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node .js 同步_Node.js:iOS订阅状态的自动同步


node .js 同步

Node.js中的iOS订阅自动续订和取消 (Automatic iOS Subscription renewal and cancellation in Node.js)

Managing subscriptions for iOS apps is critical infrastructure to ensure users have access to the correct content, and equally as important, to ensure access to app content is closed off if that subscription expires or is cancelled. This can be achieved in an automated manner in the form of a Node.js runtime service that will automatically update a subscription status, whether renew or cancellation, from your app database upon every subscription period, whether that be on a monthly, bi-yearly or annual basis.

管理iOS应用程序的订阅是至关重要的基础架构,以确保用户可以访问正确的内容,同样重要的是,如果订阅过期或被取消,则确保对应用程序内容的访问被关闭。 这可以通过Node.js运行时服务的形式以自动化方式实现,该服务将在每个订阅期(无论是每月一次,每两年一次)自动从您的应用程序数据库中更新订阅状态(无论是续订还是取消)。或每年。

This issue will be solved in the context of JavaScript utilising a Node.js runtime in this article. A Gist containing the full service logic is included at the end of this article, or alternatively can be viewed here on Github.

本文将在使用Node.js运行时JavaScript上下文中解决此问题。 将含有完整的服务逻辑要点是包括在本文的结尾,或可替代地可被视为这里 Github上。

Although React Native won’t be discussed in detail, this article assumes that the reader is using a package such as react-native-iap to trigger in-app purchases that in turn generate transaction receipts. The solution discussed here also does not rely on Subscription Webhooks, or server to server notifications as the Apple docs term them. One can solely rely on transaction receipt verification to determine the state of a subscription.

尽管将不详细讨论React Native,但本文假定读者正在使用诸如react-native-iap类的包来触发应用内购买,进而产生交易收据。 这里讨论的解决方案也不依赖于Subscription Webhooks,也不依赖于Apple文档所说的服务器到服务器的通知 。 一个人可以完全依靠交易收据验证来确定订阅状态。

Regardless of whether you are using native Swift APIs or a React Native based API such as react-native-iap to offer in-app purchases, you will still be able to adopt the Node.js based solutions discussed in this piece. The key piece of information is the transaction receipt that’ll be used to fetch subscription state and thus determine the current subscription status.

无论您使用的是本机Swift API还是基于React Native的API(例如react-native-iap来提供应用内购买,您仍然可以采用本文中讨论的基于Node.js的解决方案。 关键信息是交易收据,将用于获取订阅状态,从而确定当前订阅状态。

From here the Node.js runtime will be referred to as the Subscription Manager, given that it essentially acts as the middleware between the subscription state on Apple’s servers and the subscription state on your own servers, providing the means to keep your database in sync with Apple’s.

从这里开始,Node.js运行时将被称为“ 订阅管理器” ,因为它实际上充当了Apple服务器上的订阅状态和您自己服务器上的订阅状态之间的中间件,从而提供了使数据库与之保持同步的方法。苹果。

集成此服务的先决条件 (Prerequisites to integrating this service)

If the reader would like to start from the beginning of the in-app purchase journey and set up subscription plans in a React Native app, I have published a piece on how do so using react-native-iap. That article can be found here: React Native: Subscriptions with In-App Purchases.

如果读者想从应用程序内购买之旅的起点开始,并在React Native应用程序中设置订阅计划,我已经发表了一篇有关如何使用react-native-iap 。 该文章可以在这里找到: React Native:带有应用内购买的订阅

Another recommended piece centres around the process of validating and persisting iOS transaction receipts as in-app purchases are made and securely storing them in your app database. The article can be read here: Validating iOS Subscription Receipts in React Native & Node.js. With transaction receipts readily available, they can be leveraged by the Subscription Manager service discussed in this piece.

推荐的另一件作品围绕在进行应用内购买时验证和保留iOS交易收据并将其安全存储在应用数据库中的过程。 可以在此处阅读本文: 在React Native和Node.js中验证iOS订阅收据 。 由于交易收据很容易获得,因此本文中讨论的Subscription Manager服务可以利用它们。

Before diving into the code, the following section will discuss the service in more detail by breaking it down into three stages that will effectively automatically renew or cancel a subscription accordingly.


订阅管理器服务如何工作 (How the Subscription Manager service works)

The service is coded as a JavaScript file that should be run with a process manager such as PM2, although one could also simply test with node. The service goes through the following stages:

该服务被编码为一个JavaScript文件,该文件应与流程管理器(例如PM2)一起运行,尽管也可以简单地对node测试。 该服务经历以下阶段:

1.定期检查哪些订阅已超过其到期时间戳 (1. Periodically checks which subscriptions have passed their expiry timestamp)

The script periodically checks (every hour in the demos to follow) which subscriptions have come to the end of their renewal period. This is determined by the expiry timestamp that is derived from a transaction receipt. This timestamp should already be persisted in a user’s account with other metadata pertaining to the subscription state.

脚本会定期(在演示中每个小时进行一次检查)哪些订阅已到续订期结束。 这由从交易收据得出的到期时间戳确定。 此时间戳应该已经与其他与订阅状态有关的元数据一起保留在用户帐户中。

My receipt validation article discusses how to derive the expiry timestamp from the initial in-app purchase of the subscription, that can then be persisted to a user account’s metadata. The article uses MongoDB as the database engine.

我的 收据确认文章 讨论了如何从订阅的初始应用内购买中获取到期时间戳,然后可以将其保存到用户帐户的元数据中。 本文将MongoDB用作数据库引擎。

2.验证交易收据以获取最新的订阅状态 (2. Verifies transaction receipt to fetch the latest subscription state)

The service will then verify the original transaction receipt pertaining to each of these subscriptions to check whether they are still active. When we verify a transaction receipt with a service like node-apple-receipt-verify, the latest subscription purchase is returned along with every detail related to the subscription, including timestamps, auto renew status, the subscription plan in question, and so on. Subscription Manager can use this data to determine whether a new transaction has been made since the previous expiry timestamp.

然后,服务将验证与每个订阅有关的原始交易收据,以检查它们是否仍处于活动状态。 当我们使用诸如node-apple-receipt-verify类的服务来验证交易收据时,将返回最新的订购购买以及与该订购相关的每个详细信息,包括时间戳,自动续订状态,所讨论的订购计划等。 订阅管理器可以使用此数据来确定自上一个到期时间戳记以来是否进行了新交易。

3.相应地更新数据库中的订阅状态 (3. Updates subscription state in your database accordingly)

If a subscription is still active, the expiry timestamp of the subscription will be updated to the end of the current period, as reflected in the most recent purchase. If not, the subscription will be cancelled and the user will be reverted to the “free tier” status of your app.

如果订阅仍处于活动状态,则该订阅的到期时间戳将更新到当前时间段的末尾,这反映在最近的购买中。 否则,订阅将被取消,并且用户将恢复为您应用的“免费”状态。

If this workflow sounds blurry now, do not worry — we’ll discuss the concept in depth further down as the code is examined.


What is interesting in this solution is that webhooks are not required to get the Subscription Manager working, as the runtime service relies predominantly on validating transaction receipts to derive the subscription status. Even though webhooks can be useful to get the real-time status of a subscription, they are not 100% reliable — your endpoints could break and miss a cancellation for example. From this perspective, it is valuable to have alternative means of verifying a state of a subscription in place.

在此解决方案中,有趣的是,不需要运行Web钩子即可使Subscription Manager运行,因为运行时服务主要依赖于验证交易收据以得出订阅状态。 尽管Webhook对于获取订阅的实时状态很有用,但它们并非100%可靠-例如,您的端点可能会中断并错过取消。 从这个角度来看,拥有替代方法来验证订阅状态很有价值。

Apple made some enhancements to webhooks at WWDC 2020 pertaining to refund notifications, suggesting that they are actively attempting to improve webhook functionality.

苹果在WWDC 2020上对与 退款通知 有关的Webhook进行了一些增强 ,表明他们正在积极尝试改进Webhook的功能。

Let’s firstly explore the structure of the Subscription Manager runtime and how the service can run on an hourly basis. We’ll then dive into the code in detail and break down the three tasks described above.

首先,让我们探讨Subscription Manager运行时的结构以及该服务如何每小时运行一次。 然后,我们将详细研究代码并分解上述三个任务。

订阅管理器运行时设置 (Subscription Manager Runtime Setup)

We’ll be relying on a couple of dependencies to get this working, namely moment, mongodb and node-apple-receipt-verify to facilitate working with timestamps, the database and receipt validation respectively. Initiate a new project and install these dependencies:

我们将依靠几个依赖项来使此工作正常进行,即momentmongodbnode-apple-receipt-verify以分别帮助处理时间戳,数据库和收据验证。 启动一个新项目并安装以下依赖项:

cd project_directory && yarn init
yarn add moment mongodb node-apple-receipt-verify

The structure of a runtime should be one that supports not just one task (e.g. our subscription manager task), but the ability to support multiple tasks in a modular way. With this consideration we will aim to get the manager working by defining it in its own file and with its own exports, and import it into a central init.js file responsible for housing all the services of the runtime. The following file structure mirrors this aim:

运行时的结构应该不仅支持一个任务(例如,我们的订阅管理器任务),而且还应以模块化的方式支持多个任务。 考虑到这一点,我们将致力于通过在其自己的文件中以及在其自己的导出中定义管理器来使其工作,并将其导入到一个中央init.js文件中,该文件负责容纳运行时的所有服务。 以下文件结构反映了此目标:

// file structure of runtime projectinit.js <- executable file 
iap-manager.js <- subscription manager module

The logic of the service will be coded within iap-manager.js and imported into init.js, with init.js acting as the runtime executable file. The other file, mongo.js, is simply a utility function that connects to a MongoDB instance.

服务的逻辑将在iap-manager.js进行编码,并导入到init.js ,其中init.js充当运行时可执行文件。 另一个文件mongo.js仅仅是连接到MongoDB实例的实用程序函数。

MongoDB is the database of choice for this piece; it is widely adopted and is well suited for managing app data due to the heavy usage of document-based collections, that conform nicely with heavy reliance on JSON we’ve come to use for many APIs in general.

MongoDB是本文的首选数据库; 由于大量使用基于文档的集合,因此它被广泛采用,并且非常适合管理应用程序数据,这完全符合我们对许多API普遍使用的JSON的高度依赖。

With only one service to be imported and started, init.js is another light-weight file. Note that only one database instance is being initialised and is passed into each service as an argument. This approach will keep database connections to a minimum as your runtime scales with many services:

只有一个服务要导入和启动, init.js是另一个轻量级文件。 请注意,只有一个数据库实例正在初始化,并作为参数传递给每个服务。 当您的运行时通过许多服务扩展时,此方法将使数据库连接保持在最少:

// `init.js` initialise db client and start servicesconst mongo = require('./mongo');
const iapManager = require('./iap-manager');async function init () { // connect to database
const client = await mongo.client(); // start services

As we can see, an init() method belonging to iapManager is called to start the service. The service is run in an indefinite loop, and therefore will only terminate if the runtime terminates. To get the complete picture of this setup, let’s now examine the structure of iap-manager.js:

如我们所见,调用了属于iapManagerinit()方法来启动服务。 该服务以不确定的循环运行,因此只有在运行时终止时才会终止。 为了获得此设置的完整图片,现在让我们检查iap-manager.js的结构:

// `iap-manager.js` file structure// import dependencies
const moment = require('moment');
const appleReceiptVerify = require('node-apple-receipt-verify')// initialise receipt-verify instance
secret: process.env.APPLE_APP_STORE_SECRET,
environment: [process.env.APPLE_APP_STORE_ENVIRONMENT], excludeOldTransactions: true,
ignoreExpired: true,
});// define service interval to 1 hour
const interval = 60 * 60 * 1000;module.exports = { // define service loop and initiate service
init: async function (client) {
setInterval(async function () {
}, interval)
}, // bulk of logic will be coded in this method
renewOrCancelSubscriptions: async function (client) {
/* The service logic will be coded here */

Hopefully the above file is relatively self-explanatory, but here are a couple of key points about its setup:


  • Like the database initialisation of init.js, an appleReceiptVerify object has also been initialised outside of the module’s exports, as to not have duplicate instances of the object.


  • Method init() calls the renewOrCancelSubscriptions() service method immediately, and then defines an interval where the service is called every hour indefinitely. Notice that the Mongo client is being passed straight down into renewOrCancelSubscriptions() in keeping with our desire to only use one database connection.

    方法init()立即调用renewOrCancelSubscriptions()服务方法,然后定义一个间隔,无限期地每小时调用一次该服务。 请注意,Mongo client被直接传递到renewOrCancelSubscriptions()中,这符合我们仅使用一个数据库连接的愿望。

With these files in place, our attention can now be drawn to the bulk of renewOrCancelSubscriptions() where the service logic itself will be defined. This will be the focus of the next section, where the three steps documented at the start of the article will be implemented.

有了这些文件之后,现在我们可以将注意力吸引到大量renewOrCancelSubscriptions() ,在其中定义服务逻辑本身。 这将是下一部分的重点,将实现本文开头记录的三个步骤。

订阅管理器服务逻辑 (Subscription Manager Service Logic)

Referring to what was discussed in the introduction of this piece, the subscription manager must check which subscriptions are past their expiry timestamp relative to your app’s database and the current time. Once those accounts have been fetched we can determine whether their subscription renewed or whether it was cancelled.

参照本文简介中讨论的内容,订阅管理器必须检查相对于应用程序数据库和当前时间而言哪些订阅已超出其到期时间戳。 提取完这些帐户后,我们可以确定是续订还是取消订阅。

获取到期的帐户 (Getting accounts that are due renewal)

Let’s start by fetching those accounts with a MongoDB query. We’ll refer to the expiry timestamp that should have been persisted upon the initial in-app purchase of the subscription, along with linking a user ID or other account identifier with the saved receipt.

让我们从使用MongoDB查询获取这些帐户开始。 我们将参考在首次应用内购买订阅时应保留的到期时间戳 ,以及将用户ID或其他帐户标识符与保存的收据链接在一起。

This was discussed heavily in my piece of receipt validation, whereby data retrieved from receipt verification can be saved in a range of collections, such as embedding subscription metadata with a user account document, or saving the entire purchase in a standalone collection.

在我 的收据验证中 对此进行了详细讨论 ,从收据验证中检索的数据可以保存在一系列集合中,例如将订阅元数据嵌入用户帐户文档中,或将整个购买保存在一个独立的集合中。

If we imagine a scenario where a subscription is renewed every month, the expiry timestamp of the active subscription will be 30 days from the previous renewal time (or from the initial purchase if a renewal has yet to have taken place). Therefore every month, this expiry timestamp is updated with its corresponding renewal time. It is Subscription Manager’s job to update this expiry timestamp in your own app database. In actuality, this expiry timestamp serves two purposes:

如果我们设想每月订阅续订的情况,则活动订阅的到期时间戳将是自上次续订时间起30天(如果尚未进行续订,则为首次购买)。 因此,每个月,该到期时间戳都会用其相应的更新时间进行更新。 订阅管理器的工作是在您自己的应用程序数据库中更新此到期时间戳。 实际上,此到期时间戳有两个目的:

  • To keep subscription status and renewal timestamps in sync with what is on Apple’s servers, and therefore reflect that state in your app.

  • It acts as part of a condition that Subscription Manager utilises to find the subscriptions that need updating, by checking whether expiry timestamp < the current time, indicating the subscription is outdated. As we’ll see further down, the expiry timestamp is either updated to the next renewal period if it is still active or removed entirely from the account record if the subscription has been cancelled, therefore preventing Subscription Manager from continuously re-checking the subscription status.

    它是Subscription Manager用来查找需要更新的订阅的条件的一部分,它通过检查到期时间戳是否小于当前时间来指示订阅已过期。 正如我们将进一步看到的那样,如果到期时间戳仍处于活动状态,则将其更新到下一个续订周期;如果取消了订阅,则将其从帐户记录中完全删除,因此阻止了Subscription Manager不断地重新检查订阅状态。

Remember that renewOrCancelSubscriptions() is called every hour, so everything we do here will be repeated indefinitely as long as the runtime is actively running. The following example assumes that a plan (a term used to represent a subscription) metadata is embedded in the user account collection, where the expiry timestamp is fetched:

请记住, renewOrCancelSubscriptions()都会调用一次renewOrCancelSubscriptions() ,因此只要运行时处于活动状态,我们在此所做的所有操作都会无限期重复。 以下示例假定在用户帐户集合中嵌入了计划(用于表示预订的术语)元数据,并在其中获取了到期时间戳:

// fetching subscriptions that are due a renewal based on expiry timestamprenewOrCancelSubscriptions: async function (client) {
try {
const db = client.db('my-app-db'); // get accounts past renewal date
const accounts = await db
'plan.expiryTimestamp': {
$lte: moment().unix()

.toArray(); if (accounts.length === 0) {
} ... } catch (e) {

Note that if there are no accounts to check, the function simply returns and will not perform anything further until the next hour. The entirety of renewOrCancelSubscriptions() has been wrapped in a try-catch block as to limit exceptions to the function itself, and not to effect the entire runtime that could result in a process restart if exceptions are not contained, effecting other services in the process that may be in mid-execution.

请注意,如果没有要检查的帐户,则该函数只会返回,直到下一个小时才会执行任何操作。 全部renewOrCancelSubscriptions()已包装在try-catch块中,以将异常限制为函数本身,并且不影响整个运行时,如果不包含异常,则可能导致流程重新启动,从而影响流程中的其他服务可能在执行中。

通过收据验证检查订阅状态 (Checking subscription status via receipt verification)

The next step is to loop through these accounts and re-verify the receipt to determine the subscription status. node-apple-receipt-verify will fetch the latest purchase made along with the current subscription status.

下一步是遍历这些帐户并重新验证收据以确定订阅状态。 node-apple-receipt-verify将获取最新的购买以及当前的订阅状态。

Let’s firstly validate the receipt of the original in-app purchase:


// for each over-due accountfor (let account of accounts) {  // `expiryTimestamp` will be used further down  const expiryTimestamp = account.plan.expiryTimestamp;  // get latest transaction from receipt
const receipt = await db
user_id: account._id,
.sort({ timestamp: -1 })
.toArray(); try { // get latest subscription receipt
const record = receipt[0]; // re-verify receipt to get the latest subscription status
const purchases = await appleReceiptVerify.validate({
receipt: record.receipt
}); ... } catch (e) {

We are now fetching the original transaction receipt for each account and re-verifying it, that in-turn returns the current status as the purchases constant.


The MongoDB query above attempts to assume as little as possible about how the reader may structure the iap-receipts table. One developer may opt to save all receipts in one collection, whereas another may separate expired receipts from active ones. The above example uses Mongo’s sort() operation to fetch a user’s latest transaction receipt based on its timestamp.

上面的MongoDB查询试图尽可能少地假设读者如何构造 iap-receipts 表。 一个开发人员可以选择将所有收据保存在一个集合中,而另一个开发人员可以将过期的收据与活动的收据分开。 上面的示例使用Mongo的 sort() 操作根据用户的时间戳获取用户的最新交易收据。

Note here also that we’re wrapping the receipt database record and receipt validation in another try-catch block, as to limit errors to the account in question, and thus errors will not affect subsequent accounts being looped. This block will raise an exception if receipt[0] does not exist, or if the receipt is not successfully verified.

这里还要注意,我们将收据数据库记录和收据验证包装在另一个try-catch块中,以将错误限制在所讨论的帐户中,因此错误不会影响正在循环的后续帐户。 如果receipt[0]不存在,或者收据未成功验证,则此块将引发异常。

取消订阅:未退回任何购买 (Cancelled subscription: No purchases returned)

From here it is straight forward to determine whether the subscription is still active — purchases will be empty (an array with a length of zero). Concretely, appleReceiptVerify.validate() ignores expired purchases — and this is key to understanding the logic used here. If the subscription was still active then a purchased product list (documented here) will be returned.

从这里可以直接确定订阅是否仍处于活动状态- purchases将为空(长度为零的数组)。 具体而言, appleReceiptVerify.validate()忽略过期的购买-这是理解此处使用的逻辑的关键。 如果订阅仍处于活动状态,则将返回购买的产品列表( 在此处记录 )。

Remember we included the ignoreExpired: true property when initialising appleReceiptVerify, making this conditional check possible. Scroll back up to check that snippet if needed, or refer to the Gist of the full solution.

记住, 在初始化 appleReceiptVerify 我们包括了 ignoreExpired: true 属性 ,使此条件检查成为可能。 向上滚动以查看该代码段(如果需要),或参考完整解决方案的要点。

With all this being considered, the database can be updated to remove any subscription privileges a user may have:


// no active purchases, subscription either expired or cancelledif (purchases.length === 0) {  // change to free tier and remove plan metadata from user record
await db
_id: account._id
}, {
$unset: {
'plan.expiryTimestamp': true,

$set: {
'plan.planId': 'free'


We are using multiple MongoDB operations within this query to set and unset fields concurrently for the user record in question.


This is all that’s needed for a cancellation logic flow, although the reader can insert more queries and database updates at this stage to reflect the cancelled subscription.


续订:更新的expiryTimestamp返回 (Renewed subscription: Updated expiryTimestamp returned)

Let’s now turn our attention to the scenario where the subscription is still active, in which case the purchases object will contain purchases, and more importantly, the latest subscription state. Let’s refer to that now and update the database accordingly with the updated expiryTimestamp:

现在,我们将注意力转向订阅仍处于活动状态的场景,在这种情况下, purchases对象将包含购买,更重要的是,最新的订阅状态。 现在让我们参考它,并使用更新的expiryTimestamp相应地更新数据库:

// updating database with latest expiryTimestamp of renewed subscriptionif (purchases.length !== 0) {
// get the latest purchase from receipt verification const latestPurchase = purchases[0]; // reformat the expiration date as a unix timestamp
let latestExpiryTimestamp = latestPurchase.expirationDate;
let productId = latestPurchase.productId;
latestExpiryTimestamp = Math.round(latestExpiryTimestamp / 1000); // update renewal date if more than current one
if (latestExpiryTimestamp > expiryTimestamp) {
await db
_id: account._id
}, {
$set: {
'plan.planId': productId,
'plan.nextRenewal': latestExpiryTimestamp


Although we have not discussed subscription tier updates, this code also takes such updates into consideration, persisting the latest productId of the active subscription. Beyond this, the subscription renewal timestamp has now been updated in the event a subscription rolled-over to the new renewal period.

尽管我们没有讨论订阅层更新,但是此代码也考虑了此类更新,并保留了活动订阅的最新productId 。 除此之外,如果订阅已滚动到新的续订期,则订阅续订时间戳现在已更新。

And this is all to it — simply run the init.js file with node or with the PM2 process manager and you are good to go:


// starting the service as a node runtime, not forgetting your environment variablesAPPLE_APP_STORE_ENVIRONMENT=production <other_env_variables> pm2 start iap-manager --name 'IAP Manager'

As promised at the beginning of this article, here is the entirety of the service logic in a Github Gist:

如本文开头所承诺的,这是Github Gist中的整个服务逻辑:

综上所述 (In Summary)

This article represented a solution for developers to keep their users’ iOS subscription status in sync with the true source of data — being on Apple’s servers. The solution discussed here does not rely on Subscription Webhooks or other means to determine a subscription state other than receipt verification, a secure and trusted way of fetching purchases and subscription state without relying on notifications.

本文为开发人员提供了一种解决方案,使他们的用户的iOS订阅状态与真实数据源(在Apple服务器上)保持同步。 此处讨论的解决方案除了通过收据验证(一种不依赖通知即获取购买和订阅状态的安全且受信任的方式)以外,不依靠订阅Web挂钩或其他方式来确定订阅状态。

For further reading on integrating in-app purchases in React Native and Node.js check out my other articles that not only add background knowledge to this piece, but can help the reader integrate their own in-app purchases that they can then base the solution of this piece on:

有关在React Native和Node.js中集成应用内购买的更多信息,请查看我的其他文章,这些文章不仅为本文增加了背景知识,而且可以帮助读者集成自己的应用内购买,从而为解决方案奠定基础在这件作品上:

翻译自: https://medium.com/@rossbulat/ios-subscriptions-auto-renewal-and-cancellation-syncing-with-node-js-f2bf3e24945

node .js 同步
