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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the Horus Project
__author__ = 'Jes煤s Arroyo Torrens <jesus.arroyo@bq.com>'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Mundo Reader S.L.'
__license__ = 'GNU General Public License v2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl2.html'
import struct
import numpy as np
from horus import Singleton
from horus.engine.calibration.calibration import CalibrationCancel
from horus.engine.calibration.moving_calibration import MovingCalibration
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class LaserTriangulationError(Exception):
def __init__(self):
Exception.__init__(self, "LaserTriangulationError")
class LaserTriangulation(MovingCalibration):
"""Laser triangulation algorithm:
- Laser coordinates matrix
- Pattern's origin
- Pattern's normal
def __init__(self):
self.image = None
self.has_image = False
def _initialize(self):
self.image = None
self.has_image = True
self.image_capture.stream = False
self._point_cloud = [None, None]
def _capture(self, angle):
image = self.image_capture.capture_pattern()
if (angle > 65 and angle < 115):
pose = self.image_detection.detect_pose(image)
plane = self.image_detection.detect_pattern_plane(pose)
if plane is not None:
distance, normal, corners = plane
for i in xrange(2):
image = self.image_capture.capture_laser(i)
image = self.image_detection.pattern_mask(image, corners)
self.image = image
points_2d, image = self.laser_segmentation.compute_2d_points(image)
point_3d = self.point_cloud_generation.compute_camera_point_cloud(
points_2d, distance, normal)
if self._point_cloud[i] is None:
self._point_cloud[i] = point_3d.T
self._point_cloud[i] = np.concatenate(
(self._point_cloud[i], point_3d.T))
self.image = image
self.image = image
def _calibrate(self):
self.has_image = False
self.image_capture.stream = True
# Save point clouds
for i in xrange(2):
save_point_cloud('PC' + str(i) + '.ply', self._point_cloud[i])
self.distance = [None, None]
self.normal = [None, None]
self.std = [None, None]
# Compute planes
for i in xrange(2):
if self._is_calibrating:
plane = compute_plane(i, self._point_cloud[i])
self.distance[i], self.normal[i], self.std[i] = plane
if self._is_calibrating:
if self.std[0] < 1.0 and self.std[1] < 1.0 and \
self.normal[0] is not None and self.normal[1] is not None:
response = (True, ((self.distance[0], self.normal[0], self.std[0]),
(self.distance[1], self.normal[1], self.std[1])))
response = (False, LaserTriangulationError())
response = (False, CalibrationCancel())
self._is_calibrating = False
self.image = None
return response
def accept(self):
for i in xrange(2):
self.calibration_data.laser_planes[i].distance = self.distance[i]
self.calibration_data.laser_planes[i].normal = self.normal[i]
def compute_plane(index, X):
if X is not None and X.shape[0] > 3:
model, inliers = ransac(X, PlaneDetection(), 3, 0.1)
distance, normal, M = model
std = np.dot(M.T, normal).std()
logger.info("Laser calibration " + str(index))
logger.info(" Distance: " + str(distance))
logger.info(" Normal: " + str(normal))
logger.info(" Standard deviation: " + str(std))
logger.info(" Point cloud size: " + str(len(inliers)))
return distance, normal, std
return None, None, None
import numpy.linalg
# from scipy.sparse import linalg
class PlaneDetection(object):
def fit(self, X):
M, Xm = self._compute_m(X)
# U = linalg.svds(M, k=2)[0]
# normal = np.cross(U.T[0], U.T[1])
normal = numpy.linalg.svd(M)[0][:, 2]
if normal[2] < 0:
normal *= -1
dist = np.dot(normal, Xm)
return dist, normal, M
def residuals(self, model, X):
_, normal, _ = model
M, Xm = self._compute_m(X)
return np.abs(np.dot(M.T, normal))
def is_degenerate(self, sample):
return False
def _compute_m(self, X):
n = X.shape[0]
Xm = X.sum(axis=0) / n
M = np.array(X - Xm).T
return M, Xm
def ransac(data, model_class, min_samples, threshold, max_trials=500):
best_model = None
best_inlier_num = 0
best_inliers = None
data_idx = np.arange(data.shape[0])
for _ in xrange(max_trials):
sample = data[np.random.randint(0, data.shape[0], 3)]
if model_class.is_degenerate(sample):
sample_model = model_class.fit(sample)
sample_model_residua = model_class.residuals(sample_model, data)
sample_model_inliers = data_idx[sample_model_residua < threshold]
inlier_num = sample_model_inliers.shape[0]
if inlier_num > best_inlier_num:
best_inlier_num = inlier_num
best_inliers = sample_model_inliers
if best_inliers is not None:
best_model = model_class.fit(data[best_inliers])
return best_model, best_inliers
def save_point_cloud(filename, point_cloud):
if point_cloud is not None:
f = open(filename, 'wb')
save_point_cloud_stream(f, point_cloud)
def save_point_cloud_stream(stream, point_cloud):
frame = "ply\n"
frame += "format binary_little_endian 1.0\n"
frame += "comment Generated by Horus software\n"
frame += "element vertex {0}\n".format(len(point_cloud))
frame += "property float x\n"
frame += "property float y\n"
frame += "property float z\n"
frame += "property uchar red\n"
frame += "property uchar green\n"
frame += "property uchar blue\n"
frame += "element face 0\n"
frame += "property list uchar int vertex_indices\n"
frame += "end_header\n"
for point in point_cloud:
frame += struct.pack("<fffBBB", point[0], point[1], point[2], 255, 0, 0)