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关于ruby on rails启动服务器 Webpacker configuration file not found问题


#Note: You must restart bin/webpack-dev-server for changes to take effect

default: &default
source_path: app/packs
source_entry_path: entrypoints
public_root_path: public
public_output_path: packs
cache_path: tmp/cache/webpacker
webpack_compile_output: true

#Additional paths webpack should look up modules
#[‘app/assets’, ‘engine/foo/app/assets’]
additional_paths: []

#Reload manifest.json on all requests so we reload latest compiled packs
cache_manifest: false

<<: *default
compile: true

#Reference: https://webpack.js.org/configuration/dev-server/
https: false
host: localhost
port: 3035
public: localhost:3035
# Inject browserside javascript that required by both HMR and Live(full) reload
inject_client: true
#Hot Module Replacement updates modules while the application is running without a full reload
hmr: false
#Inline should be set to true if using HMR; it inserts a script to take care of live reloading
inline: true
#Should we show a full-screen overlay in the browser when there are compiler errors or warnings?
overlay: true
# Should we use gzip compression?
compress: true
# Note that apps that do not check the host are vulnerable to DNS rebinding attacks
disable_host_check: true
# This option lets the browser open with your local IP
use_local_ip: false
# When enabled, nothing except the initial startup information will be written to the console.
# This also means that errors or warnings from webpack are not visible.
quiet: false
pretty: false
‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’: ‘*’
ignored: ‘/node_modules/

<<: *default
compile: true

#Compile test packs to a separate directory
public_output_path: packs-test

<<: *default

#Production depends on precompilation of packs prior to booting for performance.
compile: false

#Cache manifest.json for performance
cache_manifest: true
3.重新使用命令rails server启动

