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zepto.min.js ajax,Zepto.js: the aerogel-weight jQuery-compatible JavaScript library


Core methods


$(selector, [context]) ⇒ collection

$() ⇒ same collection

$() ⇒ collection

$(htmlString) ⇒ collection

$(htmlString, attributes) ⇒ collection [v1.0]

Zepto(function($){ ... })

Create a Zepto collection object by performing a CSS selector, wrapping DOM

nodes, or creating elements from an HTML string.

A Zepto collection is an array-like object that has chainable methods for

manipulating the DOM nodes it references. All of the methods in this documentation

are collection methods, except the ones directly on the dollar (Zepto) object,

such as $.extend.

If a context (CSS selector, DOM node or Zepto collection object) is

given, perform the CSS selector only within nodes of the context; this is

functionally the same as calling $(context).find(selector).

When an HTML string is given, use it to create DOM nodes. If an attributes map

is given via argument, apply them to all created elements. For fast single

element creation, use


When a function is given, attach it as a handler for the DOMContentLoaded event.

If the page is already loaded, executes the function immediately.

$('div') //=> all DIV elements on the page

$('#foo') //=> element with ID "foo"

// create element:



") //=> the new P element

// create element with attributes:




// execute callback when the page is ready:


alert('Ready to Zepto!')


jQuery CSS extensions are not supported. However, the optional

“selector” module provides limited support for a few of the most used

pseudo-selectors, and can be dropped in for compatibility with existing code

or plugins.

Zepto will only set the $ global to itself if it is not yet defined. This

allows you to use Zepto with legacy code that uses, for example, Prototype.js.

Just load Prototype first, and Zepto will not touch Prototype’s $ function.

Zepto will always set the Zepto global to itself.



$.camelCase(string) ⇒ string

Turn a dasherized string into “camel case”. Doesn’t affect already camel-cased


$.camelCase('hello-there') //=> "helloThere"

$.camelCase('helloThere') //=> "helloThere"



$.contains(parent, node) ⇒ boolean

Check if the parent node contains the given DOM node. Returns false if both

are the same node.


$.each(collection, function(index, item){ ... }) ⇒ collection

Iterate over array elements or object key-value pairs. Returning

false from the iterator function stops the iteration.

$.each(['a', 'b', 'c'], function(index, item){

console.log('item %d is: %s', index, item)


var hash = { name: 'zepto.js', size: 'micro' }

$.each(hash, function(key, value){

console.log('%s: %s', key, value)



$.extend(target, [source, [source2, ...]]) ⇒ target

$.extend(true, target, [source, ...]) ⇒ target [v1.0]

Extend target object with properties from each of the source objects,

overriding the properties on target.

By default, copying is shallow. An optional true for the first argument

triggers deep (recursive) copying.

var target = { one: 'patridge' },

source = { two: 'turtle doves' }

$.extend(target, source)

//=> { one: 'patridge',

// two: 'turtle doves' }


Zepto.fn is an object that holds all of the methods that are available on

Zepto collections, such as addClass(), attr(), and

other. Adding a function to this object makes that method available on every

Zepto collection.

Here’s an example implementation of Zepto’s empty() method:

$.fn.empty = function(){

return this.each(function(){ this.innerHTML = '' })




$.grep(items, function(item){ ... }) ⇒ array

Get a new array containing only the items for which the callback function

returned true.



$.inArray(element, array, [fromIndex]) ⇒ number

Get the position of element inside an array, or -1 if not found.


$.isArray(object) ⇒ boolean

True if the object is an array.


$.isFunction(object) ⇒ boolean

True if the object is a function.



$.isNumeric(value) ⇒ boolean

True if the value is a finite Number or a String representing a number.



$.isPlainObject(object) ⇒ boolean

True if the object is a “plain” JavaScript object, which is only true for object

literals and objects created with new Object.

$.isPlainObject({}) // => true

$.isPlainObject(new Object) // => true

$.isPlainObject(new Date) // => false

$.isPlainObject(window) // => false



$.isWindow(object) ⇒ boolean

True if the object is a window object. This is useful for iframes where each one

has its own window, and where these objects fail the regular obj === window



$.map(collection, function(item, index){ ... }) ⇒ collection

Iterate through elements of collection and return all results of running the

iterator function, with null and undefined values filtered out.



var callback = $.noop

A reference to a function that does nothing.



$.parseJSON(string) ⇒ object

Alias for the native JSON.parse method.



$.trim(string) ⇒ string

Remove whitespace from beginning and end of a string; just like




$.type(object) ⇒ string

Get string type of an object. Possible types are:

null undefined boolean number string function array date regexp object error.

For other objects it will simply report “object”. To find out if an object is a

plain JavaScript object, use isPlainObject.


add(selector, [context]) ⇒ self

Modify the current collection by adding the results of performing the CSS

selector on the whole document, or, if context is given, just inside context



addClass(name) ⇒ self

addClass(function(index, oldClassName){ ... }) ⇒ self

Add class name to each of the elements in the collection. Multiple class

names can be given in a space-separated string.


after(content) ⇒ self

Add content to the DOM after each elements in the collection. The content can

be an HTML string, a DOM node or an array of nodes.

$('form label').after('

A note below the label



append(content) ⇒ self

Append content to the DOM inside each individual element in the collection. The

content can be an HTML string, a DOM node or an array of nodes.


new list item')


appendTo(target) ⇒ self

Append elements from the current collection to the target element. This is

like append, but with reversed operands.


new list item').appendTo('ul')


attr(name) ⇒ string

attr(name, value) ⇒ self

attr(name, function(index, oldValue){ ... }) ⇒ self

attr({ name: value, name2: value2, ... }) ⇒ self

Read or set DOM attributes. When no value is given, reads specified attribute

from the first element in the collection. When value is given, sets the

attribute to that value on each element in the collection. When value is null,

the attribute is removed (like with removeAttr). Multiple

attributes can be set by passing an object with name-value pairs.

To read DOM properties such as checked or selected, use prop.

var form = $('form')

form.attr('action') //=> read value

form.attr('action', '/create') //=> set value

form.attr('action', null) //=> remove attribute

// multiple attributes:


action: '/create',

method: 'post'



before(content) ⇒ self

Add content to the DOM before each element in the collection. The content can

be an HTML string, a DOM node or an array of nodes.


See the following table:



children([selector]) ⇒ collection

Get immediate children of each element in the current collection. If selector

is given, filter the results to only include ones matching the CSS selector.


//=> every other list item from every ordered list



clone() ⇒ collection

Duplicate all elements in the collection via deep clone.

This method doesn't have an option for copying data and event handlers over to

the new elements, as it has in jQuery.


closest(selector, [context]) ⇒ collection

closest(collection) ⇒ collection [v1.0]

closest(element) ⇒ collection [v1.0]

Traverse upwards from the current element to find the first element that

matches the selector. If context node is given, consider only elements that are

its descendants. This method is similar to parents(selector), but

it only returns the first ancestor matched.

If a Zepto collection or element is given, the resulting element will have to

match one of the given elements instead of a selector.

var input = $('input[type=text]')



concat(nodes, [node2, ...]) ⇒ self

Modify the collection by adding elements to it. If any of the arguments is an

array, its elements are merged into the current collection.

This is a Zepto-provided method that is not part of the jQuery API.



contents() ⇒ collection

Get the children of each element in the collection, including text

and comment nodes.


css(property) ⇒ value

css([property1, property2, ...]) ⇒ object [v1.1]

css(property, value) ⇒ self

css({ property: value, property2: value2, ... }) ⇒ self

Read or set CSS properties on DOM elements. When no value is given, returns the CSS

property from the first element in the collection. When a value is given, sets the

property to that value on each element of the collection.

Multiple properties can be retrieved at once by passing an array of property

names. Multiple properties can be set by passing an object to the method.

When a value for a property is blank (empty string, null, or undefined), that

property is removed. When a unitless number value is given, “px” is appended to

it for properties that require units.

var elem = $('h1')

elem.css('background-color') // read property

elem.css('background-color', '#369') // set property

elem.css('background-color', '') // remove property

// set multiple properties:

elem.css({ backgroundColor: '#8EE', fontSize: 28 })

// read multiple properties:

elem.css(['backgroundColor', 'fontSize'])['fontSize']


data(name) ⇒ value

data(name, value) ⇒ self

Read or write data-* DOM attributes. Behaves like attr, but prepends

data- to the attribute name.

When reading attribute values, the following conversions apply:


“true”, “false”, and “null” are converted to corresponding types;

number values are converted to actual numeric types;

JSON values are parsed, if it’s valid JSON;

everything else is returned as string.

Zepto's basic implementation of `data()` only stores strings.

To store arbitrary objects, include the optional "data" module

in your custom build of Zepto.


each(function(index, item){ ... }) ⇒ self

Iterate through every element of the collection. Inside the iterator function,

this keyword refers to the current item (also passed as the second argument to

the function). If the iterator function returns false, iteration stops.

$('form input').each(function(index){

console.log('input %d is: %o', index, this)



empty() ⇒ self

Clear DOM contents of each element in the collection.


eq(index) ⇒ collection

Get the item at position specified by index from the current collection.

$('li').eq(0) //=> only the first list item

$('li').eq(-1) //=> only the last list item


filter(selector) ⇒ collection

filter(function(index){ ... }) ⇒ collection [v1.0]

Filter the collection to contain only items that match the CSS selector.

If a function is given, return only elements for which the function

returns a truthy value. Inside the function, the this keyword refers to

the current element.

For the opposite, see not.


find(selector) ⇒ collection

find(collection) ⇒ collection [v1.0]

find(element) ⇒ collection [v1.0]

Find elements that match CSS selector executed in scope of nodes in the

current collection.

If a Zepto collection or element is given, filter those elements down to only

ones that are descendants of element in the current collection.

var form = $('#myform')

form.find('input, select')


first() ⇒ collection

Get the first element of the current collection.



forEach(function(item, index, array){ ... }, [context])

Iterate through every element of the collection. Similar to each, but

the arguments for the iterator functions are different, and returning false

from the iterator won’t stop the iteration.

This is a Zepto-provided method that is not part of the jQuery API.


get() ⇒ array

get(index) ⇒ DOM node

Get all elements or a single element from the current collection. When no index

is given, returns all elements in an ordinary array. When index is specified,

return only the element at that position. This is different than eq in

the way that the returned node is not wrapped in a Zepto collection.

var elements = $('h2')

elements.get() //=> get all headings as an array

elements.get(0) //=> get first heading node



has(selector) ⇒ collection

has(node) ⇒ collection

Filter the current collection to include only elements that have any number of

descendants that match a selector, or that contain a specific DOM node.

$('ol > li').has('a[href]')

//=> get only LI elements that contain links


hasClass(name) ⇒ boolean

Check if any elements in the collection have the specified class.


height() ⇒ number

height(value) ⇒ self

height(function(index, oldHeight){ ... }) ⇒ self

Get the height of the first element in the collection; or set the height of all elements in the collection.

$('#foo').height() // => 123

$(window).height() // => 838 (viewport height)

$(document).height() // => 22302


hide() ⇒ self

Hide elements in this collection by setting their display CSS property to



html() ⇒ string

html(content) ⇒ self

html(function(index, oldHtml){ ... }) ⇒ self

Get or set HTML contents of elements in the collection. When no content given,

returns innerHTML of the first element. When content is given, use it to replace

contents of each element. Content can be any of the types described in


// autolink everything that looks like a Twitter username

$('.comment p').html(function(idx, oldHtml){

return oldHtml.replace(/(^|\W)@(\w{1,15})/g,




index([element]) ⇒ number

Get the position of an element. When no element is given, returns position of

the current element among its siblings. When an element is given, returns its

position in the current collection. Returns -1 if not found.

$('li:nth-child(2)').index() //=> 1


indexOf(element, [fromIndex]) ⇒ number

Get the position of an element in the current collection. If fromIndex number is

given, search only from that position onwards. Returns the 0-based position when

found and -1 if not found. Use of index is recommended over this


This is a Zepto-provided method that is not part of the jQuery API.


insertAfter(target) ⇒ self

Insert elements from the current collection after the target element in the

DOM. This is like after, but with reversed operands.


Emphasis mine.



insertBefore(target) ⇒ self

Insert elements from the current collection before each of the target elements

in the DOM. This is like before, but with reversed operands.


See the following table:



is(selector) ⇒ boolean

Check if the first element of the current collection matches the CSS selector.

For basic support of jQuery’s non-standard pseudo-selectors such as :visible,

include the optional “selector” module.

jQuery CSS extensions

are not supported. The optional “selector” module only provides limited

support for few of the most used ones.


last() ⇒ collection

Get the last element of the current collection.



map(function(index, item){ ... }) ⇒ collection

Iterate through all elements and collect the return values of the iterator

function. Inside the iterator function, this keyword refers to the current

item (also passed as the second argument to the function).

Returns a collection of results of iterator function, with null and

undefined values filtered out.

// get text contents of all elements in collection

elements.map(function(){ return $(this).text() }).get().join(', ')


next() ⇒ collection

next(selector) ⇒ collection [v1.0]

Get the next sibling–optionally filtered by selector–of each element in the


$('dl dt').next() //=> the DD elements


not(selector) ⇒ collection

not(collection) ⇒ collection

not(function(index){ ... }) ⇒ collection

Filter the current collection to get a new collection of elements that don’t

match the CSS selector. If another collection is given instead of selector,

return only elements not present in it. If a function is given, return only

elements for which the function returns a falsy value. Inside the function,

the this keyword refers to the current element.

For the opposite, see filter.


offset() ⇒ object

offset(coordinates) ⇒ self [v1.0]

offset(function(index, oldOffset){ ... }) ⇒ self [v1.0]

Get position of the element in the document. Returns an object with properties:

top, left, width and height.

When given an object with properties left and top, use those values to

position each element in the collection relative to the document.



offsetParent() ⇒ collection

Find the first ancestor element that is positioned, meaning its CSS position

value is “relative”, “absolute” or “fixed”.


parent([selector]) ⇒ collection

Get immediate parents of each element in the collection. If CSS selector is

given, filter results to include only ones matching the selector.


parents([selector]) ⇒ collection

Get all ancestors of each element in the collection. If CSS selector is given,

filter results to include only ones matching the selector.

To get only immediate parents, use parent. To only get the first

ancestor that matches the selector, use closest.

$('h1').parents() //=> [

, , ]


pluck(property) ⇒ array

Get values from a named property of each element in the collection, with null

and undefined values filtered out.

$('body > *').pluck('nodeName') // => ["DIV", "SCRIPT"]

// implementation of Zepto's `next` method

$.fn.next = function(){

return $(this.pluck('nextElementSibling'))


This is a Zepto-provided method that is not part of the jQuery API.



position() ⇒ object

Get the position of the first element in the collection, relative to the

offsetParent. This information is useful when absolutely

positioning an element to appear aligned with another.

Returns an object with properties: top, left.

var pos = element.position()

// position a tooltip relative to the element


position: 'absolute',

top: pos.top - 30,

left: pos.left



prepend(content) ⇒ self

Prepend content to the DOM inside each element in the collection. The content

can be an HTML string, a DOM node or an array of nodes.


first list item')


prependTo(target) ⇒ self

Prepend elements of the current collection inside each of the target elements. This is

like prepend, only with reversed operands.


first list item').prependTo('ul')


prev() ⇒ collection

prev(selector) ⇒ collection [v1.0]

Get the previous sibling–optionally filtered by selector–of each element in

the collection.



prop(name) ⇒ value

prop(name, value) ⇒ self

prop(name, function(index, oldValue){ ... }) ⇒ self

prop({ name: value, name2: value2, ... }) ⇒ self

Read or set properties of DOM elements. This should be preferred over attr in

case of reading values of properties that change with user interaction over

time, such as checked and selected.

Short and lowercase names such as for, class, readonly and similar will be

mapped to actual properties such as htmlFor, className, readOnly, etc.


push(element, [element2, ...]) ⇒ self

Add elements to the end of the current collection.

This is a Zepto-provided method that is not part of the jQuery API.


ready(function($){ ... }) ⇒ self

Attach an event handler for the “DOMContentLoaded” event that fires when the DOM

on the page is ready. It’s recommended to use the $() function instead

of this method.


reduce(function(memo, item, index, array){ ... }, [initial]) ⇒ value

Identical to Array.reduce that iterates over current collection.

This is a Zepto-provided method that is not part of the jQuery API.


remove() ⇒ self

Remove elements in the current collection from their parent nodes, effectively

detaching them from the DOM.


removeAttr(name) ⇒ self

Remove the specified attribute from all elements in the collection.

Multiple attributes to remove can be passed as a space-separated list.


removeClass([name]) ⇒ self

removeClass(function(index, oldClassName){ ... }) ⇒ self

Remove the specified class name from all elements in the collection. When the

class name isn’t given, remove all class names. Multiple class names can be given in a space-separated string.



removeProp(name) ⇒ self

Remove a property from each of the DOM nodes in the collection. This is done

with JavaScript’s delete operator. Note that trying to remove some built-in

DOM properties such as className or maxLength won’t have any affect, since

browsers disallow removing those properties.


replaceWith(content) ⇒ self

Replace each element in the collection–both its contents and the element

itself–with the new content. Content can be of any type described in




scrollLeft() ⇒ number

scrollLeft(value) ⇒ self

Gets or sets how many pixels were scrolled to the right so far on window or

scrollable element on the page.



scrollTop() ⇒ number

scrollTop(value) ⇒ self [v1.1]

Gets or sets how many pixels were scrolled down so far on window or scrollable

element on the page.


show() ⇒ self

Restore the default value for the “display” property of each element in the

array, effectively showing them if they were hidden with hide.


siblings([selector]) ⇒ collection

Get all sibling nodes of each element in the collection. If CSS selector is

specified, filter the results to contain only elements that match the selector.


size() ⇒ number

Get the number of elements in this collection.


slice(start, [end]) ⇒ array

Extract the subset of this array, starting at start index. If end is

specified, extract up to but not including end index.


text() ⇒ string

text(content) ⇒ self

text(function(index, oldText){ ... }) ⇒ self [v1.1.4]

Get or set the text content of elements in the collection. When no content is

given, returns the text contents of all the elements in the collection, if no element exists, null will be returned. When

content is given, uses it to replace the text contents of each element in the

collection. This is similar to html, with the exception it can’t be

used for getting or setting HTML.


toggle([setting]) ⇒ self

Toggle between showing and hiding each of the elements, based on whether the

first element is visible or not. If setting is present, this method behaves

like show if setting is truthy or hide otherwise.

var input = $('input[type=text]')

$('#too_long').toggle(input.val().length > 140)


toggleClass(names, [setting]) ⇒ self

toggleClass(function(index, oldClassNames){ ... }, [setting]) ⇒ self

Toggle given class names (space-separated) in each element in the collection.

The class name is removed if present on an element; otherwise it’s added. If

setting is present, this method behaves like addClass if setting

is truthy or removeClass otherwise.


unwrap() ⇒ self

Remove immediate parent nodes of each element in the collection and put their

children in their place. Basically, this method removes one level of ancestry

while keeping current elements in the DOM.




$('#wrapper p').unwrap().parents() //=> [

, ]


val() ⇒ string

val(value) ⇒ self

val(function(index, oldValue){ ... }) ⇒ self

Get or set the value of form controls. When no value is given, return

the value of the first element. For , an array of values

is returend. When a value is given, set all elements to this value.


width() ⇒ number

width(value) ⇒ self

width(function(index, oldWidth){ ... }) ⇒ self

Get the width of the first element in the collection; or set the width of all elements in the collection.

$('#foo').width() // => 123

$(window).width() // => 768 (viewport width)

$(document).width() // => 768


wrap(structure) ⇒ self

wrap(function(index){ ... }) ⇒ self [v1.0]

Wrap each element of the collection separately in a DOM structure. Structure can

be a single element or several nested elements, and can be passed in as a HTML

string or DOM node, or as a function that is called for each element and returns

one of the first two types.

Keep in mind that wrapping works best when operating on nodes that are part

of the DOM. When calling wrap() on a new element and then inserting the result

in the document, the element will lose the wrapping.

// wrap each button in a separate span:

$('.buttons a').wrap('')

// wrap each code block in a div and pre:


// wrap all form inputs in a span with classname

// corresponding to input type:


return ''


//=> ,


// WARNING: will not work as expected!



// do this instead:




wrapAll(structure) ⇒ self

Wrap all elements in a single structure. Structure can be a single element or

several nested elements, and can be passed in as a HTML string or DOM node.

// wrap all buttons in a single div:



wrapInner(structure) ⇒ self

wrapInner(function(index){ ... }) ⇒ self [v1.0]

Wrap the contents of each element separately in a structure. Structure can be

a single element or several nested elements, and can be passed in as a HTML string

or DOM node, or as a function that is called for each element and returns one of

the first two types.

// wrap the contents of each navigation link in a span:

$('nav a').wrapInner('')

// wrap the contents of each list item in a paragraph and emphasis:

$('ol li').wrapInner('

Detect methods

Detect module

The “detect” module is useful to fine-tune your site or app to different environments, and helps you to discern between phone and tablets; as well as different browser engines and operating system versions.

// The following boolean flags are set to true if they apply,

// if not they're either set to `false` or `undefined`.

// We recommend accessing them with `!!` prefixed to coerce to a boolean.

// general device type



// specific OS







// specific device type



$.os.ipod // [v1.1]



// specific browser



$.browser.safari // [v1.1]

$.browser.webview // (iOS) [v1.1]



$.browser.ie // [v1.1]

// Additionally, version information is available as well.

// Here's what's returned for an iPhone running iOS 6.1.

!!$.os.phone // => true

!!$.os.iphone // => true

!!$.os.ios // => true

$.os.version // => "6.1"

$.browser.version // => "536.26"

Event handling


$.Event(type, [properties]) ⇒ event

Create and initialize a DOM event of the specified type. If a properties object

is given, use it to extend the new event object. The event is configured to

bubble by default; this can be turned off by setting the bubbles property to false.

An event initialized with this function can be triggered with


$.Event('mylib:change', { bubbles: false })



$.proxy(fn, context) ⇒ function

$.proxy(fn, context, [additionalArguments...]) ⇒ function [v1.1.4]

$.proxy(context, property) ⇒ function

$.proxy(context, property, [additionalArguments...]) ⇒ function [v1.1.4]

Get a function that ensures that the value of this in the original function

refers to the context object. In the second form, the original function is read

from the specific property of the context object.

If additional arguments are passed beyond the 2nd argument, they are applied to

every invocation of the wrapped function in front of its actual arguments.

var obj = {name: 'Zepto'},

handler = function(){ console.log("hello from + ", this.name) }

// ensures that the handler will be executed in the context of `obj`:

$(document).on('click', $.proxy(handler, obj))



Deprecated, use on instead.

bind(type, function(e){ ... }) ⇒ self

bind(type, [data], function(e){ ... }) ⇒ self [v1.1]

bind({ type: handler, type2: handler2, ... }) ⇒ self

bind({ type: handler, type2: handler2, ... }, [data]) ⇒ self [v1.1]

Attach an event handler to elements.



Deprecated, use on instead.

delegate(selector, type, function(e){ ... }) ⇒ self

delegate(selector, { type: handler, type2: handler2, ... }) ⇒ self

Attach an event handler that is only triggered when the event originated from a

node that matches a selector.



Deprecated, use off instead.

die(type, function(e){ ... }) ⇒ self

die({ type: handler, type2: handler2, ... }) ⇒ self

Detach event handler added by live.



event.isDefaultPrevented() ⇒ boolean

Returns true if preventDefault() was called for this event instance. This

serves as a cross-platform alternative to the native defaultPrevented property

which is missing or unreliable in some browsers.

// trigger a custom event and check whether it was cancelled

var event = $.Event('custom')





event.isImmediatePropagationStopped() ⇒ boolean

Returns true if stopImmediatePropagation() was called for this event instance.

Zepto implements the native method in browsers that don’t support it (e.g. old

versions of Android).



event.isPropagationStopped() ⇒ boolean

Returns true if stopPropagation() was called for this event instance.



Deprecated, use on instead.

live(type, function(e){ ... }) ⇒ self

live({ type: handler, type2: handler2, ... }) ⇒ self

Like delegate where the selector is taken from the current



off(type, [selector], function(e){ ... }) ⇒ self

off({ type: handler, type2: handler2, ... }, [selector]) ⇒ self

off(type, [selector]) ⇒ self

off() ⇒ self

Detach event handlers added with on. To detach a specific event handler,

the same function must be passed that was used for on(). Otherwise, just

calling this method with an event type will detach all handlers of that type.

When called without arguments, it detaches all event handlers registered on

current elements.


on(type, [selector], function(e){ ... }) ⇒ self

on(type, [selector], [data], function(e){ ... }) ⇒ self [v1.1]

on({ type: handler, type2: handler2, ... }, [selector]) ⇒ self

on({ type: handler, type2: handler2, ... }, [selector], [data]) ⇒ self [v1.1]

Add event handlers to the elements in collection. Multiple event types can be

passed in a space-separated string, or as an object where event types are keys

and handlers are values. If a CSS selector is given, the handler function will

only be called when an event originates from an element that matches the selector.

If the data argument is given, this value will be made available as the

event.data property during the execution of the event handler.

Event handlers are executed in the context of the element to which the handler

is attached, or the matching element in case a selector is provided. When an

event handler returns false, preventDefault() and stopPropagation() is called for the current

event, preventing the default browser action such as following links.

If false is passed as argument to this method in place of the callback

function, it’s equivalent to passing a function that returns false.

var elem = $('#content')

// observe all clicks inside #content:

elem.on('click', function(e){ ... })

// observe clicks inside navigation links in #content

elem.on('click', 'nav a', function(e){ ... })

// all clicks inside links in the document

$(document).on('click', 'a', function(e){ ... })

// disable following any navigation link on the page

$(document).on('click', 'nav a', false)


one(type, [selector], function(e){ ... }) ⇒ self

one(type, [selector], [data], function(e){ ... }) ⇒ self [v1.1]

one({ type: handler, type2: handler2, ... }, [selector]) ⇒ self

one({ type: handler, type2: handler2, ... }, [selector], [data]) ⇒ self [v1.1]

Adds an event handler that removes itself the first time it runs, ensuring that

the handler only fires once. See .on() for the explanation of

selector and data arguments.


trigger(event, [args]) ⇒ self

Trigger the specified event on elements of the collection. Event can either be a

string type, or a full event object obtained with $.Event. If an args

array is given, it is passed as additional arguments to event handlers.

// add a handler for a custom event

$(document).on('mylib:change', function(e, from, to){

console.log('change on %o with data %s, %s', e.target, from, to)


// trigger the custom event

$(document.body).trigger('mylib:change', ['one', 'two'])

Zepto only supports triggering events on DOM elements.


triggerHandler(event, [args]) ⇒ self

Like trigger, but triggers only event handlers on current

elements and doesn’t bubble.



Deprecated, use off instead.

unbind(type, function(e){ ... }) ⇒ self

unbind({ type: handler, type2: handler2, ... }) ⇒ self

Detach event handler added with bind.



Deprecated, use off instead.

undelegate(selector, type, function(e){ ... }) ⇒ self

undelegate(selector, { type: handler, type2: handler2, ... }) ⇒ self

Detach event handler added with delegate.

Ajax requests


$.ajax(options) ⇒ XMLHttpRequest

Perform an Ajax request. It can be to a local resource, or cross-domain via

HTTP access control support in browsers or JSONP.


type (default: “GET”): HTTP request method (“GET”, “POST”, or other)

url (default: current URL): URL to which the request is made

data (default: none): data for the request; for GET requests it is appended

to query string of the URL. Non-string objects will get serialized with


processData (default: true): whether to automatically serialize data for

non-GET requests to string

contentType (default: “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”): the Content-Type

of the data being posted to the server (this can also be set via headers).

Pass false to skip setting the default value.

mimeType (default: none): override the MIME type of the response.


dataType (default: none): response type to expect from the server. One of

json, jsonp, script, xml, html, or text.

jsonp (default: “callback”): the name of the JSONP callback query parameter

jsonpCallback (default: “jsonp{N}”): the string (or a function that returns)

name of the global JSONP callback function. Set this to enable browser caching.


timeout (default: 0): request timeout in milliseconds, 0 for no timeout

headers: object of additional HTTP headers for the Ajax request

async (default: true): set to false to issue a synchronous (blocking) request

global (default: true): trigger global Ajax events on this request

context (default: window): context to execute callbacks in

traditional (default: false): activate traditional (shallow) serialization

of data parameters with $.param

cache (default: true): whether the browser should be allowed to cache GET responses.

Since v1.1.4, the default is false for

dataType: "script" or jsonp.

xhrFields (default: none): an object containing properties to be copied over

verbatim to the XMLHttpRequest instance.


username & password (default: none): HTTP Basic authentication credentials.


If the URL contains =? or dataType is “jsonp”, the request is performed

by injecting a tag instead of using XMLHttpRequest (see JSONP).

This has the limitation of contentType, dataType, headers, and async not

being supported.

Ajax callbacks

You can specify the following callback functions, which are given in order of execution:

beforeSend(xhr, settings): before the request is sent. Provides access to

the xhr object and allows changing the settings.

Return false from the function to cancel the request

success(data, status, xhr): when request succeeds

error(xhr, errorType, error): if there is an error (timeout, parse error,

or status code not in HTTP 2xx)

complete(xhr, status): after the request is complete, regardless of error

or success

Promise callback interface v1.1+

If the optional modules “callbacks” and “deferred” are loaded, the XHR object

returned from $.ajax() calls implements a promise interface for adding

callbacks by chaining:

xhr.done(function(data, status, xhr){ ... })

xhr.fail(function(xhr, errorType, error){ ... })

xhr.always(function(){ ... })

xhr.then(function(){ ... })

These methods supersede the success, error, and complete callback options.

Ajax events

These events are fired during the lifecycle of an Ajax request performed with

the default setting of global: true:

ajaxStart (global): fired if no other Ajax requests are currently


ajaxBeforeSend (xhr, options): before sending the request; can be


ajaxSend (xhr, options): like ajaxBeforeSend, but not cancellable

ajaxSuccess (xhr, options, data): when the response is success

ajaxError (xhr, options, error): when there was an error

ajaxComplete (xhr, options): after request has completed, regardless

of error or success

ajaxStop (global): fired if this was the last active Ajax request

By default, Ajax events are fired on the document object. However, if the

context of a request is a DOM node, the events are fired on that node and will

bubble up the DOM. The only exceptions to this are the global events ajaxStart

& ajaxStop.

$(document).on('ajaxBeforeSend', function(e, xhr, options){

// This gets fired for every Ajax request performed on the page.

// The xhr object and $.ajax() options are available for editing.

// Return false to cancel this request.



type: 'GET',

url: '/projects',

// data to be added to query string:

data: { name: 'Zepto.js' },

// type of data we are expecting in return:

dataType: 'json',

timeout: 300,

context: $('body'),

success: function(data){

// Supposing this JSON payload was received:

// {"project": {"id": 42, "html": "

..." }}

// append the HTML to context object.



error: function(xhr, type){

alert('Ajax error!')



// post a JSON payload:


type: 'POST',

url: '/projects',

// post payload:

data: JSON.stringify({ name: 'Zepto.js' }),

contentType: 'application/json'




Deprecated, use $.ajax instead.

$.ajaxJSONP(options) ⇒ mock XMLHttpRequest

Perform a JSONP request to fetch data from another domain.

This method has no advantages over $.ajax and should not be used.


Object containing the default settings for Ajax requests. Most settings are

described in $.ajax. The ones that are useful when set globally are:

timeout (default: 0): set to a non-zero value to specify a default timeout

for Ajax requests in milliseconds

global (default: true): set to false to prevent firing Ajax events

xhr (default: XMLHttpRequest factory): set to a function that returns

instances of XMLHttpRequest (or a compatible object)

accepts: MIME types to request from the server for specific dataType


script: “text/javascript, application/javascript”

json: “application/json”

xml: “application/xml, text/xml”

html: “text/html”

text: “text/plain”


$.get(url, function(data, status, xhr){ ... }) ⇒ XMLHttpRequest

$.get(url, [data], [function(data, status, xhr){ ... }], [dataType]) ⇒ XMLHttpRequest [v1.0]

Perform an Ajax GET request. This is a shortcut for the $.ajax


$.get('/whatevs.html', function(response){




$.getJSON(url, function(data, status, xhr){ ... }) ⇒ XMLHttpRequest

$.getJSON(url, [data], function(data, status, xhr){ ... }) ⇒ XMLHttpRequest [v1.0]

Get JSON data via Ajax GET request. This is a shortcut for the $.ajax


$.getJSON('/awesome.json', function(data){



// fetch data from another domain with JSONP

$.getJSON('//example.com/awesome.json?callback=?', function(remoteData){




$.param(object, [shallow]) ⇒ string

$.param(array) ⇒ string

Serialize an object to a URL-encoded string representation for use in Ajax

request query strings and post data. If shallow is set, nested objects are

not serialized and nested array values won’t use square brackets on their keys.

If any of the individual value objects is a function instead of a string, the

function will get invoked and its return value will be what gets serialized.

This method accepts an array in serializeArray format, where

each item has “name” and “value” properties.

$.param({ foo: { one: 1, two: 2 }})

//=> "foo[one]=1&foo[two]=2)"

$.param({ ids: [1,2,3] })

//=> "ids[]=1&ids[]=2&ids[]=3"

$.param({ ids: [1,2,3] }, true)

//=> "ids=1&ids=2&ids=3"

$.param({ foo: 'bar', nested: { will: 'not be ignored' }})

//=> "foo=bar&nested[will]=not+be+ignored"

$.param({ foo: 'bar', nested: { will: 'be ignored' }}, true)

//=> "foo=bar&nested=[object+Object]"

$.param({ id: function(){ return 1 + 2 } })

//=> "id=3"


$.post(url, [data], function(data, status, xhr){ ... }, [dataType]) ⇒ XMLHttpRequest

Perform an Ajax POST request. This is a shortcut for the $.ajax


$.post('/create', { sample: 'payload' }, function(response){

// process response


data can also be a string:

$.post('/create', $('#some_form').serialize(), function(response){

// ...



load(url, function(data, status, xhr){ ... }) ⇒ self

Set the html contents of the current collection to the result of a GET Ajax call to the given URL. Optionally, a CSS selector can be specified in the URL, like so, to use only the HTML content matching the selector for updating the collection:

$('#some_element').load('/foo.html #bar')

If no CSS selector is given, the complete response text is used instead.

Note that any JavaScript blocks found are only executed in case no selector is given.

Form methods


serialize() ⇒ string

Serialize form values to an URL-encoded string for use in Ajax post requests.


serializeArray() ⇒ array

Serialize form into an array of objects with name and value properties.

Disabled form controls, buttons, and unchecked radio buttons/checkboxes are skipped.

The result doesn’t include data from file inputs.


//=> [{ name: 'size', value: 'micro' },

// { name: 'name', value: 'Zepto' }]


submit() ⇒ self

submit(function(e){ ... }) ⇒ self

Trigger or attach a handler for the submit event. When no function given,

trigger the “submit” event on the current form and have it perform its submit

action unless preventDefault() was called for the event.

When a function is given, this simply attaches it as a handler for the “submit”

event on current elements.



Global settings for animations:

$.fx.off (default false in browsers that support CSS transitions): set to

true to disable all animate() transitions.

$.fx.speeds: an object with duration settings for animations:

_default (400 ms)

fast (200 ms)

slow (600 ms)

Change existing values or add new properties to affect animations that use

a string for setting duration.


animate(properties, [duration, [easing, [function(){ ... }]]]) ⇒ self

animate(properties, { duration: msec, easing: type, complete: fn }) ⇒ self

animate(animationName, { ... }) ⇒ self

Smoothly transition CSS properties of elements in the current collection.

properties: object that holds CSS values to animate to; or CSS keyframe

animation name

duration (default 400): duration in milliseconds, or a string:

fast (200 ms)

slow (600 ms)

any custom property of $.fx.speeds

easing (default linear): specifies the type of animation easing to use, one of:



ease-in / ease-out


complete: callback function for when the animation finishes

delay: transition delay in milliseconds


Zepto also supports the following CSS transform properties:







If the duration is 0 or $.fx.off is true (default in a browser that doesn’t

support CSS transitions), animations will not be executed; instead the target

values will take effect instantly. Similarly, when the target CSS properties

match the current state of the element, there will be no animation and the

complete function won’t be called.

If the first argument is a string instead of object, it is taken as a CSS

keyframe animation name.


opacity: 0.25, left: '50px',

color: '#abcdef',

rotateZ: '45deg', translate3d: '0,10px,0'

}, 500, 'ease-out')

Zepto exclusively uses CSS transitions for effects and animation. jQuery

easings are not supported. jQuery’s syntax for relative changes (=+10px) is

not supported. See the spec for a list of animatable properties.

Browser support may vary, so be sure to test in all browsers you want to support.


Touch events

The “touch” module adds the following events, which can be used with on and off:

tap — fires when the element is tapped.

singleTap and doubleTap — this pair of events can be used to detect both single and double taps on the same element (if you don’t need double tap detection, use tap instead).

longTap — fires when an element is tapped and the finger is held down for more than 750ms.

swipe, swipeLeft, swipeRight, swipeUp, swipeDown — fires when an element is swiped (optionally in the given direction)

All these events are also available via shortcut methods on any Zepto collection.

  • List item 1 DELETE
  • List item 2 DELETE

// show delete buttons on swipe

$('#items li').swipe(function(){


$('.delete', this).show()


// delete row on tapping delete button




Change Log

See the change log

on Github.

Acknowledgements & Thanks

A big Thank-You goes out to all of our

awesome Zepto.js contributors.

May you all forever bask in glory.

The Zepto API is based on jQuery's Core API, which

is released under the MIT license.

This documentation is based on the layout of the


documentation, which is released under the

MIT license.

© 2010-2018 Thomas Fuchs, Freckle Online Time Tracking

Zepto and this documentation is released under the terms of the MIT license.



