Datasets are stored as multi-resolution TFRecords, similar to the original StyleGAN. Each dataset consists of multiple .tfrecords files stored under a common directory, e.g., ~/datasets/ffhq/ffhq-r.tfrecords. In the following sections, the datasets are referenced using a combination of --dataset and --data-dir arguments, e.g., --dataset=ffhq --data-dir=~/datasets.
Custom. Create custom datasets by placing all training images under a single directory. The images must be square-shaped and they must all have the same power-of-two dimensions. To convert the images to multi-resolution TFRecords, run:
python create_from_images ~/datasets/my-custom-dataset ~/my-custom-images
python display ~/datasets/my-custom-dataset
根据使用Docker镜像安装运行StyleGAN 2, 进入docker虚拟镜像&#