Image Patch Detectors
- C Harris, M Stephens, A combined corner and edge detector , Alvey Vision Conference, 1988 (high resolution file )
- Edward Rosten and Tom Drummond's FAST corner detection. [ICCV 05 and Talk ] [ECCV 06 ] [Code ]
- J. Shi and C. Tomasi . Good Features to Track, CVPR 1994.
- a better measure than traditional Mc
- CS Kenney, M Zuliani , BS Manjunath , An axiomatic approach to corner detection , CVPR 2006.
- H. Wang and M. Brady. "Real-time corner detection algorithm for motion estimation. ". Image and Vision Computing, 1995
- Wiki's Corner Detection List : SUSAN, DoG , Harris-Laplacian , FAST
- David G. Lowe, Distinctive image features from scale-invariant keypoints , IJCV, 2004. [ICCV 99 version ] [Demo software]
- DoG is approximation of Laplacian of Gaussian
- ================================MSER======================================
- J. Matas , O. Chum, M. Urban, and T. Pajdla . Robust wide baseline stereo from maximally stable extremal regions , BMVC, 2002. [a longer version at IVC 2004]
- Per-Erik Forssén , Maximally Stable Colour Regions for Recognition and Matching , CVPR, 2007 [video ] [codes ]
- ===========================================================================
- K. Mikolajczyk and C. Schmid , Scale and Affine invariant interest point detectors . IJCV, 2004. [ECCV 02 version ] [ICCV 01 paper ]
- Hessian /Harris + LoG : said to be good affine detector
- F. Jurie and C. Schmid , Scale-invariant shape features for recognition of object categories, CVPR, 2004. [IEEE Link ]
- T. Kadir , and M. Brady, Scale, Saliency and Image Description . IJCV 2001 [source code ] [Affine version : ECCV, 2004 and its binary ]
- said to obtain better results in general object recognition
- Herbert Bay, Tinne Tuytelaars , Luc Van Gool , "SURF: Speeded Up Robust Features ", ECCV, 2006 [Binary Code ]
- fast SURF detector: approximate Hessian
- ===========================================================================
T Lindeberg , Edge detection and ridge detection with automatic scale selection , CVPR, 1996 [IEEE link ] [IJCV98 version ]
Patch Descriptors for Image
- David G. Lowe, Distinctive image features from scale-invariant keypoints , IJCV, 2004. [ICCV 99 version ] [Demo software]
- Per-Erik Forssén and David G. Lowe, Shape descriptors for maximally stable extremal regions , ICCV 2007.
- A. Hadid , M. Pietikainen , T. Ahonen , A discriminative feature space for detecting and recognizing faces, CVPR, 2004 [LBP Code ]
- ====================================HoG ======================================
- N Dalai, B Triggs , Histograms of oriented gradients for human detection , CVPR, 2005 [Talk ] [Wiki ] [Code ]
- N Dalai, B Triggs , and C. Schmid , Human detection using oriented histograms of flow and appearance , ECCV 2006
Q Zhu, S Avidan , MC Yeh , KT Cheng, Fast Human Detection Using a Cascade of Histograms of Oriented Gradients , CVPR, 2006
S. Bileschi and L. Wolf, Image representations beyond histograms of gradients: The role of Gestalt descriptors . CVPR, 2007.
Bosch, A. , Zisserman , A. and Munoz, X. , Representing shape with a spatial pyramid kernel , CIVR, 2007
============================= Shape Context ==============================
S Belongie , J Malik , J Puzicha , Shape context: A new descriptor for shape matching and object recognition , NIPS 2000. [ICCV01 Version ] [PAMI02 Version ] [webpage with code ]
G Mori, S Belongie , J Malik , Shape contexts enable efficient retrieval of similar shapes, CVPR, 2001
G Mori, J Malik , Estimating human body configurations using shape context matching, ECCV 2002
H Zhang, J Malik , Learning a discriminative classifier using shape context distances, CVPR 2003
A Thayananthan , B Stenger , PHS Torr , R Cipolla , Shape context and chamfer matching in cluttered scenes, CVPR 2003
=============================Angular Radial Histogram==============================
- A Chalechale , A Mertins , G Naghdy , Edge image description using angular radial partitioning , IEE Proc. Vision, Image and Signal, 2004
- Lei Qin, Wen Gao . Image Matching Based on A Local Invariant Descriptor , ICIP, 2005
- ===========================================================================
- K. Mikolajczyk , C. Schmid . A performance evaluation of local descriptors . PAMI 2005
- GLOH is said to be superior to SIFT than structure image. but more computational expensive
- Herbert Bay, Tinne Tuytelaars , Luc Van Gool , "SURF: Speeded Up Robust Features ", ECCV, 2006 [Binary Code ]
- fast SURF descriptors: Haar -wavelet response using integral image
- ==============================Poggio's cortex based ==============================
- T. Serre , L. Wolf, and T. Poggio . Object recognition with features inspired by visual cortex . CVPR, 2005. [Source Code ] [Another Code ]
- J. Mutch and D. Lowe, Multiclass object recognition with sparse, localized features , CVPR 2006. [Source code]
- L. Wolf and S. Bileschi , A critical view of context , IJCV, 2006.
T. Serre , L. Wolf, S. Bileschi , M. Riesenhuber , and T. Poggio Robust Object Recognition with Cortex-like Mechanisms , PAMI, 2007.
Ethan. Meyers and Lior Wolf , Using Biologically Inspired Features for Face Processing , IJCV, 2008.
Ankur Agarwal , Bill Triggs , Multilevel Image Coding with Hyperfeatures , IJCV 2007. [ECCV 06 version ]
D. Song and D. Tao, Biologically Inspired Feature Manifold for Scene Classification, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, accepted.
Y. Huang et al, Enhanced Biologically Inspired Model, CVPR 2008.
D. Song and D. Tao, C1 Units for Scene Classification, ICPR 2008.
==============================Gabor, LBP ======================================
J-K Kämäräinen et al, Object Localisation Using Generative Probability Model for Spatial Constellation and Local Image Features, ICCV-NRTL 2007 . [Webpage with code ]
Marko Heikkilä , Matti Pietikäinen , Cordelia Schmid : Description of Interest Regions with Center-Symmetric Local Binary Patterns. ICVGIP 2006. [LBP web ] [LBP code ]
============================== Dense Sampled Shape Descriptor =================================
H. Zhang, A. Berg, , M. Maire , and J. Malik . SVM-KNN: Discriminative nearest neighbor classication for visual category recognition. In CVPR, pages 2126–2136, 2006.
C Schmid , R Mohr, C Bauckhage , Evaluation of Interest Point Detectors . IJCV 2000
Matching and Indexing Algorithms
- J. Matas and O. Chum. Randomized RANSAC with Tdd test . BMVC, 2002. (later appeared in Image and Vision Computing, 2005)
- S. Obdrzálek and J. Matas . Sub-linear indexing for large scale object recognition , BMVC, 2005 best paper.
- O. Chum and J. Matas . Matching with PROSAC - progressive sample consensus . CVPR 2005.
- K. Mikolajczyk and J. Matas . Improving sift for fast tree matching by optimal linear projection . ICCV, 2007
- Dusan Omercevic , Ondrej Drbohlav , Ales Leonardis , High-dimensional feature matching: Employing the concept of meaningful nearest neighbors , ICCV 2007
- Richard Szeliski , Image Alignment and Stitching: A Tutorial , Chapter 3-4, 2006
Dimension Reduction, Vocabulary
- J. Winn, A. Criminisi and T. Minka . Object Categorization by Learned Universal Visual Dictionary , ICCV 2005
- S. Savarese , J. Winn and A. Criminisi , Discriminative Object Class Models of Appearance and Shape by Correlatons , CVPR 2006
- F. Jurie and B. Triggs , Creating efficient codebooks for visual recognition , ICCV 2005
- E. Nowak, F. Jurie , and B. Triggs . Sampling strategies for bag-of-features image classication . ECCV, 2006
- F. Moosmann , B. Triggs , and F. Jurie . Randomized clustering forests for building fast and discriminative visual vocabularies . NIPS 2006.
- Eric Nowak and Frédéric Jurie , Learning Visual Similarity Measures for Comparing Never Seen Objects , CVPR 2007
- J. Sivic , and A. Zisserman , Video Google: A Text Retrieval Approach to Object Matching in Videos , ICCV 03 [Also refer to CVPR04, ECCV04]
- Matthew Brown and David G. Lowe, Automatic panoramic image stitching using invariant features , IJCV, 2007.[ICCV 03 version ] [Project page] ; [Autostitch ] ;
- Edward Rosten and Tom Drummond, Fusing points and lines for high performance tracking , ICCV 2005 [Presentation ]
- Donoser Michael, Bischof Horst, Efficient Maximally Stable Extremal Region (MSER) Tracking , CVPR,2006
- A. M. Buchanan and A. W. Fitzgibbon, Interactive Feature Tracking using K-D Trees and Dynamic Programming , CVPR, 2006
- M. Ozuysal , P. Fua , and V. Lepetit , Fast Keypoint Recognition in Ten Lines of Code . CVPR, 2007. [ppt , related movies ]
- Roger Grosse, Rajat Raina , Helen Kwong and Andrew Y. Ng. Shift-Invariant Sparse Coding for Audio Classification , UAI, 2007. [code ]
Software and Other Resources
Peter Kovesi' s Spatitial feature detection: canny , harris , fast radial , Garbor
Edward Rosten FAST corner detector
Vincent Garcia's keypoint extraction at Matlab Central
SURF: ETH binary and an openCV implementation
SIFT on GPU . (with source code ):
Optical Flow on GPU :
HOG: Dalal’s toolkit . windows version using OpenCV & boost .
Sebastian Nowozin @TU-Berlin's SIFT implementation in C#
Andrea Vedaldi @UCLA's SIFT, MSER, and VL Feature Library
[irresponsible note ]: SIFT for two 800x600 im : Gaussian (4sec) + detector (<3sec) + descriptor (40sec) + siftmatch (24sec) + plotss (17sec). MSER: several second: but not clear feature descriptor
Gyuri Dorkó @INRIA's scale and affine Linux binary
Vgg's affine region detectors and descriptors (binary) and Krystian Mikolajczyk's matching , indexing
Course and Tutorial
Cordelia Schmid and David Lowe's CVPR 03 tutorial