Natural Language Processing
[Based on Stanford NLP course]
Language Technology
- Mostly solved:
- Spam detection
- Part-of-speech (POS) tagging
- Named Entity Recognition (NER)
- Making good progress
- Sentiment analysis
- Co-reference resolution
- Word sense disambiguation (WSD)
- Parsing
- Machine translation (MT)
- Information Extraction (IE)
- Still really hard
- Question answering (QA)
- Paraphrase
- Summarization
- Dialog
Why NLP difficult?
- Non-standard Language
- segmentation issues
- idioms
- neologisms
- world knowledge
- tricky entity names
Basic skills
- Regular Expressions
- Tokenization
- Word Normalization and Stemming
- Classifier
- Decision Tree
- Logistic Regression
- Neural Nets
Edit Distance
- Used for
- Spell correction
- Computational Biology
- Basic operations
- Insertion
- Deletion
- Substitution
- Algorithm
- Levenshtein
- Back trace
- Needleman-Wunsch
- Smith-Waterman
Language Model
Probabilistic Language Models
- Machine translation
- Spell correction
- Speech Recognition
- Summarization
- Question answering
Markov Assumption
$$ P(\omega_1 \omega_2 \dots \omega_n) \approx \prod_i P(\omega_i | \omega_{i-k} \dots \omega_{i-1}) $$
Unigram Model
$$ P(\omega_1 \omega_2 \dots \omega_n) \approx \prod_i P(\omega_i) $$
Bigram Model
$$ P(\omega_i | \omega_1 \omega_2 \dots \omega_{i-1}) \approx \prod_i P(\omega_i | \omega{i-1}) $$
Add-k Smoothing
$$ P_{Add-k}(\omega_i|\omega{i-1})=\tfrac{c(\omega_{i-1},\omega_i)+k}{c(\omega_{i-1})+kV} $$
Unigram prior smoothing
$$ P_{Add-k}(\omega_i|\omega_{i-1})=\tfrac{c(\omega_{i-1},\omega_i)+m(\tfrac{1}{V})}{c(\omega_{i-1})+m} $$
Smoothing Algorithm
- Good-Turing
- Kneser-Ney
- Witten-Bell
Spelling Correction
- tasks:
- Spelling error detection
- Spelling error correction
- Autocorrect
- Suggest a correction
- Suggestion lists
- Real word spelling errors:
- For each word $w$, generate candidate set
- Choose best candidate
- Find the correct word $w$
- Candidate generation
- words with similar spelling
- words with similar pronunciation
- Factors that could influence p(misspelling | word)
- source letter
- target letter
- surrounding letter
- the position in the word
- nearby keys on the keyboard
- homology on the keyboard
- pronunciation
- likely morpheme transformations
Text Classification
Used for:
- Assigning subject categories, topics, or genres
- Spam detection
- Authorship identification
- Age/gender identification
- Language identification
- Sentiment analysis
- …
Methods: Supervised Machine Learning
- Naive Bayes
- Logistic Regression
- Support Vector Machines
- k-Nearset Neighbors
Naive Bayes
$$ C_{MAP}=arg\max_{c\in C}P(x_1,x_2,\dots,x_n|c)P© $$
- Laplace (add-1) Smoothing
- Used for Spam Filtering
- Training data:
- No training data: manually written rules
- Very little data:
- Use Naive Bayes
- Get more labeled data
- Try semi-supervised training methods
- A reasonable amount of data:
- All clever Classifiers:
- Regularized Logistic Regression
- User-interpretable decision trees
- A huge amount of data:
- At a cost
- SVM (train time)
- kNN (test time)
- Regularized Logistic Regression can be somewhat better
- Naive Bayes
- Tweak performance
- Domain-specific
- Collapse terms
- Upweighting some words
F Measure
Precision: % of selected items that are correct
Recall: % of correct items that are selected
/ | correct | not correct |
selected | tp | fp |
not selected | fn | tn |
$$ F=\tfrac{1}{\alpha \tfrac{1}{P} +(1-\alpha)\tfrac{1}{R}}=\tfrac{(\beta2+1)PR}{\beta2P+R} $$
Sentiment Analysis
- Typology of Affective States
- Emotion
- Mood
- Interpersonal stances
- Attitudes (Sentiment Analysis)
- Personality traits
- Baseline Algorithm
- Tokenization
- Feature Extraction
- Classification
- Naive Bayes
- MaxEnt (better)
- SVM (better)
- Issues
- HTML, XML and other markups
- Capitalization
- Phone numbers, dates
- Emoticons
Sentiment Lexicons
- semi-supervised learning of lexicons
- use a small amount of information
- to bootstrap a lexicon
- adjectives conjoined by “and” have same polarity
- adjectives conjoined by “but” do not
- Process
- label seed set of adjectives
- expand seed set to conjoined adjectives
- supervised classifier assigns “polarity similarity” to each word pair
- clustering for partitioning
- Turney Algorithm
- extract a phrasal lexicon from reviews
- learn polarity of each phrase
- rate a review by the average polarity of its phrases
- Advantages
- domain-specific
- more robust
- Assume classes have equal frequencies:
- if not balanced: need to use F-scores
- severe imbalancing also can degrade classifier performance
- solutions:
- Resampling in training
- Cost-sensitive learning
- penalize SVM more for misclassification of the rare thing
- Features:
- Negation is important
- Using all words works well for some tasks (NB)
- Finding subsets of words may help in other tasks
Joint and Discriminative
- Joint (generative) models: place probabilities over both observed data and the hidden stuff ---- P(c,d)
- N-gram models
- Naive Bayes classifiers
- Hidden Markov models
- Probabilistic context-free grammars
- IBM machine translation alignment models
- Discriminative (conditional) models: take the data as given, and put a probability over hidden structure given the data ---- P(c|d)
- Logistic regression
- Conditional loglinear
- Maximum Entropy models
- Conditional Random Fields
- SVMs
- Perceptron
- Feature Expectations:
- Empirical count
- Model expectation
- Feature-Based Models:
- Text Categorization
- Word-Sense Disambiguation
- POS Tagging
Maximum Entropy
$$ \log P(C|D,\lambda)=\sum_{(c,d)\in (C,D)}\log P(c|d,\lambda)=\sum_{(c,d)\in(C,D)}\log \tfrac{exp \sum_{i} \lambda_if_i(c,d)}{\sum_{c’} exp\sum_i \lambda_if_i(c’,d)} $$
- Find the optimal parameters
- Gradient descent (GD), Stochastic gradient descent (SGD)
- Iterative proportional fitting methods: Generalized Iterative Scaling (GIS) and Improved Iterative Scaling (IIS)
- Conjugate gradient (CG), perhaps with preconditioning
- Quasi-Newton methods - limited memory variable metric (LMVM) methods, in particular, L-BFGS
- Feature Overlap
- Maxent models handle overlapping features well
- Unlike NB, there is no double counting
- Feature Interaction
- Maxent models handle overlapping features well, but do not automatically model feature interactions
- Feature Interaction
- If you want to interaction terms, you have to add them
- A disjunctive feature would also have done it
- Smoothing:
- Issues of scale
- Lots of features
- Lots of sparsity
- Optimization problems
- Methods
- Early stopping
- Priors (MAP)
- Regularization
- Virtual Data
- Count Cutoffs
Named Entity Recognition (NER)
- The uses:
- Named entities can be indexed, linked off, etc.
- Sentiment can be attributed to companies or products
- A lot of IE relations are associations between named entities
- For question answering, answers are often named entities
- Training:
- Collect a set of representative training documents
- Label each token for its entity class or other
- Design feature extractors appropriate to the text and classes
- Train a sequence classifier to predict the labels form the data
- Inference
- Greedy
- Fast, no extra memory requirements
- Very easy to implement
- With rich features including observations to the right, it may perform quite well
- Greedy, we make commit errors we cannot recover from
- Beam
- Fast, beam sizes of 3-5 are almost as good as exact inference in many cases
- Easy to implement
- Inexact: the globally best sequence can fall off the beam
- Viterbi
- Exact: the global best sequence is returned
- Harder to implement long-distance state-state interactions
- CRFs
- Training is slower, but CRFs avoid causal-competition biases
- In practice usually work much the same as MEMMs
Relation Extraction
- How to build relation extractors
- Hand-written patterns
- High-precision and low-recall
- Specific domains
- A lot of work
- Supervised machine learning
- MaxEnt, Naive Bayes, SVM
- Can get high accuracies with enough training data
- Labeling a large training set is expensive
- Brittle, don’t generalize well to different genres
- Semi-supervised and unsupervised
- Bootstrapping (using seeds)
- Find sentences with these pairs
- Look at the context between or around the pair and generalize the context to create patterns
- Use the patterns for grep for more pairs
- Distance supervision
- Doesn’t require iteratively expanding patterns
- Uses very large amounts of unlabeled data
- Not sensitive to genre issues in training corpus
- Unsupervised learning from the web
- Use parsed data to train a “trustworthy tuple” classifier
- Single-pass extract all relations between NPs, keep if trustworthy
- Assessor ranks relations based on text redundancy
POS Tagging
- Performance
- About 97% currently
- But baseline is already 90%
- Partly easy because
- Many words are unambiguous
- You get points for them and for punctuation marks
- Difficulty
- ambiguous words
- common words can be ambiguous
- Source of information
- knowledge of neighboring words
- knowledge of word probabilities
- word
- lowercased word
- prefixes
- suffixes
- capitalization
- word shapes
- Summary
- the change from generative to discriminative model does not by itself result in great improvement
- the higher accuracy of discriminative models comes at the price of much slower training
- Treebank
- reusability of the labor
- many parser, POS taggers, etc.
- valuable resource for linguistics
- broad coverage
- frequencies and distributional information
- a way to evaluate systems
- Statistical parsing applications
- high precision question answering
- improving biological named entity finding
- syntactically based sentence compression
- extracting interaction in computer games
- helping linguists find data
- source sentence analysis for machine translation
- relation extraction systems
- Phrase structure grammars (= context-free grammars, CFGs) in NLP
- G = (T, C, N, S, L, R)
- T is a set of terminal symbols
- C is a set of preterminal symbols
- N is a set of nonterminal symbols
- S is the start symbol
- L is the lexicon, a set of items of the form X -> x
- R is the grammar, a set of items of the form X -> $\gamma$
- e is the empty symbol
Probabilistic Parsing
- Probabilistic - or stochastic - context-free grammars (PCFGs)
- G = (T, N, S, R, P)
- P is a probability function
- Chomsky Normal Form
- Reconstructing n-aries is easy
- Reconstructing unaries/empties is trickier
- Binarization is crucial for cubic time CFG parsing
- Cocke-Kasami-Younger (CKY) Constituency Parsing
- Unaries can by incorporated into the algorithm
- Empties can be incorporated
- Binarization is vital
- Performance
- Robust
- Partial solution for grammar ambiguity
- Give a probabilistic language model
- The problem seems to be that PCFGs lack the lexicalization of a trigram model
Lexicalized Parsing
- Charniak
- Probabilistic conditioning is “top-down” like a regular PCFG, but actual parsing is bottom-up, somewhat like the CKY algorithm we saw
- Non-Independence
- The independence assumptions of a PCFG are often too strong
- We can relax independence assumptions by encoding dependencies into the PCFG symbols, by state splitting (sparseness)
- Accurate Unlexicalized Parsing
- Grammar rules are not systematically specified to the level of lexical items
- Closed vs. open class words
- Learning Latent Annotations
- brackets are known
- base categories are known
- induce subcategories
- clever split/merge category refinement
- EM, like Forward-Backward for HMMs, but constrained by tree
Dependency Parsing
- Methods
- Dynamic programming (like in the CKY algorithm)
- Graph algorithm
- Constraint Satisfaction
- Deterministic Parsing
- Sources of information
- Bilexical affinities
- Dependency distance
- Intervening material
- Valency of heads
- MaltParser
- Greedy
- Bottom up
- Has
- a stack
- a buffer
- a set of dependency arcs
- a set of actions
- Each action is predicted by a discriminative classifier (SVM)
- No search
- Provides close to state of the art parsing performance
- Provides very fast linear time parsing
- Projective
- Dependencies from a CFG tree using heads, must be projective
- But dependency theory normally does allow non-projective structure to account for displaced constituents
- The arc-eager algorithm only builds projective dependency trees
- Stanford Dependencies
- Projective
- Can be generated by postprocessing headed phrase structure parses, or dependency parsers like MaltParser or the Easy-First Parser
Information Retrieval
- Used for
- web search
- e-mail search
- searching your laptop
- corporate knowledge bases
- legal information retrieval
Classic search
- User task
- Info need
- Query & Collection
- Search engine
- Results
Initial stages of text processing
- Tokenization
- Normalization
- Stemming
- Stop words
Query processing
- Phrase queries
- Biword indexes
- false positives
- bigger dictionary
- Positional indexes
- Extract inverted index entries for each distinct term
- Merge their doc:position lists to enumerate all positions
- Same general method for proximity searches
- A positional index is 2-4 as large as a non-positional index
- Caveat: all of this holds for “English-like” language
- These two approaches can be profitably combined
Ranked Retrieval
- Advantage
- Free text queries
- large result sets are not an issue
- Query-document matching scores
- Jaccard coefficient
- Doesn’t consider term frequency
- Length normalization needed
- Bag of words model
- Term frequency (tf)
- Log-frequency weighting
- Inverse document frequency (idf)
tf-idf weighting
$$ W_{t,d}=(1+\log tf_{t,d})\times \log_{10}(N/df_t) $$
- Best known weighting scheme in information retrieval
Distance: cosine(query, document)
$$ \cos(\vec q,\vec d)=\tfrac{\vec q \bullet \vec d}{|\vec q||\vec d|}=\tfrac{\vec q}{|\vec q|}\bullet \tfrac{\vec d}{|\vec d|}=\tfrac{\sum{|V|}_{i=1}q_id_i}{\sqrt{\sum{|V|}{i=1}q_i2}\sqrt{\sum{|V|}{i=1}d^2_i}} $$
- Many search engines allow for different weightings for queries vs. documents
- A very standard weighting scheme is: Inc.Itc
- Document: logarithmic tf, no idf and cosine normalization
- Query: logarithmic tf idf, cosine normalization
- Mean average precision (MAP)
- Reminder: lemma and wordform
- Homonymy
- Polysemy
- Synonyms
- Antonyms
- Hyponymy and Hypernymy
- Hyponyms and Instances
Applications of Thesauri and Ontologies
- Information Extraction
- Information Retrieval
- Question Answering
- Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics
- Machine Translation
Word Similarity
- Synonymy and similarity
- Similarity algorithm
- Thesaurus-based algorithm
- Distributional algorithms
Thesaurus-based similarity
$LCS(c_1,c_2)=$ The most informative (lowest) node in the hierarchy subsuming both $c_1$ and $c_2$$$ Sim_{path}(c_1,c_2)=\tfrac{1}{pathlen(c_1,c_2)} $$$$ Sim_{resnik}(c_1,c_2)=-\log P(LCS(c_1,c_2)) $$$$ Sim_{lin}(c_1,c_2)=\tfrac{1\log P(LCS(c_1,c_2))}{\log P(c_1)+\log P(c_2)} $$$$ Sim_{jiangconrath}(c_1,c_2)=\tfrac{1}{\log P(c_1)+\log P(c_2)-2\log P(LCS(c_1,c_2))} $$$$ Sim_{eLesk}(c_1,c_2)=\sum_{r,q\in RELS}overlap(gloss(r(c_1)),gloss(q(c_2))) $$
- Evaluating
- Intrinsic
- Correlation between algorithm and human word similarity ratings
- Extrinsic (task_based, end-to-end)
- Malapropism (Spelling error) detection
- Essay grading
- Taking TOEFL multiple-choice vocabulary tests
- Problems
- We don’t have a thesaurus for every language
- recall
- missing words
- missing phrases
- missing connections between senses
- works less well for verbs, adj.
Distributional models of meaning
- For the term-document matrix: tf-idf
- For the term-context matrix: Positive Pointwise Mutual Information (PPMI) is common
$$ PMI(w_1,w_2)=\log_2\tfrac{P(w_1,w_2)}{P(w_1)P(w_2)} $$
- PMI is biased toward infrequent events
- various weighting schemes
- add-one smoothing
Question Answering
- Question processing
- Detect question type, answer type (NER), focus, relations
- Formulate queries to send a search engine
- Passage Retrieval
- Retrieval ranked documents
- Break into suitable passages and re-rank
- Answer processing
- Extract candidate answers
- Rank candidates
- Knowledge-based
- build a semantic representation of the query
- Map from this semantics to query structured data or resources
- Hybrid
- build a shallow semantic representation of the query
- generate answer candidate using IR methods
- Score each candidate using richer knowledge sources
Answer type taxonomy
- 6 coarse classes
- Abbreviation
- Entity
- Description
- Human
- Location
- Numeric
- 50 finer classes
- Detection
- Hand-written rules
- Machine Learning
- Hybrids
- Features
- Question words and phrases
- Part-of-speech tags
- Parse features
- Named Entities
- Semantically related words
Keyword selection
- Non-stop words
- NNP words in recognized named entities
- Complex nominals with their adjectival modifiers
- Other complex nominals
- Nouns with their adjectival modifiers
- Other nouns
- Verbs
- Adverbs
- QFW word (skipped in all previous steps)
- Other words
Passage Retrieval
- IR engine retrieves documents using query terms
- Segment the documents into shorter units
- Passage ranking
- number of named entities of the right type in passage
- number of query words in passage
- number of question N-grams also in passage
- proximity of query keywords to each other in passage
- longest sequence of question words
- rank of the document containing passage
Features for ranking candidate answers
- answer type match
- pattern match
- question keywords
- keyword distance
- novelty factor
- apposition features
- punctuation location
- sequences of question terms
Common Evaluation Metrics
- Accuracy
- Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR)
$$ MRR = \tfrac{\sum_{i=1}^N \tfrac{1}{rank_i}}{N} $$
- Applications
- outlines or abstracts
- summaries
- action items
- simplifying
- Three stages
- content selection
- information ordering
- sentence realization
- salient words
- tf-idf
- topic signature
- mutual information
- log-likelihood ratio (LLR)
$$weight(w_i)=\begin{cases}1,& if -2\log \lambda(w_i)>10 \ 0,& otherwise\end{cases}$$
- Supervised content selection problem
- hard to get labeled training data
- alignment difficult
- performance not better than unsupervised algorithm
- ROUGE (Recall Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation)
- Intrinsic metric for automatically evaluating summaries
- based on BLEU
- not as good as human evaluation
- much more convenient
$$ ROUGE-2=\tfrac{\sum_{x\in {RefSummaries}}\sum_{bigrams:i\in S}\min(count(i,X),count(i,S))}{\sum_{x\in{RefSummaries}}\sum_{bigrams:i\in S}count(i,S)} $$
- Maximal Marginal Relevance (MMR)
- Iteratively (greedily)
- Relevant: high cosine similarity to the query
- Novel: low cosine similarity to the summary
- Stop when desired length
- Information Ordering
- Chronological ordering
- Coherence
- Topical ordering