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dia- = through,between,across

diagnosis n.诊断
	dia-(between) + gnosis(无知的)
dialog(ue) n.对话【两人之间的话】
	dia-(between) + logue(speech) n.独白
diameter n.直径
	dia-(through) + meter(to measure)

dis- = apart,away

disable v.使无能力【剥夺能力】
	dis-(to deprive of)剥夺 + able(capability)
disadvantage n.不利
	dis-(negative 否定) + advantage(利益,优点)
disagree v.意见不合
	dis-(not) + agree(同意,符合)

duo- = two,double

double adj.双重的
	dou- = duo-(two) + ble(to fold)
doubt = to be of two minds v.怀疑
dual adj.二重的
	du- = duo-(two) + -al(形容词词尾)
duel = a combat between two n/v.决斗
duplicate adj.完全相同的 【双重】
	du- = duo-(two) + plic(to fold) + -ate(形容词词尾)

en- = in,into,on,at,near

enact v.制定为法律【做法律】
enclose v.围绕
encounter v./n.对抗
	en-(in) + counter = contra-(against)
enlarge = to make large v.扩大

epi- = upon,to,besides,among

epic n./adj.叙事诗
	epic-(upon) + c = cus(narrative)
epidemic adj.传染性的
	epi-(among) + dem(people) + -ic(形容词词尾)
episode n.人生插曲
	epi-(besides) + sode(coming in)

eu- = well

eugenics n.优生学
	eu-(well) + gen(to bear) + ics(表示学问的词尾
euthansia = easy death n.安乐死
	eu-(well) + thans(to die) + -ia(表示有关医学的词尾)

ex- = out of,fully

example n.例证【拿出】
	ex-(out) + ample(to take)
exclude v.拒绝【关在门外】
	ex-(out) + clude(to shut) 
exhibit v.显示 【用手捧出来】
	ex-(out) + hibit(to have) (习惯)

extra- = beyond

extra = beyond adj.额外的
extracurricular adj.课外的
	extra-(beyond) + curri(to run) + -cular(形容词词尾)
extraordinary = beyond ordinary adj.非常的

fore- = before

forefather n.祖先
foresee v.先见
forward adj.向前的

forth- = towards

forthcoming adj.即将出现的

homo- = same(与hetero-相反)

homogeneous adj.同类的【相同种类】
	homo-(same)+gene(kind,kin) + -ous(形容词词尾)
homonym n.同音异义词【同名】
	homo-(same) + (o)nym(name)
homosexual adj.同性恋的(人)

hyper- = above,beyond含有excess“过度”的意思

hypersonic adj.超音速的
	hyper-(beyond) + son(sound) + -ic(形容词词尾)
hypertension n.高血压

hypo- = under(与hyper-相反)

hypotension n.低血压
hypothesis n.假说
	hypo-(under) + thesis(placed)

in- = in,into,on

include v.包含在内【关在里面】
	in-(in) + clude(to shut)
income n.收入【进来的东西】
increase v.增加
	in-(in)+crease(to grow)

in- = negative(否定) = not

inadequate adj.不适当的
	in-(not) + adequate(适当的)
incomparable adj.不能比较的
	in-(not) + comparable(可比较的)
insane adj.疯狂的
	in-(not) + sane(神志正常的)

inter- = between,among

interior adj.内部的
	inter-(among) + -ior(表示比较级的词尾)
interrupt v.中断
	inter-(between) + rupt(to break)
intelligence n.智力
	intel- = inter-(between) + ligence(to choose)

kilo- = thousand

kilogram n.公斤
kilometer n.公里

macro- = large(大的),long(长的)

macroeconomics n.总体经济学
microeconomics n.微观经济学

mal(e)- = badly,ill(与bene-相反)

malign adj.有害的 【产生恶意】
	mali-(badly) + gn = gen(to produce)
malnourished adj.营养失调的
	mal-(badly) + nourished (营养的)

mege- = large,million

megabyte n.电脑百万元组
	mega-(million) + byte(电脑位元组)

micro- = small

microbe n.微生物
microeconomics n.微观经济学
microphone n.扩音器
	micro-(small) + phone(sound)
microscope n.显微镜
	micro-(small) + scope(to look)
microwave n.微波

milli- = thousand,thousandth

milliliter n.毫升[千万之一升]
millimeter n.毫米【千分之一米】

mis- = wrong(ly),bad(ly),ill

mislead v.误导
misunderstand v.误解

mono- = single,sole,alone

monochrome n.单色画
	mono-(single) + chrome(color)
monocracy n.独裁统治
	mono-(alone) + cracy(rule)
monopoly n.独占
	mono-(sole) + poly(to sell)
monk n.修道士

multi- = many,much

multicolor n.多种颜色
	multi-(many) + color(颜色)
multiply v.增加
	multi-(much) + ply(to fold)

ob- = as,towards,at,before,upon,over,about,near,against

object  v.反对
	ob-(towards,against) + ject(to throw)
obstruct v.阻隔
	ob-(over,against) + struct(to build) 
obvious adj.明白地
	ob-(near) + vi = via(way) + -ous(形容词词尾)

octa-,octo- = eight,eighth

October = the eighth month of the Roman year
octopus n.章鱼
	octo-(eight) + pus(foot)
octuple adj.八倍的
	octu- = octo-(eight) + ple(to told)

out- = out,beyond

outline n.外形
outnumber v.数目胜过
outwit v.以机智胜过【在才智上取胜】

over- = above,across,beyond

overcome v.击败
overhear v.偶然听到
overlap n.部分重叠
overlook v.俯视

para- = beside,beyond,against,contrary

paragraph n.段
	para-(beside) + graph(to write)
parallel adj.平行线【在彼此的旁边】
	par- = para-(beside) + allel(one another)
parasite n.寄生虫
	para- (beside) + side(food)	

penta- = five

pentagon n.五角形
	penta-(five) + gon(angle) 美国五角大楼
pentagram n.星形
	penta-(five) + gram(to write)

per- = through,thoroughly,away

perfect adj.无缺的
	per-(thoroughly) + fect(to make)
perplex v.使困扰
	per-(thoroughly) + plex(to plait编成辫)
persist v.固执
	per-(through) + sist

peri- = around.,round,about

period n.周期
	peri-(round) od(way)
periphery n.周围
	peri-(around) + pher(to carry) + -y(名词词尾)

poly- = many

polychrome adj.多色的
	poly-(many) + chrome(color)
polygon n.多角形
	poly-(many) + gon(angle)

post- = after,behind(与ante-相反)

postgraduate adj.大学毕业后的
	post-(after) = graduate(毕业)
postpone v.延期
	post-(after) + pone(to put)

pre- = before

precacution n.预防
predict v.预言
	pre-(before) + dict(to say)

pro- = for,before,forth,forward

problem n.问题
	pro-(forward) + blem(casting)
progress n.进步
project v.发射
	pro-(forward) + ject(to throw)

quadr- = four

quadruped n.四足兽
	quadru-(fourfold) + ped(foot)
quadruple adj.四倍的
	quadru-(four times) + ple(to fold)

re- = again,back

rebel v.谋反
	re-(again) + bel(war)
record v.记录
	re-(again) + cord(heart)

se- = away,apart

select adj.精选的
	se-(apart) + lect(to choose) 
separate v.分离
	se-(qpart) + part(to prepare) + -ate(动词词尾)

semi- = half

semicircle n.半圆形
semisconductor n.半导体
	semi-(half) + conductor(导体)

sep- = seven

September n.九月
septuple adj.七倍的

sex- = six

sextuple adj.六重的

sub- = under

subject v.使服从
	sub-(under) + ject(to throw)
substance n.实质
	sub-(under)+ stan(to stand) + -ce(名词词尾)
subtitle n.副标题
	sub-(under) + title(标题)
support v.支持
	sup- = sub-(under) + port(to carry)
suspect v.猜疑
	sus- = sub-(under) + spect(to look)

super- = above,over

superfical adj.表面的
	super-(above) + fici(face) + -al(形容词词尾)
superior adj.较好的
	super-(above) + -ior(表比较的词尾)
supervise v.监督
	super-(above) + vise(to see)
superface n.表面
surname n.姓;别名;绰号
	sur- = super-(over) + name

syn- = with,together

syndicate n.企业组合
	syn-(together) + dicate(justice)
synthesis n.综合
	syn-(together) + thesis(putting)
sympathy n.同感
	sym- = syn-(together) + pathy(feeling)

tele- = far off

telegraph n.电报机
	tele-(far off) + graoh(writing)
telephone n.电话
	tele-(far off) + phone(sound)
television n.电视机
	tele-(far off) + vision (映像)

tetra- = four

tetrahedron n.四面体

trans- = beyond,across ,over

transacion n.办理
	trans-(across) + act(to drive) + ion(名词词尾)
transfer v.调职
	trans-(across) + fer(to carry)

tri- = three,threefold

triangle n.三角形
	tri-(three) + angle(角度)
tribe n.种族
	tri-(threee) + be = 拉丁文bus(family)
trilogy n.(戏剧、小说、歌剧等的)三部曲
tripod n.三脚架
	tri-(three) + pod(foot)

twi- = two

twice adv.二度
twin n.双胞胎之一
twist v.卷缠

ultra- = beyond

ultra adj.极端的
ultrared adj.红外线的
ultraviolet adj.紫外线的

un- = no

unchangeable adj.不变的
	un-(not) + changeable(易变的)
unfortunate adj.不幸的
	un-(not) + fortunate (幸运的)

un- = the reversal of an action

unearth v.挖掘
	un- + earth【埋入土中】
unlock v.开锁
	un- + lock【上锁】

under- = under,beneath

undergo v.遭受
underlie v.位于....之下
undertake v.从事

uni- = one

union n.联合
unique adj.唯一的
universal adj.一般的
	uni-(one) + vers(to turn) + -al(形容词词尾)

up- = up,aloft

uphold v.举起
upstairs adv.在楼上

vice- = in place of

vice-chairman n.副会长
vice-chancellor n.大学副校长

with- = against,back

withdraw= to draw back v.取回
withhold = to hold back v.抑制
withstand = to stand against v.抵抗