Resources of Salient Patch Features


Image Patch Detectors

·         T Lindeberg , Edge detection and ridge detection with automatic scale selection , CVPR, 1996 [IEEE link ] [IJCV98 version ]

Patch Descriptors for Image

·         Q Zhu, S Avidan , MC Yeh , KT Cheng, Fast Human Detection Using a Cascade of Histograms of Oriented Gradients , CVPR, 2006

·         S. Bileschi and L. Wolf, Image representations beyond histograms of gradients: The role of Gestalt descriptors . CVPR, 2007.

·         Bosch, A. , Zisserman , A. and Munoz, X. , Representing shape with a spatial pyramid kernel , CIVR, 2007

·         ============================= Shape Context ==============================

·         S Belongie , J Malik , J Puzicha , Shape context: A new descriptor for shape matching and object recognition , NIPS 2000. [ICCV01 Version ] [PAMI02 Version ] [webpage with code ]

·         G Mori, S Belongie , J Malik , Shape contexts enable efficient retrieval of similar shapes, CVPR, 2001

·         G Mori, J Malik , Estimating human body configurations using shape context matching, ECCV 2002

·         H Zhang, J Malik , Learning a discriminative classifier using shape context distances, CVPR 2003

·         A Thayananthan , B Stenger , PHS Torr , R Cipolla , Shape context and chamfer matching in cluttered scenes, CVPR 2003

·         =============================Angular Radial Histogram==============================

·         T. Serre , L. Wolf, S. Bileschi , M. Riesenhuber , and T. Poggio Robust Object Recognition with Cortex-like Mechanisms , PAMI, 2007.

·         Ethan. Meyers and Lior Wolf , Using Biologically Inspired Features for Face Processing , IJCV, 2008.

·         Ankur Agarwal , Bill Triggs , Multilevel Image Coding with Hyperfeatures , IJCV 2007. [ECCV 06 version ]

·         D. Song and D. Tao, Biologically Inspired Feature Manifold for Scene Classification, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, accepted.

·         Y. Huang et al, Enhanced Biologically Inspired Model, CVPR 2008.

·         D. Song and D. Tao, C1 Units for Scene Classification, ICPR 2008.

·         ==============================Gabor, LBP ======================================

·         J-K Kämäräinen et al, Object Localisation Using Generative Probability Model for Spatial Constellation and Local Image Features, ICCV-NRTL 2007 . [Webpage with code ]

·         Chengjun  Liu , Gabor-based Kernel PCA with Fractional Power Polynomial Models for Face Recognition , PAMI, 2004.

·         Marko Heikkilä , Matti Pietikäinen , Cordelia Schmid : Description of Interest Regions with Center-Symmetric Local Binary Patterns. ICVGIP 2006. [LBP web ] [LBP code ]

·         ============================== Dense Sampled Shape Descriptor =================================

·         H. Zhang, A. Berg, , M. Maire , and J. Malik . SVM-KNN: Discriminative nearest neighbor classication for visual category recognition. In CVPR, pages 2126–2136, 2006.


·         C Schmid , R Mohr, C Bauckhage , Evaluation of Interest Point Detectors . IJCV 2000

Matching and Indexing Algorithms

Dimension Reduction, Vocabulary


Software and Other Resources

Peter Kovesi' s Spatitial feature detection: canny , harris , fast radial , Garbor

Edward Rosten FAST corner detector

Vincent Garcia's keypoint extraction at Matlab Central

SURF: ETH binary and an openCV implementation

SIFT on GPU . (with source code ):

Optical Flow on GPU :

HOG:  Dalal’s toolkit .                   windows version using OpenCV & boost .               

Sebastian Nowozin @TU-Berlin's SIFT implementation in C#

Andrea Vedaldi @UCLA's SIFT, MSER, and VL Feature Library

[irresponsible note ]: SIFT for two 800x600 im :  Gaussian (4sec) + detector (<3sec) + descriptor (40sec) + siftmatch (24sec) + plotss (17sec). MSER: several second: but not clear  feature descriptor

Gyuri  Dorkó @INRIA's scale and affine Linux binary

Vgg's affine region detectors and descriptors   (binary) and Krystian Mikolajczyk's   matching , indexing

Course and Tutorial

Cordelia Schmid and David Lowe's CVPR 03 tutorial





