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Jet Aircraft


Mr. Retain is so clever that he creates a jet aircraft by himself. A jet aircraft is an aircraft propelled by jet engines. Jet aircraft fly much faster than propeller-powered aircrafts and at higher altitudes -- as high as 10,000 to 15,000 meters (about 33,000 to 49,000 ft). At these altitudes, jet engines achieve maximum efficiency over long distances. The engines in propeller powered aircraft achieve their maximum efficiency at much lower altitudes. Jet aircraft can move faster than sound.

Now, Mr. Retain would like to test his jet aircraft. His has chosen some places as destinations. However, Mr. Retain doesn’t want to take risk to go to every place, i.e. he will go to only one place. The probability of a successful flight between two places is only determined by their distance. Assume X1, Y1, Z1 and X2, Y2, Z2 are coordinates of two places, the probability should be calculate by .

Mr. Retain will give you all the coordinates. Your task is to calculate the maximum probability.


Input     (Please use standard input, and don’t read or write files.)

The first line contains an integer N, the number of places (1< N <=10000). It is followed by N lines. Each line contains three integers: X, Y, Z which means the coordinates.

The last line is where Mr. Retain starts from.

|X| , |Y|, |Z| <= 106


Output   (Please use standard output, and don’t read or write files.)

The maximum probability with four decimal points


Sample Input

Sample Output


1 0 0

2 2 2

0 0 0





