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[--permanent] [--zone=zone] --list-protocols
           List protocols added for zone as a space separated list. If zone is
           omitted, default zone will be used.

       [--permanent] [--zone=zone] --add-protocol=protocol [--timeout=timeval]
           Add the protocol for zone. If zone is omitted, default zone will be used.
           This option can be specified multiple times. If a timeout is supplied,
           the rule will be active for the specified amount of time and will be
           removed automatically afterwards.  timeval is either a number (of
           seconds) or number followed by one of characters s (seconds), m
           (minutes), h (hours), for example 20m or 1h.

           The protocol can be any protocol supported by the system. Please have a
           look at /etc/protocols for supported protocols.

           The --timeout option is not combinable with the --permanent option.

       [--permanent] [--zone=zone] --remove-protocol=protocol
           Remove the protocol from zone. If zone is omitted, default zone will be
           used. This option can be specified multiple times.

       [--permanent] [--zone=zone] --query-protocol=protocol
           Return whether the protocol has been added for zone. If zone is omitted,
           default zone will be used. Returns 0 if true, 1 otherwise.

       [--permanent] [--zone=zone] --list-source-ports
           List source ports added for zone as a space separated list. A port is of
           the form portid[-portid]/protocol. If zone is omitted, default zone will
           be used.

       [--permanent] [--zone=zone] --add-source-port=portid[-portid]/protocol
           Add the source port for zone. If zone is omitted, default zone will be
           used. This option can be specified multiple times. If a timeout is
           supplied, the rule will be active for the specified amount of time and
           will be removed automatically afterwards.  timeval is either a number (of
           seconds) or number followed by one of characters s (seconds), m
           (minutes), h (hours), for example 20m or 1h.

           The port can either be a single port number or a port range
           portid-portid. The protocol can either be tcp, udp, sctp or dccp.

           The --timeout option is not combinable with the --permanent option.

       [--permanent] [--zone=zone] --remove-source-port=portid[-portid]/protocol
           Remove the source port from zone. If zone is omitted, default zone will
           be used. This option can be specified multiple times.

       [--permanent] [--zone=zone] --query-source-port=portid[-portid]/protocol
           Return whether the source port has been added for zone. If zone is
           omitted, default zone will be used. Returns 0 if true, 1 otherwise.

       [--permanent] [--zone=zone] --list-icmp-blocks
           List Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) type blocks added for zone
           as a space separated list. If zone is omitted, default zone will be used.

       [--permanent] [--zone=zone] --add-icmp-block=icmptype [--timeout=timeval]
           Add an ICMP block for icmptype for zone. If zone is omitted, default zone
           will be used. This option can be specified multiple times. If a timeout
           is supplied, the rule will be active for the specified amount of time and
           will be removed automatically afterwards.  timeval is either a number (of
           seconds) or number followed by one of characters s (seconds), m
           (minutes), h (hours), for example 20m or 1h.

           The icmptype is the one of the icmp types firewalld supports. To get a
           listing of supported icmp types: firewall-cmd --get-icmptypes

           The --timeout option is not combinable with the --permanent option.

       [--permanent] [--zone=zone] --remove-icmp-block=icmptype
           Remove the ICMP block for icmptype from zone. If zone is omitted, default
           zone will be used. This option can be specified multiple times.

       [--permanent] [--zone=zone] --query-icmp-block=icmptype
           Return whether an ICMP block for icmptype has been added for zone. If
           zone is omitted, default zone will be used. Returns 0 if true, 1

       [--permanent] [--zone=zone] --list-forward-ports
           List IPv4 forward ports added for zone as a space separated list. If zone
           is omitted, default zone will be used.

           For IPv6 forward ports, please use the rich language.

       [--permanent] [--zone=zone]
           Add the IPv4 forward port for zone. If zone is omitted, default zone will
           be used. This option can be specified multiple times. If a timeout is
           supplied, the rule will be active for the specified amount of time and
           will be removed automatically afterwards.  timeval is either a number (of
           seconds) or number followed by one of characters s (seconds), m
           (minutes), h (hours), for example 20m or 1h.

           The port can either be a single port number portid or a port range
           portid-portid. The protocol can either be tcp, udp, sctp or dccp. The
           destination address is a simple IP address.

           The --timeout option is not combinable with the --permanent option.

           For IPv6 forward ports, please use the rich language.

       [--permanent] [--zone=zone]
           Remove the IPv4 forward port from zone. If zone is omitted, default zone
           will be used. This option can be specified multiple times.

           For IPv6 forward ports, please use the rich language.

       [--permanent] [--zone=zone]
           Return whether the IPv4 forward port has been added for zone. If zone is
           omitted, default zone will be used. Returns 0 if true, 1 otherwise.

           For IPv6 forward ports, please use the rich language.

       [--permanent] [--zone=zone] --add-masquerade [--timeout=timeval]
           Enable IPv4 masquerade for zone. If zone is omitted, default zone will be
           used. If a timeout is supplied, masquerading will be active for the
           specified amount of time.  timeval is either a number (of seconds) or
           number followed by one of characters s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours),
           for example 20m or 1h. Masquerading is useful if the machine is a router
           and machines connected over an interface in another zone should be able
           to use the first connection.

           The --timeout option is not combinable with the --permanent option.

           For IPv6 masquerading, please use the rich language.

       [--permanent] [--zone=zone] --remove-masquerade
           Disable IPv4 masquerade for zone. If zone is omitted, default zone will
           be used. If the masquerading was enabled with a timeout, it will be
           disabled also.

           For IPv6 masquerading, please use the rich language.

       [--permanent] [--zone=zone] --query-masquerade
           Return whether IPv4 masquerading has been enabled for zone. If zone is
           omitted, default zone will be used. Returns 0 if true, 1 otherwise.

           For IPv6 masquerading, please use the rich language.

       [--permanent] [--zone=zone] --list-rich-rules
           List rich language rules added for zone as a newline separated list. If
           zone is omitted, default zone will be used.

       [--permanent] [--zone=zone] --add-rich-rule='rule' [--timeout=timeval]
           Add rich language rule 'rule' for zone. This option can be specified
           multiple times. If zone is omitted, default zone will be used. If a
           timeout is supplied, the rule will be active for the specified amount of
           time and will be removed automatically afterwards.  timeval is either a
           number (of seconds) or number followed by one of characters s (seconds),
           m (minutes), h (hours), for example 20m or 1h.

           For the rich language rule syntax, please have a look at

           The --timeout option is not combinable with the --permanent option.

       [--permanent] [--zone=zone] --remove-rich-rule='rule'
           Remove rich language rule 'rule' from zone. This option can be specified
           multiple times. If zone is omitted, default zone will be used.

           For the rich language rule syntax, please have a look at

       [--permanent] [--zone=zone] --query-rich-rule='rule'
           Return whether a rich language rule 'rule' has been added for zone. If
           zone is omitted, default zone will be used. Returns 0 if true, 1

           For the rich language rule syntax, please have a look at

   Options to Handle Bindings of Interfaces
       Binding an interface to a zone means that this zone settings are used to
       restrict traffic via the interface.

       Options in this section affect only one particular zone. If used with
       --zone=zone option, they affect the zone zone. If the option is omitted, they
       affect default zone (see --get-default-zone).

       For a list of predefined zones use firewall-cmd --get-zones.

       An interface name is a string up to 16 characters long, that may not contain
       ' ', '/', '!' and '*'.

       [--permanent] [--zone=zone] --list-interfaces
           List interfaces that are bound to zone zone as a space separated list. If
           zone is omitted, default zone will be used.

       [--permanent] [--zone=zone] --add-interface=interface
           Bind interface interface to zone zone. If zone is omitted, default zone
           will be used.

           If the interface is under control of NetworkManager, it is at first
           connected to change the zone for the connection that is using the
           interface. If this fails, the zone binding is created in firewalld and
           the limitations below apply. For interfaces that are not under control of
           NetworkManager, firewalld tries to change the ZONE setting in the ifcfg
           file, if the file exists.

           As a end user you don't need this in most cases, because NetworkManager
           (or legacy network service) adds interfaces into zones automatically
           (according to ZONE= option from ifcfg-interface file) if NM_CONTROLLED=no
           is not set. You should do it only if there's no
           /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-interface file. If there is such
           file and you add interface to zone with this --add-interface option, make
           sure the zone is the same in both cases, otherwise the behaviour would be
           undefined. Please also have a look at the firewalld(1) man page in the
           Concepts section. For permanent association of interface with a zone, see
           also 'How to set or change a zone for a connection?' in

       [--zone=zone] --change-interface=interface
           If the interface is under control of NetworkManager, it is at first
           connected to change the zone for the connection that is using the
           interface. If this fails, the zone binding is created in firewalld and
           the limitations below apply. For interfaces that are not under control of
           NetworkManager, firewalld tries to change the ZONE setting in the ifcfg
           file, if the file exists.

           Change zone the interface interface is bound to to zone zone. It's
           basically --remove-interface followed by --add-interface. If the
           interface has not been bound to a zone before, it behaves like
           --add-interface. If zone is omitted, default zone will be used.

       [--permanent] [--zone=zone] --query-interface=interface
           Query whether interface interface is bound to zone zone. Returns 0 if
           true, 1 otherwise.

       [--permanent] --remove-interface=interface
           If the interface is under control of NetworkManager, it is at first
           connected to change the zone for the connection that is using the
           interface. If this fails, the zone binding is created in firewalld and
           the limitations below apply.

           For the addion or change of interfaces that are not under control of
           NetworkManager: firewalld tries to change the ZONE setting in the ifcfg
           file, if an ifcfg file exists that is using the interface.

           Only for the removal of interfaces that are not under control of
           NetworkManager: firewalld is not trying to change the ZONE setting in the
           ifcfg file. This is needed to make sure that an ifdown of the interface
           will not result in a reset of the zone setting to the default zone. Only
           the zone binding is then removed in firewalld then.

           Remove binding of interface interface from zone it was previously added

   Options to Handle Bindings of Sources
       Binding a source to a zone means that this zone settings will be used to
       restrict traffic from this source.

       A source address or address range is either an IP address or a network IP
       address with a mask for IPv4 or IPv6 or a MAC address or an ipset with the
       ipset: prefix. For IPv4, the mask can be a network mask or a plain number.
       For IPv6 the mask is a plain number. The use of host names is not supported.

       Options in this section affect only one particular zone. If used with
       --zone=zone option, they affect the zone zone. If the option is omitted, they
       affect default zone (see --get-default-zone).

       For a list of predefined zones use firewall-cmd [--permanent] --get-zones.

       [--permanent] [--zone=zone] --list-sources
           List sources that are bound to zone zone as a space separated list. If
           zone is omitted, default zone will be used.

       [--permanent] [--zone=zone] --add-source=source[/mask]|MAC|ipset:ipset
           Bind the source to zone zone. If zone is omitted, default zone will be

       [--zone=zone] --change-source=source[/mask]|MAC|ipset:ipset
           Change zone the source is bound to to zone zone. It's basically
           --remove-source followed by --add-source. If the source has not been
           bound to a zone before, it behaves like --add-source. If zone is omitted,
           default zone will be used.

       [--permanent] [--zone=zone] --query-source=source[/mask]|MAC|ipset:ipset
           Query whether the source is bound to the zone zone. Returns 0 if true, 1

       [--permanent] --remove-source=source[/mask]|MAC|ipset:ipset
           Remove binding of the source from zone it was previously added to.

   IPSet Options
           Print the supported ipset types.

       --permanent --new-ipset=ipset --type=type [--family=inet|inet6]
           Add a new permanent and empty ipset with specifying the type and optional
           the family and options like timeout, hashsize and maxelem. For more
           information please have a look at ipset(8) man page.

       --permanent --new-ipset-from-file=filename [--name=ipset]
           Add a new permanent ipset from a prepared ipset file with an optional
           name override.

       --permanent --delete-ipset=ipset
           Delete an existing permanent ipset.

       --permanent --load-ipset-defaults=ipset
           Load ipset default settings or report NO_DEFAULTS error.

       [--permanent] --info-ipset=ipset
           Print information about the ipset ipset. The output format is:

                 type: type
                 options: option1[=value1] ..
                 entries: entry1 ..

       [--permanent] --get-ipsets
           Print predefined ipsets as a space separated list.

       --permanent --ipset=ipset --set-description=description
           Set new description to ipset

       --permanent --ipset=ipset --get-description
           Print description for ipset

       --permanent --ipset=ipset --set-short=description
           Set short description to ipset

       --permanent --ipset=ipset --get-short
           Print short description for ipset

       [--permanent] --ipset=ipset --add-entry=entry
           Add a new entry to the ipset.

           Adding an entry to an ipset with option timeout is permitted, but these
           entries are not tracked by firewalld.

       [--permanent] --ipset=ipset --remove-entry=entry
           Remove an entry from the ipset.

       [--permanent] --ipset=ipset --query-entry=entry
           Return whether the entry has been added to an ipset. Returns 0 if true, 1

           Querying an ipset with a timeout will yield an error. Entries are not
           tracked for ipsets with a timeout.

       [--permanent] --ipset=ipset --get-entries
           List all entries of the ipset.

       [--permanent] --ipset=ipset --add-entries-from-file=filename
           Add a new entries to the ipset from the file. For all entries that are
           listed in the file but already in the ipset, a warning will be printed.

           The file should contain an entry per line. Lines starting with an hash or
           semicolon are ignored. Also empty lines.

       [--permanent] --ipset=ipset --remove-entries-from-file=filename
           Remove existing entries from the ipset from the file. For all entries
           that are listed in the file but not in the ipset, a warning will be

           The file should contain an entry per line. Lines starting with an hash or
           semicolon are ignored. Also empty lines.

       --permanent --path-ipset=ipset
           Print path of the ipset configuration file.

   Service Options
       Options in this section affect only one particular service.

       [--permanent] --info-service=service
           Print information about the service service. The output format is:

                 ports: port1 ..
                 protocols: protocol1 ..
                 source-ports: source-port1 ..
                 modules: module1 ..
                 destination: ipv1:address1 ..

       The following options are only usable in the permanent configuration.

       --permanent --new-service=service
           Add a new permanent and empty service.

       --permanent --new-service-from-file=filename [--name=service]
           Add a new permanent service from a prepared service file with an optional
           name override.

       --permanent --delete-service=service
           Delete an existing permanent service.

       --permanent --load-service-defaults=service
           Load service default settings or report NO_DEFAULTS error.

       --permanent --path-service=service
           Print path of the service configuration file.

       --permanent --service=service --set-description=description
           Set new description to service

       --permanent --service=service --get-description
           Print description for service

       --permanent --service=service --set-short=description
           Set short description to service

       --permanent --service=service --get-short
           Print short description for service

       --permanent --service=service --add-port=portid[-portid]/protocol
           Add a new port to the permanent service.

       --permanent --service=service --remove-port=portid[-portid]/protocol
           Remove a port from the permanent service.

       --permanent --service=service --query-port=portid[-portid]/protocol
           Return wether the port has been added to the permanent service.

       --permanent --service=service --get-ports
           List ports added to the permanent service.

       --permanent --service=service --add-protocol=protocol
           Add a new protocol to the permanent service.

       --permanent --service=service --remove-protocol=protocol
           Remove a protocol from the permanent service.

       --permanent --service=service --query-protocol=protocol
           Return wether the protocol has been added to the permanent service.

       --permanent --service=service --get-protocols
           List protocols added to the permanent service.

       --permanent --service=service --add-source-port=portid[-portid]/protocol
           Add a new source port to the permanent service.

       --permanent --service=service --remove-source-port=portid[-portid]/protocol
           Remove a source port from the permanent service.

       --permanent --service=service --query-source-port=portid[-portid]/protocol
           Return wether the source port has been added to the permanent service.

       --permanent --service=service --get-source-ports
           List source ports added to the permanent service.

       --permanent --service=service --add-module=module
           Add a new module to the permanent service.

       --permanent --service=service --remove-module=module
           Remove a module from the permanent service.

       --permanent --service=service --query-module=module
           Return wether the module has been added to the permanent service.

       --permanent --service=service --get-modules
           List modules added to the permanent service.

       --permanent --service=service --set-destination=ipv:address[/mask]
           Set destination for ipv to address[/mask] in the permanent service.

       --permanent --service=service --remove-destination=ipv
           Remove the destination for ipv from the permanent service.

       --permanent --service=service --query-destination=ipv:address[/mask]
           Return wether the destination ipv to address[/mask] has been set in the
           permanent service.

       --permanent --service=service --get-destinations
           List destinations added to the permanent service.

   Helper Options
       Options in this section affect only one particular helper.

       [--permanent] --info-helper=helper
           Print information about the helper helper. The output format is:

                 family: family
                 module: module
                 ports: port1 ..

       The following options are only usable in the permanent configuration.

       --permanent --new-helper=helper --module=nf_conntrack_module
           Add a new permanent helper with module and optionally family defined.

       --permanent --new-helper-from-file=filename [--name=helper]
           Add a new permanent helper from a prepared helper file with an optional
           name override.

       --permanent --delete-helper=helper
           Delete an existing permanent helper.

       --permanent --load-helper-defaults=helper
           Load helper default settings or report NO_DEFAULTS error.

       --permanent --path-helper=helper
           Print path of the helper configuration file.

       [--permanent] --get-helpers
           Print predefined helpers as a space separated list.

       --permanent --helper=helper --set-description=description
           Set new description to helper

       --permanent --helper=helper --get-description
           Print description for helper

       --permanent --helper=helper --set-short=description
           Set short description to helper

       --permanent --helper=helper --get-short
           Print short description for helper

       --permanent --helper=helper --add-port=portid[-portid]/protocol
           Add a new port to the permanent helper.

       --permanent --helper=helper --remove-port=portid[-portid]/protocol
           Remove a port from the permanent helper.

       --permanent --helper=helper --query-port=portid[-portid]/protocol
           Return wether the port has been added to the permanent helper.

       --permanent --helper=helper --get-ports
           List ports added to the permanent helper.

       --permanent --helper=helper --set-module=description
           Set module description for helper

       --permanent --helper=helper --get-module
           Print module description for helper

       --permanent --helper=helper --set-family=description
           Set family description for helper

       --permanent --helper=helper --get-family
           Print family description of helper

   Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) type Options
       Options in this section affect only one particular icmptype.

       [--permanent] --info-icmptype=icmptype
           Print information about the icmptype icmptype. The output format is:

                 destination: ipv1 ..

       The following options are only usable in the permanent configuration.

       --permanent --new-icmptype=icmptype
           Add a new permanent and empty icmptype.

       --permanent --new-icmptype-from-file=filename [--name=icmptype]
           Add a new permanent icmptype from a prepared icmptype file with an
           optional name override.

       --permanent --delete-icmptype=icmptype
           Delete an existing permanent icmptype.

       --permanent --load-icmptype-defaults=icmptype
           Load icmptype default settings or report NO_DEFAULTS error.

       --permanent --icmptype=icmptype --set-description=description
           Set new description to icmptype

       --permanent --icmptype=icmptype --get-description
           Print description for icmptype

       --permanent --icmptype=icmptype --set-short=description
           Set short description to icmptype

       --permanent --icmptype=icmptype --get-short
           Print short description for icmptype

       --permanent --icmptype=icmptype --add-destination=ipv
           Enable destination for ipv in permanent icmptype. ipv is one of ipv4 or

       --permanent --icmptype=icmptype --remove-destination=ipv
           Disable destination for ipv in permanent icmptype. ipv is one of ipv4 or

       --permanent --icmptype=icmptype --query-destination=ipv
           Return whether destination for ipv is enabled in permanent icmptype. ipv
           is one of ipv4 or ipv6.

       --permanent --icmptype=icmptype --get-destinations
           List destinations in permanent icmptype.

       --permanent --path-icmptype=icmptype
           Print path of the icmptype configuration file.

   Direct Options
       The direct options give a more direct access to the firewall. These options
       require user to know basic iptables concepts, i.e.  table
       (filter/mangle/nat/...), chain (INPUT/OUTPUT/FORWARD/...), commands
       (-A/-D/-I/...), parameters (-p/-s/-d/-j/...) and targets

       Direct options should be used only as a last resort when it's not possible to
       use for example --add-service=service or --add-rich-rule='rule'.

       The first argument of each option has to be ipv4 or ipv6 or eb. With ipv4 it
       will be for IPv4 (iptables(8)), with ipv6 for IPv6 (ip6tables(8)) and with eb
       for ethernet bridges (ebtables(8)).

       [--permanent] --direct --get-all-chains
           Get all chains added to all tables. This option concerns only chains
           previously added with --direct --add-chain.

       [--permanent] --direct --get-chains { ipv4 | ipv6 | eb } table
           Get all chains added to table table as a space separated list. This
           option concerns only chains previously added with --direct --add-chain.

       [--permanent] --direct --add-chain { ipv4 | ipv6 | eb } table chain
           Add a new chain with name chain to table table. Make sure there's no
           other chain with this name already.

           There already exist basic chains to use with direct options, for example
           INPUT_direct chain (see iptables-save | grep direct output for all of
           them). These chains are jumped into before chains for zones, i.e. every
           rule put into INPUT_direct will be checked before rules in zones.

       [--permanent] --direct --remove-chain { ipv4 | ipv6 | eb } table chain
           Remove chain with name chain from table table. Only chains previously
           added with --direct --add-chain can be removed this way.

       [--permanent] --direct --query-chain { ipv4 | ipv6 | eb } table chain
           Return whether a chain with name chain exists in table table. Returns 0
           if true, 1 otherwise. This option concerns only chains previously added
           with --direct --add-chain.

       [--permanent] --direct --get-all-rules
           Get all rules added to all chains in all tables as a newline separated
           list of the priority and arguments. This option concerns only rules
           previously added with --direct --add-rule.

       [--permanent] --direct --get-rules { ipv4 | ipv6 | eb } table chain
           Get all rules added to chain chain in table table as a newline separated
           list of the priority and arguments. This option concerns only rules
           previously added with --direct --add-rule.

       [--permanent] --direct --add-rule { ipv4 | ipv6 | eb } table chain priority
           Add a rule with the arguments args to chain chain in table table with
           priority priority.

           The priority is used to order rules. Priority 0 means add rule on top of
           the chain, with a higher priority the rule will be added further down.
           Rules with the same priority are on the same level and the order of these
           rules is not fixed and may change. If you want to make sure that a rule
           will be added after another one, use a low priority for the first and a
           higher for the following.

       [--permanent] --direct --remove-rule { ipv4 | ipv6 | eb } table chain
       priority args
           Remove a rule with priority and the arguments args from chain chain in
           table table. Only rules previously added with --direct --add-rule can be
           removed this way.

       [--permanent] --direct --remove-rules { ipv4 | ipv6 | eb } table chain
           Remove all rules in the chain with name chain exists in table table. This
           option concerns only rules previously added with --direct --add-rule in
           this chain.

       [--permanent] --direct --query-rule { ipv4 | ipv6 | eb } table chain priority
           Return whether a rule with priority and the arguments args exists in
           chain chain in table table. Returns 0 if true, 1 otherwise. This option
           concerns only rules previously added with --direct --add-rule.

       --direct --passthrough { ipv4 | ipv6 | eb } args
           Pass a command through to the firewall.  args can be all iptables,
           ip6tables and ebtables command line arguments. This command is untracked,
           which means that firewalld is not able to provide information about this
           command later on, also not a listing of the untracked passthoughs.

       [--permanent] --direct --get-all-passthroughs
           Get all passthrough rules as a newline separated list of the ipv value
           and arguments.

       [--permanent] --direct --get-passthroughs { ipv4 | ipv6 | eb }
           Get all passthrough rules for the ipv value as a newline separated list
           of the priority and arguments.

       [--permanent] --direct --add-passthrough { ipv4 | ipv6 | eb } args
           Add a passthrough rule with the arguments args for the ipv value.

       [--permanent] --direct --remove-passthrough { ipv4 | ipv6 | eb } args
           Remove a passthrough rule with the arguments args for the ipv value.

       [--permanent] --direct --query-passthrough { ipv4 | ipv6 | eb } args
           Return whether a passthrough rule with the arguments args exists for the
           ipv value. Returns 0 if true, 1 otherwise.

   Lockdown Options
       Local applications or services are able to change the firewall configuration
       if they are running as root (example: libvirt) or are authenticated using
       PolicyKit. With this feature administrators can lock the firewall
       configuration so that only applications on lockdown whitelist are able to
       request firewall changes.

       The lockdown access check limits D-Bus methods that are changing firewall
       rules. Query, list and get methods are not limited.

       The lockdown feature is a very light version of user and application policies
       for firewalld and is turned off by default.

           Enable lockdown. Be careful - if firewall-cmd is not on lockdown
           whitelist when you enable lockdown you won't be able to disable it again
           with firewall-cmd, you would need to edit firewalld.conf.

           This is a runtime and permanent change.

           Disable lockdown.

           This is a runtime and permanent change.

           Query whether lockdown is enabled. Returns 0 if lockdown is enabled, 1

   Lockdown Whitelist Options
       The lockdown whitelist can contain commands, contexts, users and user ids.

       If a command entry on the whitelist ends with an asterisk '*', then all
       command lines starting with the command will match. If the '*' is not there
       the absolute command inclusive arguments must match.

       Commands for user root and others is not always the same. Example: As root
       /bin/firewall-cmd is used, as a normal user /usr/bin/firewall-cmd is be used
       on Fedora.

       The context is the security (SELinux) context of a running application or
       service. To get the context of a running application use ps -e --context.

       Warning: If the context is unconfined, then this will open access for more
       than the desired application.

       The lockdown whitelist entries are checked in the following order:
           1. context
           2. uid
           3. user
           4. command

       [--permanent] --list-lockdown-whitelist-commands
           List all command lines that are on the whitelist.

       [--permanent] --add-lockdown-whitelist-command=command
           Add the command to the whitelist.

       [--permanent] --remove-lockdown-whitelist-command=command
           Remove the command from the whitelist.

       [--permanent] --query-lockdown-whitelist-command=command
           Query whether the command is on the whitelist. Returns 0 if true, 1

       [--permanent] --list-lockdown-whitelist-contexts
           List all contexts that are on the whitelist.

       [--permanent] --add-lockdown-whitelist-context=context
           Add the context context to the whitelist.

       [--permanent] --remove-lockdown-whitelist-context=context
           Remove the context from the whitelist.

       [--permanent] --query-lockdown-whitelist-context=context
           Query whether the context is on the whitelist. Returns 0 if true, 1

       [--permanent] --list-lockdown-whitelist-uids
           List all user ids that are on the whitelist.

       [--permanent] --add-lockdown-whitelist-uid=uid
           Add the user id uid to the whitelist.

       [--permanent] --remove-lockdown-whitelist-uid=uid
           Remove the user id uid from the whitelist.

       [--permanent] --query-lockdown-whitelist-uid=uid
           Query whether the user id uid is on the whitelist. Returns 0 if true, 1

       [--permanent] --list-lockdown-whitelist-users
           List all user names that are on the whitelist.

       [--permanent] --add-lockdown-whitelist-user=user
           Add the user name user to the whitelist.

       [--permanent] --remove-lockdown-whitelist-user=user
           Remove the user name user from the whitelist.

       [--permanent] --query-lockdown-whitelist-user=user
           Query whether the user name user is on the whitelist. Returns 0 if true,
           1 otherwise.

   Panic Options
           Enable panic mode. All incoming and outgoing packets are dropped, active
           connections will expire. Enable this only if there are serious problems
           with your network environment. For example if the machine is getting
           hacked in.

           This is a runtime only change.

           Disable panic mode. After disabling panic mode established connections
           might work again, if panic mode was enabled for a short period of time.

           This is a runtime only change.

           Returns 0 if panic mode is enabled, 1 otherwise.

       For more examples see http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FirewallD

   Example 1
       Enable http service in default zone. This is runtime only change, i.e.
       effective until restart.

           firewall-cmd --add-service=http

   Example 2
       Enable port 443/tcp immediately and permanently in default zone. To make the
       change effective immediately and also after restart we need two commands. The
       first command makes the change in runtime configuration, i.e. makes it
       effective immediately, until restart. The second command makes the change in
       permanent configuration, i.e. makes it effective after restart.

           firewall-cmd --add-port=443/tcp
           firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=443/tcp

       On success 0 is returned. On failure the output is red colored and exit code
       is either 2 in case of wrong command-line option usage or one of the
       following error codes in other cases:

       │String              │ Code │
       │ALREADY_ENABLED     │   11 │
       │NOT_ENABLED         │   12 │
       │COMMAND_FAILED      │   13 │
       │NO_IPV6_NAT         │   14 │
       │PANIC_MODE          │   15 │
       │ZONE_ALREADY_SET    │   16 │
       │UNKNOWN_INTERFACE   │   17 │
       │ZONE_CONFLICT       │   18 │
       │BUILTIN_CHAIN       │   19 │
       │EBTABLES_NO_REJECT  │   20 │
       │NOT_OVERLOADABLE    │   21 │
       │NO_DEFAULTS         │   22 │
       │BUILTIN_ZONE        │   23 │
       │BUILTIN_SERVICE     │   24 │
       │BUILTIN_ICMPTYPE    │   25 │
       │NAME_CONFLICT       │   26 │
       │NAME_MISMATCH       │   27 │
       │PARSE_ERROR         │   28 │
       │ACCESS_DENIED       │   29 │
       │UNKNOWN_SOURCE      │   30 │
       │RT_TO_PERM_FAILED   │   31 │
       │IPSET_WITH_TIMEOUT  │   32 │
       │BUILTIN_IPSET       │   33 │
       │ALREADY_SET         │   34 │
       │MISSING_IMPORT      │   35 │
       │DBUS_ERROR          │   36 │
       │BUILTIN_HELPER      │   37 │
       │NOT_APPLIED         │   38 │
       │INVALID_ACTION      │  100 │
       │INVALID_SERVICE     │  101 │
       │INVALID_PORT        │  102 │
       │INVALID_PROTOCOL    │  103 │
       │INVALID_INTERFACE   │  104 │
       │INVALID_ADDR        │  105 │
       │INVALID_FORWARD     │  106 │
       │INVALID_ICMPTYPE    │  107 │
       │INVALID_TABLE       │  108 │
       │INVALID_CHAIN       │  109 │
       │INVALID_TARGET      │  110 │
       │INVALID_IPV         │  111 │
       │INVALID_ZONE        │  112 │
       │INVALID_PROPERTY    │  113 │
       │INVALID_VALUE       │  114 │
       │INVALID_OBJECT      │  115 │
       │INVALID_NAME        │  116 │
       │INVALID_FILENAME    │  117 │
       │INVALID_DIRECTORY   │  118 │
       │INVALID_TYPE        │  119 │
       │INVALID_SETTING     │  120 │
       │INVALID_DESTINATION │  121 │
       │INVALID_RULE        │  122 │
       │INVALID_LIMIT       │  123 │
       │INVALID_FAMILY      │  124 │
       │INVALID_LOG_LEVEL   │  125 │
       │INVALID_AUDIT_TYPE  │  126 │
       │INVALID_MARK        │  127 │
       │INVALID_CONTEXT     │  128 │
       │INVALID_COMMAND     │  129 │
       │INVALID_USER        │  130 │
       │INVALID_UID         │  131 │
       │INVALID_MODULE      │  132 │
       │INVALID_PASSTHROUGH │  133 │
       │INVALID_MAC         │  134 │
       │INVALID_IPSET       │  135 │
       │INVALID_ENTRY       │  136 │
       │INVALID_OPTION      │  137 │
       │INVALID_HELPER      │  138 │
       │MISSING_TABLE       │  200 │
       │MISSING_CHAIN       │  201 │
       │MISSING_PORT        │  202 │
       │MISSING_PROTOCOL    │  203 │
       │MISSING_ADDR        │  204 │
       │MISSING_NAME        │  205 │
       │MISSING_SETTING     │  206 │
       │MISSING_FAMILY      │  207 │
       │RUNNING_BUT_FAILED  │  251 │
       │NOT_RUNNING         │  252 │
       │NOT_AUTHORIZED      │  253 │
       │UNKNOWN_ERROR       │  254 │

       Note that return codes of --query-* options are special: Successful queries
       return 0, unsuccessful ones return 1 unless an error occurred in which case
       the table above applies.

       firewall-applet(1), firewalld(1), firewall-cmd(1), firewall-config(1),
       firewalld.conf(5), firewalld.direct(5), firewalld.dbus(5),
       firewalld.icmptype(5), firewalld.lockdown-whitelist(5), firewall-offline-
       cmd(1), firewalld.richlanguage(5), firewalld.service(5), firewalld.zone(5),
       firewalld.zones(5), firewalld.ipset(5), firewalld.helper(5)

       firewalld home page:

       More documentation with examples:
       firewall-applet(1), firewalld(1), firewall-cmd(1), firewall-config(1),
       firewalld.conf(5), firewalld.direct(5), firewalld.dbus(5),
       firewalld.icmptype(5), firewalld.lockdown-whitelist(5), firewall-offline-
       cmd(1), firewalld.richlanguage(5), firewalld.service(5), firewalld.zone(5),
       firewalld.zones(5), firewalld.ipset(5), firewalld.helper(5)

       firewalld home page:

       More documentation with examples:

       Thomas Woerner <twoerner@redhat.com>

       Jiri Popelka <jpopelka@redhat.com>

firewalld 0.5.3                                                      FIREWALL-CMD(1)
