组件 this指向vue_一个Vue.js组件,用于共享指向社交网络的链接


组件 this指向vue

社交分享 (vue-social-sharing)

A Vue.js component for sharing links to social networks


For Vue.js prior to < V2 use vue-social-sharing v0.x

对于低于V2的Vue.js,请使用vue-social-sharing v0.x

For SSR and Vue.js 2 support use vue-social-sharing v2.x

对于SSR和Vue.js 2支持,请使用vue-social-sharing v2.x

安装 (Installation)

# Yarn
yarn add vue-social-sharing

npm install --save vue-social-sharing

# Bower
bower install vue-social-sharing

用法 (Usage)

加载库 (Loading the library)

Browserify / Webpack (Browserify / Webpack)
var SocialSharing = require('vue-social-sharing');

<script src="/dist/vue-social-sharing.min.js"></script>

使用社交分享组件 (Using the social sharing component)

<social-sharing url="https://vuejs.org/"
                      title="The Progressive JavaScript Framework"
                      description="Intuitive, Fast and Composable MVVM for building interactive interfaces."
                      quote="Vue is a progressive framework for building user interfaces."
      <network network="email">
          <i class="fa fa-envelope"></i> Email
      <network network="facebook">
        <i class="fa fa-facebook"></i> Facebook
      <network network="googleplus">
        <i class="fa fa-google-plus"></i> Google +
      <network network="line">
        <i class="fa fa-line"></i> Line
      <network network="linkedin">
        <i class="fa fa-linkedin"></i> LinkedIn
      <network network="odnoklassniki">
        <i class="fa fa-odnoklassniki"></i> Odnoklassniki
      <network network="pinterest">
        <i class="fa fa-pinterest"></i> Pinterest
      <network network="reddit">
        <i class="fa fa-reddit"></i> Reddit
      <network network="skype">
        <i class="fa fa-skype"></i> Skype
      <network network="sms">
        <i class="fa fa-commenting-o"></i> SMS
      <network network="telegram">
        <i class="fa fa-telegram"></i> Telegram
      <network network="twitter">
        <i class="fa fa-twitter"></i> Twitter
      <network network="vk">
        <i class="fa fa-vk"></i> VKontakte
      <network network="weibo">
        <i class="fa fa-weibo"></i> Weibo
      <network network="whatsapp">
        <i class="fa fa-whatsapp"></i> Whatsapp

可用属性 (Available properties)

List of available props to use in the component:


PropData TypeDefaultDescription
urlStringcurrentURL to share.
titleStringSharing title (when available).
descriptionStringSharing description (when available).
quoteStringFacebook quote (Facebook only).
hashtagsStringA list of comma-separated hashtags (Twitter only).
twitter-userStringTwitter user (Twitter only).
mediaStringUrl to a media (Pinterest only).
Struts 数据类型 默认 描述
url 当前 分享网址。
title 共享标题(如果有)。
description 共享说明(如果有)。
quote Facebook报价(仅限Facebook)。
hashtags 逗号分隔的主题标签列表(仅适用于Twitter)。
twitter-user Twitter用户(仅限Twitter)。
media 指向媒体(仅限Pinterest)。

可用事件 (Available events)

Events are emitted on the vue $root instance:

事件在vue $ root实例上发出:

social_shares_openNetwork object, shared urlFired when a sharing popup is open
social_shares_changeNetwork object, shared urlFired when the user open a new sharing popup while another is already open
social_shares_closeNetwork object, shared urlFired when a sharing popup is closed or changed by another popup
名称 数据 描述
social_shares_open 网络对象,共享网址 打开共享弹出窗口时触发
social_shares_change 网络对象,共享网址 当用户打开一个新的共享弹出窗口而另一个已经打开时触发
social_shares_close 网络对象,共享网址 当共享弹出窗口关闭或被另一个弹出窗口更改时触发

You can listen to a vue-social-sharing $root event by using the following code:

您可以使用以下代码来监听vue-social-sharing $ root事件:

Vue.$root.$on('social_shares_open', function (network, url) {
  // your event code

And on the Local Vue-social-sharing instance:

在Local Vue-social-sharing实例上:

openNetwork object, shared urlFired when a sharing popup is open
changeNetwork object, shared urlFired when the user open a new sharing popup while another is already open
closeNetwork object, shared urlFired when a sharing popup is closed or changed by another popup
名称 数据 描述
open 网络对象,共享网址 打开共享弹出窗口时触发
change 网络对象,共享网址 当用户打开一个新的共享弹出窗口而另一个已经打开时触发
close 网络对象,共享网址 当共享弹出窗口关闭或被另一个弹出窗口更改时触发

You can listen to a vue-social-sharing local event by using the following code:


    <social-sharing @open="open()" @change="change()" @close="close()">

Note that the social_shares_close event is not fired for the Whatsapp, SMS and Email sharers.


扩展网络列表 (Extending the network list)

Since version 2.3.1 you can extend and override the list of available networks. You can see a working example of the feature in the examples/vue2-example.html file:

2.3.1版开始,您可以扩展和覆盖可用网络列表。 您可以在examples/vue2-example.html文件中看到该功能的有效examples/vue2-example.html

<social-sharing ...:networks="overriddenNetworks" inline-template>
        <network network="custom">
            Custom network

    new Vue({
      data: {
        overriddenNetworks: {
          "custom": {
            "sharer": "https://mycustomdomain.com",
            "type": "popup"

There are two available network types:


popupOpen the sharing link in a new popup
directOpen directly the sharing link (suitable for mobile apps sharing, emails, sms, ...)
类型 影响
popup 在新的弹出窗口中打开共享链接
direct 直接打开共享链接(适用于移动应用程序共享,电子邮件,短信等)

翻译自: https://vuejsexamples.com/a-vue-js-component-for-sharing-links-to-social-networks/

组件 this指向vue
