three.js 官网 Example 地址:https://threejs.org/examples/
* Hilbert Curve: Generates 2D-Coordinates in a very fast way.
* 希尔伯特曲线
* @author Dylan Grafmyre
* Based on work by:
* @author Thomas Diewald
* @link http://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/15493
* @param center Center of Hilbert curve.
* @param size Total width of Hilbert curve.
* @param iterations Number of subdivisions.
curve's count -> 4 ^ iterations 个首尾相连的凹线
* @param v0 Corner index -X, -Z. 从第二象限,以逆时针方向定义各点索引
* @param v1 Corner index -X, +Z.
* @param v2 Corner index +X, +Z.
* @param v3 Corner index +X, -Z.
function hilbert2D ( center, size, iterations, v0, v1, v2, v3 ) {
// Default Vars
var center = undefined !== center ? center : new THREE.Vector3( 0, 0, 0 ),
size = undefined !== size ? size : 10,
half = size / 2,
iterations = undefined !== iterations ? iterations : 1,
v0 = undefined !== v0 ? v0 : 0,
v1 = undefined !== v1 ? v1 : 1,
v2 = undefined !== v2 ? v2 : 2,
v3 = undefined !== v3 ? v3 : 3
var vec_s = [
new THREE.Vector3( center.x - half, center.y, center.z - half ),
new THREE.Vector3( center.x - half, center.y, center.z + half ),
new THREE.Vector3( center.x + half, center.y, center.z + half ),
new THREE.Vector3( center.x + half, center.y, center.z - half )
var vec = [
vec_s[ v0 ],
vec_s[ v1 ],
vec_s[ v2 ],
vec_s[ v3 ]
// Recurse iterations, 递归迭代
if ( 0 <= -- iterations ) {
var tmp = [];
1. Function.apply(obj,args)方法接收两个参数
2. Function.call(obj,[param1[,param2[,…[,paramN]]]])
在这里Array.prototype.push.apply(a, b)的作用是连接数组,相当于a.concat(b)。
Array.prototype.push.apply( tmp, hilbert2D ( vec[ 0 ], half, iterations, v0, v3, v2, v1 ) );
Array.prototype.push.apply( tmp, hilbert2D ( vec[ 1 ], half, iterations, v0, v1, v2, v3 ) );
Array.prototype.push.apply( tmp, hilbert2D ( vec[ 2 ], half, iterations, v0, v1, v2, v3 ) );
Array.prototype.push.apply( tmp, hilbert2D ( vec[ 3 ], half, iterations, v2, v1, v0, v3 ) );
// Return recursive call
return tmp;
// Return complete Hilbert Curve.
return vec;