Investigate, remediate (contain, eradicate), and communicate in parallel!
Assign steps to individuals or teams to work concurrently, when possible; this playbook is not purely sequential. Use your best judgment.
TODO: Expand investigation steps, including key questions and strategies, for supply chain compromise.
TODO: Customize containment steps, tactical and strategic, for supply chain compromise.
TODO: Specify tools and procedures for each step, below.
TODO: Consider automating containment measures using orchestration tools.
TODO: Customize eradication steps, tactical and strategic, for supply chain compromise.
TODO: Specify tools and procedures for each step, below.
TODO: Specify financial, personnel, and logistical resources to accomplish remediation.
TODO: Customize communication steps for supply chain compromise
TODO: Specify tools and procedures (including who must be involved) for each step, below, or refer to overall plan.
In addition to the general steps and guidance in the incident response plan:
TODO: Customize recovery steps for supply chain compromise.
TODO: Specify tools and procedures for each step, below.
In addition to the general steps and guidance in the incident response plan: