aniel in his article entitled "Teetering On The Brink . ." which you have posted on Fourwinds.
Violinio Germain has referred to the Violet Flame many times and now Gary McDaniel is asking us to invoke the energy of the mighty Violet Flame to transmute the dark energy of the Illuminati that controls our news services.
I have never seen or heard anyone explain exactly what (or who) the Violet Flame is. Can you enlighten us about that? My Christianity teaches that we are supposed to pray to God, our Father and in the name of Jesus. I have a problem in praying to the Violet Flame without knowing what it is.
Many thanks for the great articles you give us on the Fourwinds site. I consider it to be the only source of meaningful information .
FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: July 2, 2006
Dear JM:
Thank you for your kind words.
As you know the White Light of Creator God is a combination of the colors of Light that , for example, make up the rainbow. Passing light through a prism (in this case the water drop) refracts the light into various colors. Light colors each have a different wave length and frequency. In the Realms of Light various beings choose to work with these Light frequencies/energies.
The Phoenix Journal #7 entitled "The Rainbow Masters" describes the seven Masters that are the representatives of the seven primary colors, and gives messages from each of them. Violinio Germain represents the Violet Ray of the 100th dimension of Unconditional Love of Creator God. When we energize the Violet Flame, we are creating the energy of Unconditional Love before which nothing can stand that cannot match the frequency/energy of Unconditional Love. The Dark energy is transmuted into Light, and the Darkones have no power.
Everything is a form of Light energy, for everything was created from Light, therefore all that exists and all that happens involves energy---the energy of Light. By the way, Anne and I are of the Red Ray.
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: WP
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 6:53 PM
Subject: Contact Request From
Dear Patrick,
To the brother who wanted to know about the Violet Flame, I would like to share a prayer/decree he can say aloud in groupings of three, up to 9 for more power, dictated by St. Germain himself:
"I Am the Violet Flame
In action in me now.
I Am the Violet Flame
To Light alone I bow.
I Am the Violet Flame
In mighty cosmic power
I Am the Violet Flame
Shining every hour
I Am the Violet Flame
Blazing like the Sun/Son
I Am the Violet Flame
Healing everyone."
In Love and Light, WP
----- Original Message -----
From: D
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 9:00 PM
Subject: More Violet Flame
Hi Patrick,
I found this on a forum site. placed by Gary.....but it has quite a bit of detail if you feel it is authentic would you please share with J.M. and others also.
Happy to hear Anne is doing better and hope all is well with you and your family....
Message from Zadkiel - Angel of the Violet Flame
Date Published: 2006-06-13
I am the Archangel Zadkiel, the Angel of the Violet Flame. The message that I bring forward is a message of hope, a message of peace, a message of healing and of harmony. It is the message of the Violet Flame itself, it is the Violet Flame given voice and word so that its spirit, its essence, may speak through me. It is the wise teaching of this primal element of energy; it is its truth, its philosophy, its history and its relevance within the spiritual world.
The Violet Flame is a distillation of energy; it is part of the great all, the great voidal emanation, the radiance of energy that originates from the creatrix of all. The Void, the great infinite potential, the chaotic ocean of possibility, the slumbering divine feminine presence which is the source of all being and existence, casts forth her light out into the worlds, into the many universes, forming a canvas upon which reality is painted by the Divine Source itself. This canvas, this emanation, is true primal matter; it is the source material from which all forms of manifestation are made manifest. It is the primary ingredient of existence.
In an unrefined state, before it is given shape and form by the will of the Divine, it is chaotic and unruly, it is wild and primal, primitive and unstable, but when distilled, when drawn by the hand of the Divine, when extracted into forces more stable and more constant, it becomes an energy that has been known by many different names in many different times: the "Astral Light", the "Odic Force", the "Akasha", the "Spiritual Quintessence", the "Violet Flame."
The Violet Flame then is the distillation of primal matter; it is the emanation of the Void made stable, given greater purity, clarity, focus and intent. It is the __expression of the primal force in a stable universe, in limited reality, space and time. The Violet Flame, the akashic energy, underpins then everything, it is the stable foundation upon which reality rests and is formed. It is the ultimate building block of this universe, it is the weave, the web, the flower of life; it is the ultimate force of creation. The Violet Flame has been focused upon as an alchemical fire.
Traditionally it is used to cleanse negative energy. Traditionally it is used to promote transformation, it is used as an alchemical force. In the past it has been directed in order to clear karmic patterns, samskaras, echoes within the causal field, it has been used to clear the morphogenic etheric fields within the world of negative impressions, thoughts, memories and echoes. The way in which it is used leans heavily upon the Violet Flame's properties as the great universal solution. Anything placed into the Violet Flame can be reduced to its base components, can be dissolved into the greater whole. It is because the Violet Flame is the creative primal matter that it has the capacity to transform anything it encounters back into those primary ingredients, to dissolve anything it encounters back into that which it was once drawn from - the Violet Flame itself.
Its capacity to evoke transformation, to catalyze alchemical process once again draws heavily upon the fact that it is a primary creative essence and has the capacity to exacerbate all forms of evolutionary change. It can be drawn and focused with the right intent to create the perfect incubatory situation in which all transformations can be forwarded and can more smoothly occur. It is a great power which exists in all of the spheres, in all of the dimensions of reality, and can be therefore applied to all of the planes of consciousness: the mental, emotional, spiritual, physical, astral and the karmarupic levels.
The message that I bring forward is not simply a detailed explanation of the nature of this power but a greater understanding of its universal accessibility, a greater comprehension of its role and function; a greater realization of how it is meant to be used and why it is so important in the Earth's progression. The Violet Flame is an energy which belongs to everyone, as everyone is an __expression of the Divine. Mankind's co-creative power enables them to access the building blocks of their reality, the Violet Flame, and to utilize it in order to bring about the manifestation of their desires, in order to cleanse and clear, in order to catalyze and in order to manifest anything they desire from seemingly nothingness. The Violet Flame is the magickal energy that sorcerers, magicians, wizards and witches have drawn upon since the beginning of time. It is the spiritual force of magick and it is now time for mankind to use this power in order to transform themselves and their world in order to create their world anew.
The different frequencies of the Violet Flame can be accessed only by those people who can match the frequencies of the Violet Flame's existence with their own consciousness, those people who are in contact with the higher spheres, but as all of those people who exist within the physical plane are in contact with the physical plane through their consciousness and through the sensuality of their physical forms, each and every person can access theFlame here. Those on the spiritual road in turn can access the higher expressions of it and utilize it upon the higher expressions of consciousness, the mental, emotional, astral, spiritual bodies. The access point within the human energy system for the Violet Flame is the brow centre. The brow centre is most attuned to the Violet Flame energy. It is in a state of sympathy with it. When a human being focuses upon something that they desire to be changed, when they define with their will the parameters of transformation, they need only connect to the energy of the Violet Flame in any of its different frequencies depending upon that that they seek to transform, and project, transmit, channel a stream of the Violet Flame energy towards that that they seek to change.
They summon the energy, they instruct it, give it shape and form and focus it on that that they seek to change. Of course, all manifestations must occur within the universal laws of the dimension in which an individual exists; to circumvent the laws of the universe is to create great danger and incur great karma. Mankind must be cautious with their co-creative power ensuring that it flows in accordance with the Divine Will and does not inadvertently harm any other.
But other than this infinite potential, infinite creative possibilities, lie within the imagination of mankind and all changes can be made and are possible. Because of the slow moving frequency of the dimension in which you live transformation is not instantaneous - not yet. In the higher dimension of consciousness this is so but here in the physical plane transition is slow. Transition occurs organically in accordance with natural law but once a transformation is instigated, depending upon the force of the Violet Flame energy that has been channeled it will begin the process of change and if the right energy has been summoned and directed efficiently the transformation will in time be complete.
Mankind in general believe themselves to be powerless but this is not so. Mankind has given away their power to their leaders, to their
representatives, to their cultures and their religions. They look upon the world with disdainful eyes, they tut and sigh, they make derisory comments towards those who endeavor to shape or change the world on their behalf and ultimately fall foul of their judgmental and critical attitudes but they themselves, safely shielded by their powerlessness, do nothing to bring change to the world around them. The truth of the matter is that each and every human being has the capacity to instigate change, that they can draw upon the power of the Violet Flame, the universal building blocks of creation and with their will direct this energy to do their bidding. The more human beings who focus their will together in bringing about transformation that they have agreed upon as a whole the quicker that change will occur.
Such responsibility requires wisdom in order for it to be
wielded correctly but we believe that mankind is approaching a point where some hold such wisdom and are capable of utilizing this, their inheritance, with great diligence and grace. And so it has been decided that the true potential of the Violet Flame be disclosed, that its magick be restored, that mankind be once again taught how to draw upon this force and use it to change themselves and their world. For the Violet Flame can be used to bring about evolution, to power the changes that are meant to be within the consciousness and bodies of man, to fill the Merkabah light body field of each and every human being and catalyze the slow ascension of humanity.
The following then are simple exercises that can be used to call upon the
Violet Flame's energy for oneself in order to promote evolution and
ascension and to call upon the Violet Flame energy in order to bring about
manifestation in the world around us. These exercises have been constructed so that they are safe and if followed correctly can do no harm. In order to bring forward the energy of the Violet Flame into the world around you to change and transform it in accordance with your will you must first bring your attention to the brow.
Breathe in and out slowly and gently and hold the intent that you are feeding the brow with life force energy, with prana or chi. Imagine the brow centre to be opening like a star, like a blossom, like a bloom. When the brow centre is open, when you see it open in your mind's eye, breathe a little more deeply. Imagine that with each in breath you are drawing power from within the brow centre, not from within your energy system itself but from the place that the brow centre is an opening
to, from the dimension of the Violet Flame itself. With each in breath you
draw the power from this place and with each out breath you breathe the
Violet Flame out through your brow. Breath a little like this for a while
until you feel the energy coalescing around the brow and now give the energy instruction, give it shape and form. Hold very clearly the intent of that that you seek to manifest, to catalyze, to transform. Take one more deep in breath and with your out breath focus the plume of violet fire towards that that you seek to manifest or change, to an open and empty space, to a building or a person or a place, holding the intent of the manifestation. As the fire issues forth from your brow recite this simple phrase:
"Violet Flame of majesty and light, transform, manifest my desire in
accordance with the highest will, in accordance with my divinity, let this
light create my will."
Once the plume has left your brow let it begin its work. You may feel that
the act of manifestation requires more of a consistent charge of violet
light energy in which case continue to breathe the violet light into that
that you seek to bring about but do not exceed seven plumes of Flame in
total. Once the manifestation has been set in motion pay it no mind again,
for to do so would be to diminish the magick that you have set in motion.
To bring the power of the Violet Flame into and around your being, use the same initial steps of opening the brow and breathing the Violet Flame from its internal dimension out into the brow itself. At this point hold the intention of the Violet Flame being utilized to catalyze and accentuate your own spiritual evolution. As you breathe more deeply visualize this plume of fire spiraling around your body filling your aura, your Merkabah light body field, with light until you are consumed by this energy. Whilst you are doing this utter this simple phrase:
"Flame of majesty and might, power of alchemy, Violet Flame, clear, cleanse, transform and catalyze my mind, heart, body, being and soul. Enable me to become that that I am meant to be in accordance with the will of the Divine."
Once again, if you feel the need, continue to breathe the Violet Flame's
spiraling plume around and through your body and being but do not exceed seven breaths of the fire. Once this is done do not attempt to repeat this exercise for at least a month.
Of course the Violet Flame can be used still to cleanse and clear, to
protect and dissolve but its power is greater than this. It is a gift, it is
the gift of the light of the ultimate Divine Source and it is given to
mankind, to its children, so that they may take the responsibility of
creation, of their own recreation, in their hands and use it to rebirth
their world and themselves anew. It is the essence, it is the origin, it is
the power of magick and it is important now that mankind begins to use and work with this fire again. If you are fearful or concerned of this power, of how it can be used in all goodness and right action, then before its application you can call upon my presence or the presence of the Ascended Master St. Germaine who is custodian of this energy on Earth as I am. Our overseeing consciousness will ensure that the energy is not misused but used
only in goodness and light.
The final message of the Flame is this - the Flame has been used
symbolically and actually since the beginning of time to bring about the
transformation of matter, to refine and define it, to make it divine in
nature. This Flame is no different to those that have gone before, to those
that are still used in many different ways. It is simply a higher
__expression of that polarity and power, it is the original Flame, it is the
power to consume, destroy and to rebirth all that is. The time is now for
mankind to recognize their divinity and take in their hands the gift of
Flame that has been extended to them from their Creator, to use it, to
illuminate, to transform, to rebirth themselves and the world. The time has come for mankind to realise that they are powerful and to use their power well. In love and peace take these words and use your power well.
May manifold blessings of Light, Love, Peace, Joy, Happiness, Abundance and Wisdom be yours in this auspicious moment of NOW!
Gary McDaniel