参数 | 类型 | 说明 |
geometryOrProperties | Geometry Object.<string, *> | geometry或者其他属性 |
函数名 | 参数 | 源码 | 返回值类型 | 功能 |
getGeometry() | 无 | Feature.js, line 174 | {Geometry | undefined} |
* @module ol/Feature
import BaseObject from './Object.js';
import EventType from './events/EventType.js';
import {assert} from './asserts.js';
import {listen, unlistenByKey} from './events.js';
* @typedef {typeof Feature|typeof import("./render/Feature.js").default} FeatureClass
* @typedef {Feature<import("./geom/Geometry.js").default>|import("./render/Feature.js").default} FeatureLike
* @template Return
* @typedef {import("./Observable").OnSignature<import("./Observable").EventTypes, import("./events/Event.js").default, Return> &
* import("./Observable").OnSignature<import("./ObjectEventType").Types|'change:geometry', import("./Object").ObjectEvent, Return> &
* import("./Observable").CombinedOnSignature<import("./Observable").EventTypes|import("./ObjectEventType").Types
* |'change:geometry', Return>} FeatureOnSignature
* @template Geometry
* @typedef {Object<string, *> & { geometry?: Geometry }} ObjectWithGeometry
* @classdesc
* A vector object for geographic features with a geometry and other
* attribute properties, similar to the features in vector file formats like
* GeoJSON.
* Features can be styled individually with `setStyle`; otherwise they use the
* style of their vector layer.
* Note that attribute properties are set as {@link module:ol/Object} properties on
* the feature object, so they are observable, and have get/set accessors.
* Typically, a feature has a single geometry property. You can set the
* geometry using the `setGeometry` method and get it with `getGeometry`.
* It is possible to store more than one geometry on a feature using attribute
* properties. By default, the geometry used for rendering is identified by
* the property name `geometry`. If you want to use another geometry property
* for rendering, use the `setGeometryName` method to change the attribute
* property associated with the geometry for the feature. For example:
* ```js
* import Feature from 'ol/Feature';
* import Polygon from 'ol/geom/Polygon';
* import Point from 'ol/geom/Point';
* var feature = new Feature({
* geometry: new Polygon(polyCoords),
* labelPoint: new Point(labelCoords),
* name: 'My Polygon'
* });
* // get the polygon geometry
* var poly = feature.getGeometry();
* // Render the feature as a point using the coordinates from labelPoint
* feature.setGeometryName('labelPoint');
* // get the point geometry
* var point = feature.getGeometry();
* ```
* @api
* @template {import("./geom/Geometry.js").default} Geometry
class Feature extends BaseObject {
* @param {Geometry|ObjectWithGeometry<Geometry>} [opt_geometryOrProperties]
* You may pass a Geometry object directly, or an object literal containing
* properties. If you pass an object literal, you may include a Geometry
* associated with a `geometry` key.
constructor(opt_geometryOrProperties) {
* @type {FeatureOnSignature<import("./Observable.js").OnReturn>}
* @type {FeatureOnSignature<import("./Observable.js").OnReturn>}
* @type {FeatureOnSignature<void>}
* @private
* @type {number|string|undefined}
this.id_ = undefined;
* @type {string}
* @private
this.geometryName_ = 'geometry';
* User provided style.
* @private
* @type {import("./style/Style.js").StyleLike}
this.style_ = null;
* @private
* @type {import("./style/Style.js").StyleFunction|undefined}
this.styleFunction_ = undefined;
* @private
* @type {?import("./events.js").EventsKey}
this.geometryChangeKey_ = null;
this.addChangeListener(this.geometryName_, this.handleGeometryChanged_);
if (opt_geometryOrProperties) {
if (
typeof (
/** @type {?} */ (opt_geometryOrProperties).getSimplifiedGeometry
) === 'function'
) {
const geometry = /** @type {Geometry} */ (opt_geometryOrProperties);
} else {
/** @type {Object<string, *>} */
const properties = opt_geometryOrProperties;
* Clone this feature. If the original feature has a geometry it
* is also cloned. The feature id is not set in the clone.
* @return {Feature<Geometry>} The clone.
* @api
clone() {
const clone = /** @type {Feature<Geometry>} */ (
new Feature(this.hasProperties() ? this.getProperties() : null)
const geometry = this.getGeometry();
if (geometry) {
clone.setGeometry(/** @type {Geometry} */ (geometry.clone()));
const style = this.getStyle();
if (style) {
return clone;
* Get the feature's default geometry. A feature may have any number of named
* geometries. The "default" geometry (the one that is rendered by default) is
* set when calling {@link module:ol/Feature~Feature#setGeometry}.
* @return {Geometry|undefined} The default geometry for the feature.
* @api
* @observable
getGeometry() {
return /** @type {Geometry|undefined} */ (this.get(this.geometryName_));
* Get the feature identifier. This is a stable identifier for the feature and
* is either set when reading data from a remote source or set explicitly by
* calling {@link module:ol/Feature~Feature#setId}.
* @return {number|string|undefined} Id.
* @api
getId() {
return this.id_;
* Get the name of the feature's default geometry. By default, the default
* geometry is named `geometry`.
* @return {string} Get the property name associated with the default geometry
* for this feature.
* @api
getGeometryName() {
return this.geometryName_;
* Get the feature's style. Will return what was provided to the
* {@link module:ol/Feature~Feature#setStyle} method.
* @return {import("./style/Style.js").StyleLike|undefined} The feature style.
* @api
getStyle() {
return this.style_;
* Get the feature's style function.
* @return {import("./style/Style.js").StyleFunction|undefined} Return a function
* representing the current style of this feature.
* @api
getStyleFunction() {
return this.styleFunction_;
* @private
handleGeometryChange_() {
* @private
handleGeometryChanged_() {
if (this.geometryChangeKey_) {
this.geometryChangeKey_ = null;
const geometry = this.getGeometry();
if (geometry) {
this.geometryChangeKey_ = listen(
* Set the default geometry for the feature. This will update the property
* with the name returned by {@link module:ol/Feature~Feature#getGeometryName}.
* @param {Geometry|undefined} geometry The new geometry.
* @api
* @observable
setGeometry(geometry) {
this.set(this.geometryName_, geometry);
* Set the style for the feature to override the layer style. This can be a
* single style object, an array of styles, or a function that takes a
* resolution and returns an array of styles. To unset the feature style, call
* `setStyle()` without arguments or a falsey value.
* @param {import("./style/Style.js").StyleLike} [opt_style] Style for this feature.
* @api
* @fires module:ol/events/Event~BaseEvent#event:change
setStyle(opt_style) {
this.style_ = opt_style;
this.styleFunction_ = !opt_style
? undefined
: createStyleFunction(opt_style);
* Set the feature id. The feature id is considered stable and may be used when
* requesting features or comparing identifiers returned from a remote source.
* The feature id can be used with the
* {@link module:ol/source/Vector~VectorSource#getFeatureById} method.
* @param {number|string|undefined} id The feature id.
* @api
* @fires module:ol/events/Event~BaseEvent#event:change
setId(id) {
this.id_ = id;
* Set the property name to be used when getting the feature's default geometry.
* When calling {@link module:ol/Feature~Feature#getGeometry}, the value of the property with
* this name will be returned.
* @param {string} name The property name of the default geometry.
* @api
setGeometryName(name) {
this.removeChangeListener(this.geometryName_, this.handleGeometryChanged_);
this.geometryName_ = name;
this.addChangeListener(this.geometryName_, this.handleGeometryChanged_);
* Convert the provided object into a feature style function. Functions passed
* through unchanged. Arrays of Style or single style objects wrapped
* in a new feature style function.
* @param {!import("./style/Style.js").StyleFunction|!Array<import("./style/Style.js").default>|!import("./style/Style.js").default} obj
* A feature style function, a single style, or an array of styles.
* @return {import("./style/Style.js").StyleFunction} A style function.
export function createStyleFunction(obj) {
if (typeof obj === 'function') {
return obj;
} else {
* @type {Array<import("./style/Style.js").default>}
let styles;
if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
styles = obj;
} else {
assert(typeof (/** @type {?} */ (obj).getZIndex) === 'function', 41); // Expected an `import("./style/Style.js").Style` or an array of `import("./style/Style.js").Style`
const style = /** @type {import("./style/Style.js").default} */ (obj);
styles = [style];
return function () {
return styles;
export default Feature;