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APP Store Review Guidelines 中文版-下部


18.  Pornography 情色
     18.1  Apps containing pornographic material, defined by Webster's Dictionary as "explicit descriptions or displays of sexual organs or activities intended to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings", will be rejected
     18.2Apps that contain user generated content that is frequently pornographic (e.g. "Chat Roulette" Apps) will be rejected
          用户频繁提供情色内容的应用(如Chat Roulette程序)将会被拒绝。

19.  Religion, culture, and ethnicity 宗教,文化与种族
     19.1  Apps containing references or commentary about a religious, cultural or ethnic group that are defamatory, offensive, mean-spirited or likely to expose the targeted group to harm or violence will be rejected
     19.2  Apps may contain or quote religious text provided the quotes or translations are accurate and not misleading. Commentary should be educational or informative rather than inflammatory

20.  Contests, sweepstakes, lotteries, raffles, and gambling 竞赛,赌博,彩票,抽彩以及抽奖
     20.1 Sweepstakes and contests must be sponsored by the developer/company of the App
     20.2  Official rules for sweepstakes and contests must be presented in the App and make it clear that Apple is not a sponsor or involved in the activity in any manner
     20.3  It must be permissible by law for the developer to run a lottery App, and a lottery App must have all of the following characteristics: consideration, chance, and a prize
     20.4  Apps that allow a user to directly purchase a raffle ticket in the App will be rejected
     20.5  Apps that offer real money gaming (e.g. sports betting, poker, casino games, horse racing) or lotteries must have necessary licensing and permissions in the locations where the App is used, must be restricted to those locations, and must be free on the App Store
          提供真钱游戏游戏(如体育博彩、扑克牌、赌场游戏、以及赛马)的应用必须获取当地必要的许可和允许,必须限制在这些区域内,必须可以从App Store免费下载。
     20.6  Apps that use IAP to purchase credit or currency to use in conjunction with real money gaming will be rejected
21.  Charities and contributions 慈善与捐助
     21.1Apps that include the ability to make donations to recognized charitable organizations must be free
     21.2  The collection of charitable donations must be done via a web site in Safari or an SMS

22.  Legal requirements 法律要求
     22.1  Apps must comply with all legal requirements in any location where they are made available to users. It is the developer's obligation to understand and conform to all local laws
     22.2  Apps that contain false, fraudulent or misleading representations or use names or icons similar to other Apps will be rejected
     22.3  Apps that solicit, promote, or encourage criminal or clearly reckless behavior will be rejected
     22.4  Apps that enable illegal file sharing will be rejected
     22.5  Apps that are designed for use as illegal gambling aids, including card counters, will be rejected
     22.6  Apps that enable anonymous or prank phone calls or SMS/MMS messaging will be rejected
     22.7  Developers who create Apps that surreptitiously attempt to discover user passwords or other private user data will be removed from the iOS Developer Program
     22.8  Apps that contain DUI checkpoints that are not published by law enforcement agencies, or encourage and enable drunk driving, will be rejected
     22.9  Apps that calculate medicinal dosages must be submitted by the manufacturer of those medications or recognized institutions such as hospitals, insurance companies, and universities
     22.10  Apps that use iTunes music previews in an unauthorized manner will be rejected

23.  Passbook 银行存折
      23.1 Passbook Passes can be used to make or receive payments, transmit offers, or offer identification (such as movie tickets, airline tickets, coupons and reward offers). Other uses may result in the rejection of the App and the revocation of Passbook credentials
          Passbook Passes可被用来支付或者接收支付,传递商业信息或者提供验证(如电影票、飞机票、优惠券以及其它),而把Passbook Passes用语其它用途的应用可能会被拒绝,并且会被撤销Passbook证书。
     23.2  Passes must include valid contact information from the issuer of the pass or the App will be rejected and Passbook credentials may be revoked
     23.3  Passes must be signed by the entity that will be distributing the pass under its own name, trademark, or brand or the App will be rejected and Passbook credentials may be revoked

24.  Kids Category 儿童类别
     24.1  Apps in the Kids Category must include a privacy policy and must comply with applicable children's privacy statutes
     24.2  Apps in the Kids Category may not include behavioral advertising (e.g. the advertiser may not serve ads based on the user's activity within the App), and any contextual ads presented in the App must be appropriate for kids
     24.3  Apps in the Kids Category must get parental permission or use a parental gate before allowing the user to link out of the app or engage in commerce
          供儿童使用的应用必须得到家长许可或者使用parental gate才可能链接至应用外部或进行交易。
     24.4  Apps in the Kids Category must be made specifically for kids ages 5 and under, ages 6-8, or ages 9-11

25. Extensions 扩展
     25.1  Apps hosting extensions must comply with the  App Extension Programming Guide
          包含扩展的应用必须遵守App Extension Programming Guide要求。
     25.2  Apps hosting extensions must provide some functionality (help screens, additional settings) or they will be rejected
     25.3  Apps hosting extensions that include marketing, advertising, or in-app purchases in their extension view will be rejected
          如果 包含扩展的应用中包含营销推广、广告或者IAP内容,将会被拒绝。
     25.4  Keyboard extensions must provide a method for progressing to the next keyboard
     25.5  Keyboard extensions must remain functional with no network access or they will be rejected
     25.6  Keyboard extensions must provide Number and Decimal keyboard types as described in the App Extension Programming Guide  or they will be rejected
          键盘扩展必须提供和App Extension Programming Guide描述一致的数字和十进制键盘类型。
     25.7  Apps offering Keyboard extensions must have a primary category of Utilities and a privacy policy or they will be rejected
     25.8  Apps offering Keyboard extensions may only collect user activity to enhance the functionality of their keyboard extension on the iOS device or they may be rejected

26.  HomeKit 
     26.1  Apps using the HomeKit framework must have a primary purpose of providing home automation services
     26.2  Apps using the HomeKit framework must indicate this usage in their marketing text and they must provide a privacy policy or they will be rejected
     26.3  Apps must not use data gathered from the HomeKit APIs for advertising or other use-based data mining
          应用不允许将从HomeKit API收集的数据用语广告宣传或者其它基于使用的数据挖掘。
     26.4  Apps using data gathered from the HomeKit API for purposes other than improving the user experience or hardware/software performance in providing home automation functionality will be rejected
          出于其它目的使用HomeKit API收集的数据,而不是用于提高用户体验活着家庭自动化功能中硬件/软件性能,将会被拒绝。

27.  HealthKit and Human Subject Research
    27.1  Apps using the HealthKit framework or conducting human subject research for health purposes, such as through the use of ResearchKit, must comply with applicable law for each Territory in which the App is made available, as well as Sections 3.3.28 and 3.3.39 of theiOS Developer Program License Agreement
          使用HealthKit框架活着以健康为目的进行人类科学研究(如ResearchKit的使用)的应用,必须遵守其所在地区的法律,以及iOS Developer Program License Agreement中的3.3.28和3.39条款。
     27.2 Apps that write false or inaccurate data into HealthKit will be rejected
     27.3 Apps using the HealthKit framework that store users’ health information in iCloud will be rejected
     27.4 Apps may not use or disclose to third parties user data gathered from the HealthKit API or from health-related human subject research for advertising or other use-based data mining purposes other than improving health, or for the purpose of health research
          除了改善健康或者为了做健康研究的目的,应用不允许通过HealthKit API手机的用户数据用做广告宣传活着基于使用的数据挖掘目的。
     27.5 Apps that share user data acquired via the HealthKit API with third parties without user consent will be rejected
          未经用户许可与第三方分享通过HealthKit API获得用户数据的应用将会被拒绝。
     27.6 Apps using the HealthKit framework must indicate integration with the Health app in their marketing text and must clearly identify the HealthKit functionality in the app’s user interface
          使用HealthKit框架的应用必须在营销文本中说明集成了Health app,并在app用户界面阐述HealthKit功能。
     27.7 Apps using the HealthKit framework or conducting human subject research must provide a privacy policy or they will be rejected
     27.8 Apps that provide diagnoses, treatment advice, or control hardware designed to diagnose or treat medical conditions that do not provide written regulatory approval upon request will be rejected
     27.9 Apps conducting health-related human subject research must obtain consent from participants or, in the case of minors, their parent or guardian. Such consent must include the (a) nature, purpose, and duration of the research; (b) procedures, risks, and benefits to the participant; (c) information about confidentiality and handling of data (including any sharing with third parties); (d) a point of contact for participant questions; and (e) the withdrawal process(翻译的不好,请指教
          进行与健康相关的人体试验时,必须获得参与者的同意,若果是未成年,需要获得他们父母或者监护人的同意。同意的内容必须包括:(a) 性质、目的和研究的时长;(b) 流程、危险性和参与人的受益;(c) 保密性信息和数据的处理;(d) 参与问题的联络点;(e) 撤离过程
     27.10 Apps conducting health-related human subject research must secure approval from an independent ethics review board. Proof of such approval must be provided upon request.
28.  TestFlight
     28.1  Apps may only use TestFlight to beta test apps intended for public distribution and must comply with the full App Review Guidelines
          应用必须仅能使用TestFlight对以公开发布为目的的应用进行beta版测试,且必须遵守完整的App Review Guidelines。
     28.2  Apps using TestFlight must be submitted for review whenever a build contains material changes to content or functionality
     28.3  Apps using TestFlight may not be distributed to testers in exchange for compensation of any kind

29.  Apple Pay
     29.1 Apps using Apple Pay must provide all material purchase information to the user prior to sale of any good or service or they will be rejected; Apps using Apple Pay to offer recurring payments must, at a minimum, disclose the length of the renewal term and the fact that it will continue until canceled, what will be provided during each period, the charges that will be billed to the customer, and how to cancel. (纯属个人翻译,请指教)
          使用Apple Pay的应用必须在出售任何商品活着服务之前为用户所有材料的购买信息,否则将被拒绝。使用Apple Pay进行经常性支付的应用,必须吐露续约的最低限度长度。同时提供从生效到被取消期间,每个阶段该提供些什么,这些需要寄给顾客的收费账单,和如何去取消。
     29.2  Apps using Apple Pay must use Apple Pay branding and user interface elements correctly and as described in the  Apple Pay Identity Guidelines  or they will be rejected
          使用Apple Pay的应用必须正确使用Apple Pay Human Interface Guidelines中的Apple Pay标识和用户界面元素,否则将会被拒绝。
     29.3  Apps using Apple Pay as a purchasing mechanism may not offer goods or services that violate the law of any territory in which the good or service will be delivered and may not be used for any illegal purpose
          使用Apple Pay的应用不能提供任何触犯任何领域范围法律的用于交付的商品或者服务,也不能用做任何非法目的。
     29.4  Apps using Apple Pay must provide a privacy policy or they will be rejected
          使用Apple Pay的应用必须提供一个隐私条款,否则将会被拒绝。
     29.5  Apps using Apple Pay may only share user data acquired via Apple Pay with third parties when provided to facilitate or improve delivery of goods and services or to comply with legal requirements
          只有为了促进或提高商品和服务的交付,或者依照法律要求,使用Apple Pay的应用才能与第三方分享通过Apple Pay获得的数据。