
    // a->i_qp = 12
    // 将a->p_cost_mv 指向 h->cost_mv[a->i_qp]
    a->p_cost_mv = h->cost_mv[a->i_qp];
    // static uint16_t x264_cost_ref[QP_MAX+1][3][33];
    // 将a->p_cost_ref[0], a->p_cost_ref[1] 指向 x264_cost_ref[a->i_qp][]
    a->p_cost_ref[0] = x264_cost_ref[a->i_qp][x264_clip3(h->sh.i_num_ref_idx_l0_active-1,0,2)];
    a->p_cost_ref[1] = x264_cost_ref[a->i_qp][x264_clip3(h->sh.i_num_ref_idx_l1_active-1,0,2)];

int x264_analyse_init_costs( x264_t *h, float *logs, int qp )
    int lambda = x264_lambda_tab[qp];
    if( h->cost_mv[qp] )
        return 0;
    // 对每一个qp,  为h->cost_mv[qp]分配内存空间(4*4*2048 + 1) * sizeof(uint16_t)
    // 将h->cost_mv[qp] 偏移到线性地址空间的中间
    // 从中间向两端初始化mv的代价表。(有人说是mvd的代价表),
    // 这个留待以后确定

    /* factor of 4 from qpel, 2 from sign, and 2 because mv can be opposite from mvp */
    CHECKED_MALLOC( h->cost_mv[qp], (4*4*2048 + 1) * sizeof(uint16_t) );
    h->cost_mv[qp] += 2*4*2048;
    for( int i = 0; i <= 2*4*2048; i++ )
        h->cost_mv[qp][-i] =
        h->cost_mv[qp][i]  = X264_MIN( lambda * logs[i] + .5f, (1<<16)-1 );
    x264_pthread_mutex_lock( &cost_ref_mutex );
    // 初始化 x264_cost_ref 表 (参考帧代价表???)
    for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
        for( int j = 0; j < 33; j++ )
            x264_cost_ref[qp][i][j] = X264_MIN( i ? lambda * bs_size_te( i, j ) : 0, (1<<16)-1 );
    x264_pthread_mutex_unlock( &cost_ref_mutex );
    // 初始化整像素cost_mv表
    if( h->param.analyse.i_me_method >= X264_ME_ESA && !h->cost_mv_fpel[qp][0] )
        for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
            CHECKED_MALLOC( h->cost_mv_fpel[qp][j], (4*2048 + 1) * sizeof(uint16_t) );
            h->cost_mv_fpel[qp][j] += 2*2048;
            for( int i = -2*2048; i < 2*2048; i++ )
                h->cost_mv_fpel[qp][j][i] = h->cost_mv[qp][i*4+j];
    uint16_t *cost_i4x4_mode = (uint16_t*)ALIGN((intptr_t)x264_cost_i4x4_mode,64) + qp*32;
    for( int i = 0; i < 17; i++ )
        cost_i4x4_mode[i] = 3*lambda*(i!=8);
    return 0;
    return -1;



