PC-lint for C/C++ (NT) Vers. 9.00i, Copyright Gimpel Software 1985-2012
_________________________ MESSAGE GROUP _________________________
----- Error Inhibition Options -----
(- inhibits and + enables error messages)
(# and Symbol may include wild-card characters '?' and '*')
-e# Inhibit message number # !e# Inhibit message # this line
-e(#) Inhibit for next expression --e(#) For entire current expression
-e{#} Inhibit for next {region} --e{#} For entire current {region}
-eai Args differ sub-integer -ean Args differ nominally
-eas Args same size -eau Args differ signed-unsigned
-ecall(#,<Func>) By number, fnc call -efile(#,<File>) By number, file
-efunc(#,<Func>) By number, function +efreeze disable Message inhibition
+efreeze(w<lvl>) Freeze for <lvl> ++efreeze[(w<lvl>)] Deep-freeze <lvl>
-elib(#) Within library headers -elibcall(#) Calls to library fnctns
-elibmacro(#) For all library macros -elibsym(#) For all library symbols
-emacro(#,Symbol) Within macro -emacro((#),Symbol) Within expr macro
--emacro((#),Symbol) Within expr macro -emacro({#},Symbol) Next stmt macro
--emacro({#},Symbol) Within stmt macro -epn Pointers to nominal
-epnc Pointers to nominal chars -epp Pointers are pointers
-eps Pointers to same size -epu Pointers to signed-unsigned
-epuc Pointers to sgnd-unsgnd chars -estring(#,String) By number, string
-esym(#,Symbol) By number, symbol +esym(#,Symbol) Enable by no. symbol
-etd(<TypeDiff>) Ignore type diff. -etemplate(#) In template expansion
-etype(#,<TypeName>) By number, type -limit(n) Limits number of messages
++limit(n) Locks in limit of n -save Saves error inhibitions
-restore Resets error inhibitions -restore_at_end Restores at module end
-w<lvl> Set warning level (0,1,2,3,4) -wlib(<lvl>) Library warning level
-zero Sets exit code to 0 -zero(#) like -zero unless msg no. < #
------ Verbosity Options ------
Format: -/+v[aceh-iostw#]{mf<int>*}
-v... Output to stdout only
-v Turn off verbosity (note absence of option letters)
+v... Output to stderr and also to stdout
+v Don't change options but output to stderr and stdout
Zero or more of: a Attempts to open
c Unique Calls e Function templates
h Dump strong type hierarchy h- Compressed form of h
i Indirect files o Display options
s Storage consumed t Template expansions
w Specific Walks # Append file ID nos.
One of:
m Module names (the default) f Header Files (implies m)
<int> Every <int> lines (implies f) * All verbosity
----- Message Presentation Options -----
-h[abefFrsSm/<M>/<I>]<ht> message height (default = -ha_3)
a Position indicator Above line b Indicator Below line
f Frequent file information F Always produce file info
e Place source line @ End of msg r Repeat source line each msg
s Space after each non-wrapup msg S space after each msg
m/<M>/ Macro indicator is <M> mn Turn off macro indication
<I> The position Indicator <ht> Height of messages
-width(<Width>,<Indent>) Message width (default = -width(79,4))
-append(errno,msg) Appends msg for message errno
-format=... Specifies message format
-format4a=, -format4b= Specifies format if msg. ht. = 4
------> quit (q), previous (p), or next [n] ----- Message Presentation Options -----
-h[abefFrsSm/<M>/<I>]<ht> message height (default = -ha_3)
a Position indicator Above line b Indicator Below line
f Frequent file information F Always produce file info
e Place source line @ End of msg r Repeat source line each msg
s Space after each non-wrapup msg S space after each msg
m/<M>/ Macro indicator is <M> mn Turn off macro indication
<I> The position Indicator <ht> Height of messages
-width(<Width>,<Indent>) Message width (default = -width(79,4))
-append(errno,msg) Appends msg for message errno
-format=... Specifies message format
-format4a=, -format4b= Specifies format if msg. ht. = 4
-format_specific=... Prologue to specific Walk messages
-format_stack=... Format for output of stack information
-format_template=... Format for prologue to template instantiation
-format_verbosity=... Format for verbosity under +html
format codes (%...) format escapes (\...)
%c column no. %l Line no. \t Tab
%C Column no. + 1 %m Msg text \s Space
%f Filename %n msg Number \a Alarm
%i FunctIon name %t msg Type \q Quote
%(...%) Use ... if '%f' or '%i' are non null \\ Backslash
\n Newline
+source(suboptions) Echos entire source files(s); suboptions:
-number Do not number lines -indent Do not indent hdr lines
-m(files) Ignore given modules +h(hdrs) Echo given hdrs
-h(hdrs) Do not echo hdrs +dir(dirs) Echo hdrs from these
-dir(dirs) Do not echo hdrs from +class(all) Echo all hdrs
+class(project) Echo project hdrs
+html(options) Output in html format (example in env-html.lnt)
version(...) Can be used to specify the version of html
head(file) Includes file just after <html>
+xml([name]) Activate escapes for xml (example in env-xml.lnt)
If name is provided, output appears within <name> ... </name>
-message(String) Output String as an informational message
-summary([out-file]) Issues or appends a summary of error messages
-t# Sets tab size to #
+typename(#) Includes types of Symbols in message #
+xml(name) Format output messages in xml
.... message presentation flags ....
ffn use Full file Names (OFF) ffo Flush Output each msg (ON)
flm Lock Message format (OFF) frl Reference Location info (ON)
fsn treat Strings as Names (OFF)
___________________________ DATA GROUP ___________________________
--- Scalar Data Size and Alignment Options (default value(s)) ---
-sb# bits in a byte (8) -sbo# sizeof(bool) (1)
-sc# sizeof(char) (1) -slc# sizeof(long char) (2)
-ss# sizeof(short) (2) -si# sizeof(int) (4)
-sl# sizeof(long) (4) -sll# sizeof(long long) (8)
-sf# sizeof(float) (4) -sd# sizeof(double) (8)
-sld# sizeof(long double) (16) -smp# size of all member ptrs (4)
-smpD# size of mem ptr (data) (4) -smpFP# size, mem ptr (Far Prog) (4)
-smpNP# size, mem ptr (Near Prog) (4) -smpP# size of mem ptrs (prog) (4)
-sp# sizeof(all pointers) (4 6) -spD# size of both data ptrs (4 6)
-spF# size of both far ptrs (6) -spFD# size of far data pointer (6)
-spFP# size of far prog pointer (6) -spN# size of both near ptrs (4)
-spND# size of near data pointer (4) -spNP# size of near prog pointer (4)
-spP# size of both program ptrs (4 6) -sw# size of wide char (2)
------> quit (q), previous (p), or next [n] --- Scalar Data Size and Alignment Options (default value(s)) ---
-sb# bits in a byte (8) -sbo# sizeof(bool) (1)
-sc# sizeof(char) (1) -slc# sizeof(long char) (2)
-ss# sizeof(short) (2) -si# sizeof(int) (4)
-sl# sizeof(long) (4) -sll# sizeof(long long) (8)
-sf# sizeof(float) (4) -sd# sizeof(double) (8)
-sld# sizeof(long double) (16) -smp# size of all member ptrs (4)
-smpD# size of mem ptr (data) (4) -smpFP# size, mem ptr (Far Prog) (4)
-smpNP# size, mem ptr (Near Prog) (4) -smpP# size of mem ptrs (prog) (4)
-sp# sizeof(all pointers) (4 6) -spD# size of both data ptrs (4 6)
-spF# size of both far ptrs (6) -spFD# size of far data pointer (6)
-spFP# size of far prog pointer (6) -spN# size of both near ptrs (4)
-spND# size of near data pointer (4) -spNP# size of near prog pointer (4)
-spP# size of both program ptrs (4 6) -sw# size of wide char (2)
-a<code># Specifies alignment, <code> is any code used above in -s<code>#
# = 1, no alignment; # = 2, 2-byte boundary; etc. By default, a type's
alignment is the largest power of 2 that divides the size of the type
-align_max(n) Set the maximum alignment to n
-align_max(push) Saves the current maximum alignment
-align_max(pop) Restores previously pushed maximum alignment
.... scalar data flags ....
fba Bit Addressability (OFF) fbc Binary Constants 0b... (OFF)
fbo Activate bool, true, false (ON) fcu char-is-unsigned (OFF)
fdc (C++) Distinguish plain Char (ON) fdl pointer-diff.-is-long (OFF)
fis Integral consts. are Signed (OFF) flc allow long char (OFF)
fll allow long long int (OFF) fmd multiple definitions (OFF)
fpd Pointers Differ in size (OFF) fsc strings are const char * (OFF)
fsu string unsigned (OFF) fwc internal wchar_t for C (ON)
fwm MS wprintf conventions (OFF) fwu wchar_t is unsigned (OFF)
------- Data Modifier Options -------
-mS Small model -mD large Data model
-mP large Program model -mL Large program and data
.... data modifier flags ....
f@m @ is a modifier (OFF) fat Parse .net ATtributes (ON)
fcd cdecl is significant (OFF) fem allow Early Modifiers (OFF)
fiq Ignore default Qualifier (OFF) fqb Qualifiers Before types (ON)
------ struct, union, class, enum, namespace Flags ------
fab ABbreviated structures (OFF) fan ANonymous unions (OFF)
fas Anonymous Structures (OFF) fbu force Bit fields Unsigned (OFF)
fct Create Tags (OFF) feb enum's can be Bitfields (ON)
fie Integer-model-for-Enums (OFF) fld Label Designator (OFF)
fns Nested Struct (ON) fnt (C++) Nested Tags (ON)
fsg std is Global (OFF) fss regard Sub-Struct as base (ON)
fus Using namespace std (OFF) fvl Variable Length arrays (OFF)
________________________ PROCESSING GROUP ________________________
------- Preprocessor Options -------
-d<name>[=<value>] Defines preprocessor symbol
-d<name>{definition} For use with -scavenge
-D<nm>[=<val>][;<nm>[=<val>]]... Define set of symbols
+d... or +D... Same as -d or -D except it locks in a definition
-d<name>()[=<value>] Define function-like macro
------> quit (q), previous (p), or next [n] ------- Preprocessor Options -------
-d<name>[=<value>] Defines preprocessor symbol
-d<name>{definition} For use with -scavenge
-D<nm>[=<val>][;<nm>[=<val>]]... Define set of symbols
+d... or +D... Same as -d or -D except it locks in a definition
-d<name>()[=<value>] Define function-like macro
-#d<name>[=<value>] Defines symbol (for #include only)
-header(file) Auto-includes file in each module
-i<directory> Search directory for #include
-incvar(name) Change name of INCLUDE environment variable
-/+macros Halve/double the maximum macro size
-pch(hdr) Designates hdr as the pre-compiled header
-ppw(word[,...]) Disables(-) or enables(+) pre-processor words
+ppw(word[,...]) eg: +ppw(ident) enables #ident
--ppw(word[,...]) Removes built-in meaning of word
-ppw_asgn(w1,w2) Assigns pre-proc meaning of w2 to w1
+pragma(name,action) Associates action with name; action is one of
off Turns processing off (as with assembly code)
on Turns processing back on
once Physically include this file just once
message Issue a message
macro pragma_name becomes a macro
fmacro pragma_name becomes a function-like macro
options pragma_name_suboption becomes a function macro
ppw The pragma becomes a preprocessor command
push_macro push_macro("nm") saves the current definition of nm
pop_macro pop_macro("nm") restores a pushed definition
-pragma(name) Disables pragma
-u<name> Undefines <name>
--u<name> Ignore past and future defines of <name>
.... preprocessor flags ....
fce continue-on-error (OFF) fep Extended Preprocessor exps. (OFF)
fim -i can have multiple dirs. (ON) fln activate #line (ON)
fps Parameters within Strings (OFF)
--------- Tokenizing Options ---------
(see also Compiler Adaptation Keywords)
-$ Permits $ in identifiers
-ident(<chars>) Add identifier characters
-ident1(<char>) Define a 1-char identifier
+linebuf Doubles size of line buffer
-rw(word[,...]) Disables(-) or enables(+) reserved words ...
+rw(word[,...]) word = '*ms' implies all MS keywords
--rw(word[,...]) Removes built-in meaning of word
-rw_asgn(w1,w2) Assigns reserved word meaning of w2 to w1
.... flags affecting tokenization ....
fnc nested comments (OFF) ftg permit Tri Graphs (ON)
--------- Parsing Options ---------
-fallthrough A switch case allowing flow from above
-unreachable A point in a program is unreachable
.... parsing flags ....
ffb for clause creates Block (ON) flf (C++) process lib func defs (OFF)
fna (C++) allow 'operator new[]' (ON) fpc Pointer Casts retain lvalue(OFF)
fpm Precision is Max of args (OFF)
------> quit (q), previous (p), or next [n] -------- Template Options --------
-tr_limit(n) Sets a template recursion limit
-template(X) Hex constant X sets esoteric template flags
.... template flags ....
ftf raw template functions (OFF)
---- Compiler-adaptation Options ----
-A Specifies strict ANSI
-A(Cyear) Specifies the year of the assumed C standard
-A(C++year) Specifies the year of the assumed C++ standard
-c<code> Identifies the compiler
-a#<predicate>(tokens) Assert the truth of #<predicate> for tokens (Unix)
+/-compiler(flag[,...]) Sets/resets flag; default value shown by (ON/OFF)
std_digraphs (OFF) Enables '<:' and ':>' with standard meaning
base_op (OFF) Enables digraph ':>' with ancient meaning
std_alt_keywords (OFF) Enables keywords: and, and_eq, bitand, bitor,
compl, not, not_eq, or, or_eq, xor, xor_eq
-overload(X) Hex constant X sets esoteric overload resolution flags
-plus(Char) Identifies Char as an alternate option char equiv to +
Turns lint into a scavenger of macro names within
files matching filename-patterns
-scavenge(clean,file) Used subsequently to clean up file which bears
the results of compiler macro replacement
-template(X) Hex constant X sets esoteric template flags
.... compiler-adaptation reserved words (keywords) ....
@ Ignore expression to the right
__assert 'Ideal' assert function
___assert Like _assert but it always returns
_bit 1 bit wide type
_gobble Ignore next token
_ignore_init Ignore initializer for data and ...
ignore function body for functions
_to_brackets Ignore next parenthesized (or bracketed) expression
_to_semi Ignore until ;
_to_eol Ignore until end-of-line
_up_to_brackets Ignore up to and including a bracketed expression
__packed struct data members are packed
__typeof__(e) Like sizeof but returns the type of e
----------- Old C Flags -----------
fdr deduce-return-mode (OFF) ffd promote floats to double (OFF)
fkp K&R preprocessor (OFF) fmc macro concatenation (OFF)
fsa structure-assignment (ON) ful unsigned long (ON)
fva variable arguments (OFF) fvo void data type (ON)
fvr varying-return-mode (OFF) fxa eXact array arg. (OFF)
fxc eXact char arg. (OFF) fxf eXact float arg. (OFF)
fxs eXact short arg. (OFF) fzl sizeof-is-long (OFF)
fzu sizeof-is-unsigned (ON)
____________________ SPECIAL DETECTION GROUP ____________________
------- Strong Type Options -------
-strong(Flags,Type(s)) Check strong types ..., Flags are:
A[irpacz] == on Asgn to (except Init, Ret, Param, Asgn op, Consts, Zero);
J[erocz] == on Joining (except Eqlty, Rel, Other ops, Constants, Zero);
X == on eXtraction; l == allow library; B[f] or b[f] == strong and
weak Boolean (f == length-1 bit fields are NOT Boolean)
------> quit (q), previous (p), or next [n] ------- Strong Type Options -------
-strong(Flags,Type(s)) Check strong types ..., Flags are:
A[irpacz] == on Asgn to (except Init, Ret, Param, Asgn op, Consts, Zero);
J[erocz] == on Joining (except Eqlty, Rel, Other ops, Constants, Zero);
X == on eXtraction; l == allow library; B[f] or b[f] == strong and
weak Boolean (f == length-1 bit fields are NOT Boolean)
-index(flags,ixtype,type(s)) Establish ixtype as index type
flags: c == allow Constants, d == allow Dimensions
-parent(Parent,Children) Augment strong type hierarchy
-father(Parent,Children) A stricter verson of parent
.... strong type flags ....
fhd hierarchy down warning (ON) fhg hierarchy uses graph. chars (ON)
fhs hierarchy of strong types (ON) fhx Hierarchy of indeX types (ON)
-------- Semantic Options --------
-function(f0,f1, ...) Assign semantics of f0 to f1, ...
-printf(#,f1, ...) f1, ... are printf-like, # is arg. no. of format
-scanf(#,f1, ...) f1, ... are scanf-like, # is arg. no. of format
-printf_code(Code[,Type]) Allows user-defined printf codes
-scanf_code(Code[,Type]) Allows user-defined scanf codes
-sem(fnc,sem1, ...) Associates a set of semantics with a function
-wprintf(#,f1, ...) Wide char version of -printf
-wscanf(#,f1, ...) Wide char version of -scanf
.... semantics (i.e. arguments to the -sem option) ....
4 kinds of semantics: 0 == overall, a == argument, r == return, f == flag
kind: semantic: meaning:
r r_null function may return NULL
r r_no function does not return
f initializer function initializes all data members
f cleanup function that clears all pointer data members
a #p #th argument must not be NULL
a custodial(#) #th argument takes custody
a type(#) #th argument is reflected into the return type
a pod(#) #th argument must be POD
a nulterm(#) #th argument is nul-terminated
a inout(#) #th argument is read and written
f pure the function is a pure function
r expression (see 'expression components' below) containing the @
operator is assumed true with @ representing the return value
0 any other expression is considered a function requirement
.... expression components: ....
Parentheses: () Unary operators: + - | ~
Binary operators: + - * / % < <= == != > >= | & ^ << >> || &&
Ternary operator: ?:
#n = integer value of #th arg #p = item count of #th arg
#P = byte count of #th arg integer = itself
name of macro, enum, const = current value of same
malloc(exp) = malloc'ed area of size exp
new(exp) = new'ed area of size exp new[](exp) = new[]ed area of size exp
.... thread semantics ....
thread = the function is a thread thread_mono = a single-instance thread
no_thread = function is not a thread thread_lock = function locks a mutex
thread_unlock = ftn unlocks a mutex
thread_create(#) = #th argument is a thread
thread_unsafe = unsafe to call by multiple threads
thread_unsafe(groupid) = group can't be called by multiple threads
thread_safe = not thread_unsafe
------> quit (q), previous (p), or next [n] thread_protected = function is protected by critical section
thread_not(list) = lists threads that may not invoke function
thread_only(list) = lists the only threads that may invoke function
.... semantic flags ....
ffc Function takes Custody (ON)
----- Thread Options -----
(see also thread semantics)
prefix '+' designates a property and '-' reverses it
+/-thread_unsafe_h(hdr[,...]) ftns in headers are thread_unsafe
+/-thread_unsafe_group_h(hdr[,...]) ftns in hdrs form a thread_unsafe group
+/-thread_unsafe_dir(dir[,...]) hdrs in dirs house thread_unsafe ftns
+/-thread_unsafe_group_dir(dir[,...]) hdrs in dirs form a thread_unsafe group
----- Value Tracking Options -----
-passes(k[,Opt1[,Opt2]]) Requests k passes
-specific(op1[,op2]) Options op1 before and op2 after every specific walk
-specific_climit(n) Per function Limit on the no. of recorded calls
-specific_wlimit(n) Walk limit on the number of recursively generated calls
-specific_retry(n) n== 0 implies inhibiting rewalking with same parameters
-static_depth(n) Adjusts the depth of static variable analysis
.... value tracking flags ....
fai pointed-to Arg is Initialized(ON) fii Inhibit Inference (OFF)
fiw Initialization is a Write (ON) fiz Init'n by Zero is a Write (ON)
fnn (C++) new can return NULL (OFF) fnr Null ptr may be Returned (OFF)
fpn pointer param may be NULL (OFF) fsp SPecific function calls (ON)
fsv track Static Variables (ON)
---- Miscellaneous Detection Options ----
-deprecate(category,name,commentary) Deprecates use of a name
categories: function, keyword, macro, variable
+headerwarn(file) Causes Msg 829 to be issued for a given file
-idlen(<n>[,opt]) Report identifier clashes in <n> chars
opt: x=external, p=preprocessor, c=compiler
-size(flags,amount) Report large aggregates; flags: a auto, s static
.... special detection flags ....
fet requires Explicit Throws (OFF) fil Indentation check of Labels (OFF)
__________________________ MISC. GROUP __________________________
---------- Global Options ----------
-background Reduces task priority
-/+/++b No/Redirect/Produce Banner line
-p[(n)] Just preprocess, n == max output width
-setenv(name=val) Sets an environment variable
-u Unit checkout
.... global flags ....
fpa PAuse before exiting (OFF)
----------- File Options -----------
+bypclass([all,angle,ansi,foreign]...) Default bypass headers
-/+bypdir(directory[,...]) Deny or specify bypass directory
-/+byph(header[,...]) Deny or specify bypass header by name
-/+cpp(extension) Remove/add .ext for C++ files
+ext(ext[,ext]...) Extensions attempted for extensionless files
defaults to +ext(vac,lnt,cpp,cxx,c)
------> quit (q), previous (p), or next [n] ----------- File Options -----------
+bypclass([all,angle,ansi,foreign]...) Default bypass headers
-/+bypdir(directory[,...]) Deny or specify bypass directory
-/+byph(header[,...]) Deny or specify bypass header by name
-/+cpp(extension) Remove/add .ext for C++ files
+ext(ext[,ext]...) Extensions attempted for extensionless files
defaults to +ext(vac,lnt,cpp,cxx,c)
-indirect(file) Process indirect (.lnt) file
+libclass([all,angle,ansi,foreign]...) Default library headers
-/+libdir(directory[,...]) Deny or specify library directory
-/+libh(header[,...]) Deny or specify library header by name
-/+libm(module[,...]) Deny or specify library module by name
-library Sets library flag
+lnt(ext) File.ext is treated like File.lnt
-maxfiles(<n>) Sets an upper limit on the number of files
-maxopen(<n>) Assumed number of openable files
-pch(hdr) Designates hdr as the pre-compiled header
-subfile( indirect-file, options|modules ) Process just 'options'
or just 'modules' from indirect-file
--u -u and ignore modules at lower .lnt level
.... file flags ....
fcp (C++) Force C++ processing (OFF) fda dbl-qts to Angle brackets (OFF)
fdh append '.h' to header names (OFF) fdi Directory of Including file(OFF)
flb library (OFF) frb Files fopen'ed with "rb" (OFF)
frn Treat CR as new-line (OFF) fsh shared file open (OFF)
ftr truncate filenames to 8x3 (OFF)
--------- Output Options ---------
-od[options](filename) Output declarations of defined external
objects and functions including prototypes,
options: f=only functions, i=internal functions, s=structs
<width>=specify break width
-oe(filename) Redirect to standard Error (+oe appends)
-ol(filename) Output library file
-oo[(filename)] Output to lint object file
-lobbase(filename) Establish a lob base file
-os(filename) Redirect to standard out (+os appends)
+program_info(output_prefix=<path>, suboptions ) Dumps information into
<path>file.txt information about files
<path>symbol.txt information about symbols
<path>type.txt information about types
<path>macro.txt information about macros
+stack(sub-options) Issue report on function stack usage
&file=filename Designates name of file to receive stack report
&overhead(n) Sets the overhead of each function call
&external(n) Sets assumed stack usage by each external function
name(n) Sets stack usage (n) explicitly for named function
&summary Requests just a summary of stack info report.
.... output option flags ....
fod Output Declared to object (OFF) fol Output Library to object (OFF)
-------------------------- END OF OPTIONS -----------------------------
<------> quit (q), previous (p), or next [n]