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HOW TO Build Your Featured Content Slideshow Using S3Slider JQuery Plugin




It is very easy. First include the jQuery library then include the s3Slider javascript in the head of the page(s) where you want to use s3Slider.

jQuery can be download from jQuery`s homepage.

<script src="js/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="js/s3Slider.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Important: For the script to work properly there is a set of rules that must be followed.


<div id="s3slider">
   <ul id="s3sliderContent">
      <li class="s3sliderImage">
          <img src="#" />
          <span>Your text comes here</span>
      <li class="s3sliderImage">
          <img src="#" />
          <span>Your text comes here</span>
      <div class="clear s3sliderImage"></div>


If you set that main div id is s3slider as we did here, that is the name that must be prefix for all other classes and id`s for that specific gallery (slide show). For example, if you set an id for main div as your_name, the inner id must be your_nameContent and the class .your_nameImage like in example above.

The second thing is that every .your_nameImage element in it self must have span. Also, the last div with class clear must also have an class of image holder in this case .your_nameImage. if you dont put that, the last image will NOT be shown in the slide show.


#s3slider {
   width: 400px; /* important to be same as image width */
   height: 300px; /* important to be same as image height */
   position: relative; /* important */
   overflow: hidden; /* important */

#s3sliderContent {
   width: 400px; /* important to be same as image width or wider */
   position: absolute; /* important */
   top: 0; /* important */
   margin-left: 0; /* important */

.s3sliderImage {
   float: left; /* important */
   position: relative; /* important */
   display: none; /* important */

.s3sliderImage span {
   position: absolute; /* important */
   left: 0;
   font: 10px/15px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
   padding: 10px 13px;
   width: 374px;
   background-color: #000;
   filter: alpha(opacity=70); /* here you can set the opacity of box with text */
   -moz-opacity: 0.7; /* here you can set the opacity of box with text */
   -khtml-opacity: 0.7; /* here you can set the opacity of box with text */
   opacity: 0.7; /* here you can set the opacity of box with text */
   color: #fff;
   display: none; /* important */
   top: 0;

       if you put
       top: 0; -> the box with text will be shown at the top of the image
       if you put
       bottom: 0; -> the box with text will be shown at the bottom of the image

.clear {
   clear: both;

+ show all of the code

Then you need to initalize s3Slider and set the duration of how long will one picture be shown on the page (value is in miliseconds).


$(document).ready(function() {
      timeOut: 4000




