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openwrt firewall



The dropbear configuration contains settings for the dropbear SSH server in a single section.


The dropbear section contains these settings:

Name Type Required Default Description
enable boolean no 1 Set to 0 to disable starting dropbear at system boot.
verbose boolean no 0 Set to 1 to enable verbose output by the start script.
BannerFile string no (none) Name of a file to be printed before the user has authenticated successfully.
PasswordAuth boolean no 1 Set to 0 to disable authenticating with passwords.
Port integer no 22 Port number to listen on.
RootPasswordAuth boolean no 1 Set to 0 to disable authenticating as root with passwords.
RootLogin boolean no 1 Set to 0 to disable SSH logins as root.
GatewayPorts boolean no 0 Set to 1 to allow remote hosts to connect to forwarded ports.
Interface string no (none) Tells dropbear to listen only on the specified interface.1)
rsakeyfile file no (none) Path to RSA file
dsskeyfile file no (none) Path to DSS/DSA file
SSHKeepAlive integer no 300 Keep Alive
IdleTimeout integer no 0 Idle Timeout

This is the default configuration:

config dropbear
        option PasswordAuth 'on'
        option RootPasswordAuth 'on'
        option Port         '22'



cat id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys

chmod 600 authorized_keys

关闭防火墙且禁止自启动,否则客户端无法用ssh连到dropbear server

/etc/init.d/firewall stop 

/etc/init.d/firewall disable




[command]Available commands:     

start  Start the service

stop Stop the service

restart     Restart the service

reload Reload configuration files (or restart if that fails)

enable Enable service autostart

disable Disable service autostart



