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procps-ng(procps next generation)


free - Report the amount of free and used memory in the system 报告系统中空闲内存和使用内存的数量
kill - Send a signal to a process based on PID 向基于PID的进程发送信号
pgrep - List processes based on name or other attributes 根据名称或其他属性列出流程
pkill - Send a signal to a process based on name or other attributes根据名称或其他属性向进程发送信号
pmap - Report memory map of a process报告进程的内存映射
ps - Report information of processes工序报告资料
pwdx - Report current directory of a process报告进程的当前目录
skill - Obsolete version of pgrep/pkill   pgrep/pkill的过时版本
slabtop - Display kernel slab cache information in real time  实时显示内核板缓存信息
snice - Renice a process      Renice过程
sysctl - Read or Write kernel parameters at run-time   在运行时读取或写入内核参数
tload - Graphical representation of system load average 系统平均负载的图形表示
top - Dynamic real-time view of running processes    运行进程的动态实时视图
uptime - Display how long the system has been running   显示系统运行了多长时间
vmstat - Report virtual memory statistics      报告虚拟内存统计数据
w - Report logged in users and what they are doing   报告已登录的用户及其正在做的事情
watch - Execute a program periodically, showing output fullscreen  定期执行程序,显示全屏输出
