New Relic for Java


New Relic for Java

For an overview of New Relic's Java agent (compatibility, requirements, installation, configuration), start here.

Compatibility and requirements

Show All    App/Web servers Frameworks JDBC drivers JVM Hosting services Other instrumented features Security requirements


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For Java agent installation tips, watch this New Relic video (approximately 1 minute).

To use the Java agent, sign up for a New Relic account, and then follow these installation instructions for your specific application server:


  • Even if you do not see your app server here, New Relic's Java agent should work on any application server by passing the -javaagent:/full/path/to/newrelic.jarswitch to the JVM.
  • As part of the installation, change the default application name to a meaningful name.
  • Recommendation: Change the default newrelic.yml file permissions to be read/write only for the owner of the app server process.
  • To view your app's performance in the New Relic UI: From the New Relic menu bar, select APM > Applications > (selected app) > Monitoring > Overview.

Startup configuration

The agent reads the startup configuration from the newrelic.yml file, which must be in the same directory as newrelic.jar. You can also override settings using Java system properties.

The agent needs the license_key and app_name settings at startup (bootstrap). You cancustomize the location of the log file and other settings in your newrelic.yml file.

If your app server runs multiple applications in the same JVM, see Java agent configuration for multiple applications.

Editing the configuration

You can configure application reporting from the New Relic web interface using server-side configuration. Changes will be applied to all agents reporting for your application when the JVM restarts. However, if you use server-side config, you must still maintain required settings (license_key and app_name) in the local config file.

For more help

Additional documentation resources include:

Join the discussion about Java monitoring in the New Relic Community Forum  ! The Community Forum is a public platform to discuss and troubleshoot your New Relic toolset.

If you need additional help, get support at  .

How to create a new relic account:



