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How to thanks company and family for supporting in long career


In this day and ageof fluid careers, the U.S.Department of Labor has remarked that the averagelearner will have 10 to 14 jobs by the time they are 38; 1 in 4 workers havebeen with their employer less than a year; and 1 in 2 workers have been withtheir employer less than 5 years. Sometimes I get asked about my 18-year tenureat IBM in a tone of disbelief for my generation. In my 18 years at IBM, I’vehad the honor to learn and participate in the latest technologies, marketing,sales, technical sales, writing, usability design, development, partnerprograms, channels, education, support, services, public speaking, competitiveanalysis, and always learning more. IBM has always been a place that nurturesexcellence and opportunity for those thirsty to make a difference, and I’ve gota thirst not yet quenched. IBM deeply encourages learning from others – and Ioften wonder if other people feel like they won the lottery with a mentoringteam like the one I have. Thanks to IBM for providing an endless cup ofopportunity and learning experiences.

This is the fourthbook that I have authored, and every time I dedicate the book to my wife andfamily. Well this is no exception, because it’s their support that makes thisall possible, as anyone who has ever spent hours and hours of their ownpersonal time writing a book can attest to. To my wife, Teresa, who is alwayssupporting me 100 percent in all that I do, including crazy ideas like writinga book. She knows full well how much times it takes to write a book since sheis a real author herself and yet she still supported me when I told her I wasgoing to write this book (you are a saint). 



