“mobile html5” template,GitHub - renatolotfi/html5-template: A Generic HTML5 Template: Simple markup...


#A Generic HTML5 Template

Basic boilerplate markup (blank HTML document template) for practical HTML5-capable web pages.

html5-template.html contains copy-pasta starter markup to be placed in a blank HTML document

/commented-version contains an HTML document with the same markup, but this version has explainer comments


You can read about this boilerplate in greater detail on Six Revisions: A Generic HTML5 Template.

How to Use

Option 1

git clone https://github.com/sixrevisions/html5-template.git /your/local/directory

Option 2

Copy and paste the following into a blank HTML document, fill in the blanks and modify as needed:

Read the tutorial

Browser Support

Mobile browsers are instructed to render the layout using width=device-width and initial-scale=1

IE 9 and above are supported by the use of a conditional comment that loads html5shiv and Respond.js for support of new HTML5 elements and media queries

##Some Notes

The conditional comments for IE 9 support, as well as the example script at the section, uses a public CDN for open source libraries, cdnjs.com that's sponsored by a reputable CDN provider, CloudFlare.

At the section, the example script is jQuery 2.x, which doesn't support IE 8 and below. This HTML5 template only accomodates IE 9 and above, so this is an appropriate choice over jQuery 1.x.

License: Public Domain Dedication

The source code excluding the references to external scripts is in the public domain using the CC0 1.0.
