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2019 COMPSYS 302 Class Protocol V6


2019 COMPSYS 302 Class Protocol V6
Warning: This may not be the final specification for this document. Breaking changes may be
introduced as the class implement the endpoints and find bugs.
The COMPSYS 302 project involves the implementation of a hybrid peer-to-peer distributed
system for a social media system. The general architecture is depicted here:
As can be seen, the overall architecture breaks communication for each client into three
distinct types:
1) Data To/From the Login Server
2) Data To/From other Client Webapps
3) Data To/From User Connections
This document is structured around the first two connection types, i.e. 1) and 2).
This is because type 3) connections are entirely client-specific, and are made between a
User web browser (e.g. Chrome) and the Client Webapp. They may be customised with no
regard to the rest of the system.
1. A user will enter a username and password into a client webapp
2. The client webapp will authenticate the username/password against the login server
a. This can be done using /api/ping, or, better
b. This can be done using /api/load_new_apikey
3. The client webapp will ensure that they have a public/private keypair
a. it may choose to create a new keypair and publish to /api/add_pubkey
b. It may choose to load existing keypair(s) (if any are available) from
4. The client webapp should test the public/private keypair against the login server
a. Using /api/ping
5. The client webapp should report the user is now available online and the connection
info for the user
a. Using /api/report
b. You are not considered “signed in to the network” until you have called
6. The client webapp should now report to the user that they are online
1. A user will enter a message to broadcast
2. The webapp will sign their message
3. The webapp will send it by calling /api/rx_broadcast on all remote clients
1. A user will find another online user in their web app
a. The webapp can do this by regularly polling /api/list_users
2. The user will enter a message to the destination user
3. The webapp will encrypt their message to the destination user
4. The webapp will send it by calling /api/rx_privatemessage on the remote client
1. Send a report to /api/report with status ‘offline’
2. (If applicable) Delete the API key from memory
代做COMPSYS 302作业、代写web/HTML课程设计作业、web,HTML
In general, Users of the Client Webapps will authenticate themselves against a centralised
‘Login Server’. This ‘Login Server’ is responsible for facilitating the discovery and
authentication of each user on the entire network, and their public details will be stored on
this remote server.
So that there may be trust within the network, users may choose to upload public keys to the
login server. Then, Client Webapps may request these public keys for the purposes of
authenticating messages sent from individual users.
The Login Server thus provides two main roles in this proposed architecture. Firstly, it serves
as a mechanism for Client Webapps to discover one another on the internet, as they can
register their connection information with it.
Secondly, it serves as a repository for user information, including for public keys. That way,
when a digitally signed message is presented to a Client, it may verify the public key against
the Login Server and ensure it matches a known username.
So that users may migrate between Client Webapps, an additional mechanism is provided
for storing a symmetrically encrypted private key to the login server.
For the purposes of incoming messages, users may select which of their public keys should
be used for encryption.
The Login Server provides a set of APIs which may be communicated with via JSON over
GET and POST requests.
APIs that require authentication require either
1) HTTP BASIC authentication with a valid username/password (recommended), OR
2) Headers “X-username” containing a valid Username and “X-apikey” containing a
valid API key (useful for supplementary scripts)
All public keys, private keys and signatures, across ALL API endpoints as well as via the
‘signature’ HTTP headers are taken from PyNaCl using 256-bit Ed25519 format with
HexEncoded strings.
Some messages require signature fields. These are defined using the nomenclature
“sign(...)”, where the computation methodology is defined using
https://pynacl.readthedocs.io/en/stable/signing/ , and the bytes to sign are the arguments to
sign(a, b, c) = concatenate bytes of a, b, c, in that order, and pass to .sign
In general, the following HTTP Status Codes may be returned:
200: Okay
400: You have made a malformed or otherwise inappropriate request
401: You have not provided authorisation for a authenticated-required endpoint
404: You have accessed a non-existent endpoint
500: A malfunction has occurred within the server
Furthermore, the server will add a HTTP response header for X-signature, which will sign the
returned messages for all endpoints.
Unless otherwise specified, all fields are compulsory. Each API is detailed on a single page.
? Login Server /api/ping
Method: POST
Requires Authentication: Optional
Purpose: Returns an “ok” message. Use to check if the login server is online and to test your
Send parameters:
Parameter Name Format Purpose / Calculation
pubkey (optional) Public key
A public key associated with your account
Signature (optional) Signature
Sign(pubkey) (see Page 2)
Return parameters
Parameter Name Format Purpose
response String Says ‘ok’ if request ok, or ‘error’ if not
message (optional) String Contains error message (if applicable)
server_time String of
Float unix
Contains server time. Useful for finding out what
time the login server thinks it is.
authentication string Says “basic” if the user has authenticated
successfully with an appropriate
username/password using basic, “api-key” if they
are using an api-key, “error” if they haven’t, or “n/a”
if no Authentication header is provided
signature string Says “ok” if the user has provided a valid public key
associated with their account and successfully
signed the message, “bad signature” if they haven’t
provided a suitable signature, “bad pubkey” if they
have provided an invalid pubkey or it isn’t
associated with their account, or “n/a” if either the
“oubkey” or “signature” fields are missing from
posted JSON
POST /api/ping
Authorization: Basic …….
"pubkey": "...",
"signature": "..."
"response": "ok",
"server_time": "1556930832.3119302",
"authentication": "basic",
"signature": "ok"
? Login Server /api/list_apis
Method: GET
Requires Authentication: No
Purpose: Returns a list of APIs supported by this server.
GET /api/list_apis
(Excluded for length reasons)
? Login Server /api/load_new_apikey
Method: GET
Requires Authentication: True
Purpose: Returns a new API key for the purposes of authentication for the rest of this
session. You use an API key in place of HTTP BASIC authentication. Provide an
X-username header variable containing your username, and a X-apikey header variable
containing the API key.
It is not possible to return the API key again, so make sure you save it (and discard when
appropriate). Each time this endpoint is called a new API key will be generated.
The usage of API keys in general is optional - all auth-required endpoints will accept HTTP
Return parameters
Parameter Name Format Purpose
response String Says ‘ok’ if request ok, or ‘error’ if not
message (optional) String Contains error message (if applicable)
api_key string Contains the API key for this session
String of
Float unix
Contains the time the API key was generated on
the server.
GET /api/ping
Authorization: Basic …….
"response": "ok",
"api_key": " ……. ",
"api_key_generated_at": "1556930832.3119302"
? Login Server /api/loginserver_pubkey
Method: GET
Requires Authentication: No
Purpose: Return the public key of the login server, which may be used to validate
loginserver_records in broadcasts / privatemessages
Return parameters
Parameter Name Format Purpose
response String Says ‘ok’ if request ok, or ‘error’ if not
message (optional) String Contains error message (if applicable)
server_name string Says “cs302.kiwi.land”
server_time String of
Float unix
The time of the server
pubkey Pubkey
Contains the public key of the server
Furthermore, the server will add a HTTP response header for X-signature, which will sign the
returned JSON bytes. (This is actually true of all messages received from the login server)
GET /api/loginserver_pubkey
"response": "ok",
"server_name": "cs302.kiwi.land",
"server_time": "1558328111.9488223",
? Login Server /api/report
Method: POST
Requires Authentication: Yes
Purpose: Use this API to inform the login server about connection information for a user on a
client. Transmit the details for this user at least once every five minutes and at most once
every thirty seconds.
Send parameters:
Parameter Name Format Purpose
connection_address String of ip:port the public ip:port of this web client.
connection_location Integer, either
0, 1, or 2
see the last section of this report.
incoming_pubkey Public key string the public key to encrypt messages
against. The key must already be
associated against the account (e.g.
by adding it using /api/add_pubkey)
status (optional) String, may be
‘online’, ‘away’,
‘busy’, ‘offline’
Informs other clients of your status.
Send ‘offline’ as a final report to “sign
out”. Defaults to ‘online’ if unspecified.
Send a report with ‘offline’ to formally
sign out of the network.
Return parameters:
Parameter Name Format Purpose
response String Says ‘ok’ if request ok, or ‘error’ if not
message (optional) String Contains error message (if applicable)
POST /api/report
Authorization: Basic …….
"connection_address": "",
"connection_location": 2,
"incoming_pubkey": "...."
"response": "ok"
? Login Server /api/list_users
Method: GET
Requires Authentication: Yes
Purpose: Use this API to load the connection details for all active users who have done a
/report in the last five minutes to the login server.
Return Parameters:
Parameter Name Format Purpose
response String Says ‘ok’ if request ok, or ‘error’ if not
message (optional) String Contains error message (if applicable)
users (array of next) A list of users with the following fields
user.username string Client’s username
user.connection_address ip:port the public ip:port of this web client.
user.connection_location Integer, either
0, 1, or 2
see the last section of this report
user.incoming_pubkey Public key string the public key to encrypt private
messages addressed to this user
user.connection_updated_at String of Float
unix timestamp
unix timestamp of login server during
last report
user.status String, may be
‘online’, ‘away’,
‘busy’, ‘offline’
That user’s self-reported status
GET /api/list_users
Authorization: Basic …….
"users": [
"username": "admin",
"connection_address": "",
"connection_location": 2,
"incoming_pubkey": " ……… ",
"connection_updated_at": "1556930832.3119302",
"status": "online"
"response": "ok"
? Login Server /api/add_pubkey
Method: POST
Requires Authentication: Yes
Purpose: Use this API to associate a public key (256-bit Ed25519 format, hex encoded) with
your account. The public key that is added is the one provided for the purposes of the
Send parameters:
Parameter Name Format Purpose
pubkey Pubkey string The public key we are adding to
this user
username string The client’s username (should
match the username provided in
the Authentication)
signature Signature string Sign(pubkey, username)
Return parameters:
Parameter Name Format Purpose
response String Says ‘ok’ if request ok, or ‘error’ if
message (optional) String Contains error message (if
loginserver_record Login Server
Signature record
Format is
This string should be saved by the
client to be used as a kind of
‘certificate’ to prove that the login
server confirms this
username/pubkey combination
The public key provided in the message should be derived from the private key used to sign
the message (i.e. what is used to create X-signature HTTP header)
POST /api/add_pubkey
Authorization: Basic …….
X-signature: ……….
"pubkey": "...",
"username": "admin",
"signature": "......... "
"loginserver_record": "admin,..........,1556930832.3119302, ......... "
? Login Server /api/get_loginserver_record
Method: GET
Requires Authentication: Yes
Purpose: Use this API to load your current loginserver_record for use in creating
point-to-point messages. Change it by creating new pubkeys with /api/add_pubkey and/or by
changing the current pubkey in /api/report.
Return parameters:
Parameter Name Format Purpose
response String Says ‘ok’ if request ok, or ‘error’ if
message (optional) String Contains error message (if
loginserver_record Login Server
Signature record
Format is
This string should be saved by the
client to be used as a kind of
‘certificate’ to prove that the login
server confirms this
username/pubkey combination
The public key provided in the message should be derived from the private key used to sign
the message (i.e. what is used to create X-signature HTTP header)
GET /api/get_loginserver_record
Authorization: Basic …….
"loginserver_record": "admin, ........ ,1556930832.3119302, ......... "
? Login Server /api/check_pubkey
Method: GET
Requires Authentication: Yes
Purpose: Use this API to load the loginserver_record for a given Ed25519 public key.
Send parameters:
Parameter Name Format Purpose
pubkey string (256-bit
Ed25519 format,
Hex encoded)
The public key to determine the owner
Return parameters:
Parameter Name Format Purpose
response String Says ‘ok’ if request ok, or ‘error’ if not
message (optional) String Contains error message (if
loginserver_record Login Server
Signature record
Format is
This string may be used as a kind of
‘certificate’ to prove that the login
server confirms this
username/pubkey combination
username string The username of the user owning this
connection_address String of ip:port the public ip:port of their web client.
connection_location Integer, either
0, 1, or 2
see the last section of this report.
incoming_pubkey Public key string the public key to encrypt messages
against when sending messages to
that user
connection_updated_at String of Float unix
The server time during the last
/api/report by this user
GET /api/check_pubkey?pubkey= …..
Authorization: Basic …….
"response": "ok",
"loginserver_record": "admin,1556930832.3119302,1556930832.3119302, ......... ",
"username": "admin",
"connection_address": "",
"connection_location": "2",
"incoming_pubkey": " ……… ",
"connection_updated_at": "1556930832.3119302",
Login Server /api/add_privatedata
Method: POST
Requires Authentication: Yes
Purpose: Use this API to save symmetrically encrypted private data for a given user. It will
automatically delete previously uploaded private data.
Send parameters:
Parameter Name Format Purpose
privatedata String of secret data
(Hex encoded
A safe, encrypted storage blob of
private data to be stored on the
server. Cannot be larger than
4096 bytes. Other than length,
content not examined/verified in
any way on the server.
loginserver_record Login Server
Signature record
This string may be used as a kind
of ‘certificate’ to prove that the
login server confirms this
username/pubkey combination
client_saved_at String of float unix
The time of the client when
saving the data
signature Signature string sign(privatedata,
Private Data format (JSON dictionary, to be encrypted as privatedata)
Parameter Name Format Purpose
prikeys list of private key
Lists all the private keys
associated with this account
blocked_pubkeys List of public key
Provides a way to store public
keys that should be blocked by a
client for their user
blocked_usernames List of username
Provides a way to store
usernames that should be
blocked by a client for their user
blocked_message_signatures List of message
signature strings
Provides a way to store individual
messages that should be blocked
by a client for their user
blocked_words List of words Provides a way to store words to
block on the client
List of message
signature strings
Provides a way to store a record
of individual messages that have
been favorited by the user
friends_usernames List of username
Provides a way to store
usernames of your friends
Receive parameters:
Parameter Name Format Purpose
response String Says ‘ok’ if request ok, or ‘error’
if not
message (optional) String Contains error message (if
server_received_at String of Float unix
The time of the server when
saving the data
Private data is the following:
(Unencrypted privatedata):
"prikeys": ["...", "..."],
"blocked_pubkeys": ["...", "..."],
"blocked_usernames": ["...", "..."],
"blocked_words": ["...", "..."],
"blocked_message_signatures": ["...", "..."],
"favourite_message_signatures": ["...", "..."],
"friends_usernames": ["...", "..."]
-------encryption--------> privatedata contents
POST /api/add_privatedata
Authorization: Basic …….
X-signature: ……….
"privatedata": "...",
"pubkey": "............",
"client_saved_at": "1556930832.3119302",
"signature": "..."
"response": "ok",
"server_received_at": "1556930832.3119302"
Login Server /api/get_privatedata
Method: GET
Requires Authentication: Yes
Requires Signature: No
Purpose: Use this API to load the saved symmetrically encrypted private data for a user.
Receive parameters:
Parameter Name Format Purpose
response String ‘ok’ or ‘error’
or ‘no privatedata
Informs whether or not data
could be returned. If ‘no
privatedata available’, then other
fields will be omitted
message (optional) String Contains error message (if
privatedata (optional) String of secret data
(Hex encoded
A safe, encrypted storage blob
of private data to be retrieved
from the server.
loginserver_record (optional) Login Server
Signature record
Loginserver_record used to
upload the data
client_saved_at (optional) String of Float unix
The time of the client when data
was saved
server_received_at (optional) String of Float unix
The time of the server when
data was received
Private Data format (See /api/add_privatedata)
GET /api/get_privatedata
Authorization: Basic …….
"response": "ok",
"privatedata": "...",
"pubkey": "............",
"client_saved_at": "1556930832.3119302",
"server_recieved_at": "1556930832.3119302"
(Unencrypted privatedata):
"prikeys": ["...", "..."],
"blocked_pubkeys": ["...", "..."],
"blocked_usernames": ["...", "..."],
"blocked_words": ["...", "..."],
"blocked_message_signatures": ["...", "..."],
"favourite_message_signatures": ["...", "..."],
"friends_usernames": ["...", "..."]
Users of the Client Webapps will communicate with one another via messages to other
Client Webapps. This process may be considered distinct from the Login/Authentication
system, which is covered under Connection Type 1).
For the purposes of this system, refer to the following diagram, which provides a generalised
architecture of the Client Webapp system.
There are multiple classifications of messages:
1) Public broadcast
This kind of message is when a user wants to make a “public statement” that will be
transmitted to all users. It is the simplest to implement, as the message body is not
encrypted. Messages are transmitted between every Client Webapp.
E.g. In the figure, User 1 makes a broadcast message which will be available to User 2, User
3, and User 4. As a result the broadcast must be transmitted between Webapp A and
Webapp B.
2) Point-to-point message
This kind of message is from a single user to another single user.
E.g., In the figure, User 1 makes a private point-to-point message to User 3. As a result, the
message must be transmitted between Webapp A and Webapp B. Users may also choose
to transmit their messages to other Client Webapps.
E.g. In the figure, user 1 makes a private point-to-point message to User 2. Webapp A may
realise that User 2 is currently co-located with User 1, so it makes the message available
locally to User 2.
3) Offline point-to-point message
This kind of message is from a single user to another user, but the target user is offline. The
sender may simply choose to wait until the receiver comes online, but this may not be
practical (i.e. the sender might go offline first). Instead, the User may choose to transmit their
message to other nodes in the network. When properly encrypted, the other nodes, though
they have copies of the data, will not be able to decrypt it.
Then, when the receiver comes online and asks other nodes if they have any messages for
it, the other nodes should transmit the private message.
4) Group chat
This kind of message is a hybrid between 1) and 2). It is when there is a public broadcast of
messages, but the message body is encrypted symmetrically. Then, specific users may have
the secret key to decrypt the message body. They may be sent the keys via the endpoint
/api/rx_groupinvite, as detailed below.
E.g. In the figure, User 1 creates a group chat for User 1, User 2, and User 4. He uses the
point-to-point mechanism to transmit a secret symmetric key to Users 2 and 4. Then,
messages are transmitted via the Broadcast mechanism.
To facilitate clients that may go offline and return online, each server is required to keep a
copy of all public broadcast messages and should provide these on request.
In general, it is assumed that messages are plain text. However, you could also implement
(in your client) the ability to display messages as markdown.
To facilitate further advanced functionality on top of the existing API, we define meta
messages, which are special message strings encoded into the existing broadcast and
privatemessage framework.
Meta messages are specially formatted strings which begin with “!Meta:”. Then, further
options can be transmitted, as per the table below:
Meta message format Explanation
!Meta:favourite_broadcast:[broadcast_sig] Replace [broadcast_sig] with an appropriate
broadcast signature and send this as either
a public broadcast or a privatemessage to
indicate that you are favouriting a broadcast
!Meta:block_broadcast:[broadcast_sig] Replace [broadcast_sig] with an appropriate
broadcast signature and send this as either
a public broadcast or a privatemessage to
indicate that you are blocking a broadcast
!Meta:block_username:[username] Replace [username] with an appropriate
username and send this as either a public
broadcast or a privatemessage to indicate
that you are blocking a username
!Meta:block_pubkey:[pubkey] Replace [pubkey] with an appropriate
pubkey and send this as either a public
broadcast or a privatemessage to indicate
that you are blocking a public key
Can you think of additional meta messages? Let Hammond know, and he will add them to
the specification!
Method: POST
Purpose: Use this API to transmit a signed broadcast between users. You need to be
authenticated, and the broadcast public key must be known, but the broadcast public key
need not be associated to your account.
Note: The login server also implements this, and for testing purposes messages can be sent
to be viewed at cs302.kiwi.land
Send parameters
Parameter Name Format Purpose
loginserver_record Login Server
Signature record
Format is
This string may be used as a kind of
‘certificate’ to prove that the login
server confirms this
username/pubkey combination.
It contains the pubkey and username
of the poster of this message
Server_time refers to the creation
time of the loginserver_record
message String The message to be transmitted. Utf-8
string. Cannot exceed 256 bytes in
Message is not encrypted.
sender_created_at String of Float unix
the local time of the user when this
system was created
signature Signature string Sign(loginserver_record, message,
Return parameters:
Parameter Name Format Purpose
response String Says ‘ok’ if request ok, or ‘error’ if not
message (optional) String Contains error message (if applicable)
POST /api/rx_broadcast
"loginserver_record": " ……… ",
"message": "Hello world!",
"sender_created_at" : "1556931977.0179243",
"signature" : " …………"
"response": "ok"
? /api/rx_privatemessage
Method: POST
Purpose: Use this API to transmit a secret message between users. Certain
“meta”-information is public (the sender username/pubkey, and the destination
username/pubkey, the timestamp), but the message itself is private.
Note: For testing purposes, you may call /api/rx_privatemessage on the login server with
‘admin’ as the target_username and the server’s public key as the target_pubkey. Received
messages will be posted to /messages_to_admin
Send parameters
Parameter Name Format Purpose
loginserver_record Login Server
Signature record
Format is
This string may be used as a kind of
‘certificate’ to prove that the login
server confirms this
username/pubkey combination.
It contains the pubkey and username
of the poster of this message
Server_time refers to the creation
time of the loginserver_record
target_pubkey Pubkey string The public key of the targeted user.
This is what the message has been
encrypted against.
target_username String The username of the targeted user
encrypted_message String The message to be transmitted. Utf-8
string. Cannot exceed 1024 bytes in
length. Message is encrypted against
the target_pubkey using the nacl
SealedBox: see
A further implementation hint is below
sender_created_at String of float unix
the local time of the user when this
system was created
signature Signature string Sign(loginserver_record,
target_pubkey, target_username,
Return parameters:
Parameter Name Format Purpose
response String Says ‘ok’ if request ok, or ‘error’ if not
message (optional) String Contains error message (if applicable)
POST /api/rx_broadcast
"loginserver_record": " ……… ",
"target_pubkey": " ……… ",
"target_username": " admin ",
"encrypted_message": " … ... …."
"sender_created_at" : "1556931977.0179243",
"signature" : " …………"
"response": "ok"
Implementation Hint:
When coding this you may discover that signing and verifying messages in PyNaCl uses
Ed25519 type keys, but encrypting and decrypting messages uses Curve25519 type keys.
These are not the same!
However, it is a straightforward process to get from an Ed25519 type key to a Curve25519
type key.
Hence, when constructing your encrypted_message, you should first convert the
target_pubkey into a public nacl.signing.VerifyKey as normal.
Then, you can convert this to the appropriate type by calling .to_curve25519_public_key()
This will return the curve-type public key for using in the SealedBox functions.
Likewise, for decrypting, you will need to load your private SigningKey from your save data,
then use the .to_curve25519_private_key() to convert this for use in the SealedBox
Sample code (for encrypting):
#publickey_hex contains the target publickey
#using the nacl.encoding.HexEncoder format
verifykey = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(publickey_hex, encoder=nacl.encoding.HexEncoder)
publickey = verifykey.to_curve25519_public_key()
sealed_box = nacl.public.SealedBox(publickey)
encrypted = sealed_box.encrypt(message, encoder=nacl.encoding.HexEncoder)
message = encrypted.decode('utf-8')
Method: GET
Purpose: Use this API to retrieve already-sent messages from other clients in the network.
Note: The login server does not implement this endpoint.
Send parameters:
Parameter Name Format Purpose / Calculation
since Float unix timestamp The time since you were last online
Receive parameters:
Parameter Name Format Purpose
response String Says ‘ok’ if request ok, or ‘error’ if
message (optional) String Contains error message (if
broadcasts List of broadcasts in the
format described in
Contains all broadcasts received
by this server since time “since”
(i.e. since you were last online)
private_messages List of private messages in
the format described in
Contains all private messages
received by this server since time
“since” (i.e. since you were last
These private messages may be
from this or other servers, and may
or may not be addressed to you.
GET /api/checkmessages?since=...
"response": "ok",
"broadcasts": [...],
"private_messages": [...]
Method: POST
Purpose: Use this API to check if another client is active. Optionally you may report which
users are currently using your client, and they may return the users on their client.
Send parameters
Parameter Name Format Purpose / Calculation
my_time Float unix timestamp Your client’s current time
List of username strings Contain a list of users currently
active on your client
connection_address String of ip:port the public ip:port of your web
connection_location Integer, either
0, 1, or 2
see the last section of this report.
Receive parameters:
Parameter Name Format Purpose
response String Says ‘ok’ if request and server is
ok, or ‘error’ if not
message (optional) String Contains error message (if
my_time Float unix timestamp This client’s current time
List of username strings Contain a list of users currently
active on this client
POST /api/rx_broadcast
"my_time": "1556931977.0179243",
"my_active_usernames": ["...", "...", "..."],
"connection_address": "123.456.789.123",
"connection_location": 2
"response": "ok",
"my_time": "1556931978.0179243",
"my_active_usernames": ["...", "...", "..."]
Method: POST
Purpose: Use this API to transmit a secret group message between users. You need to be
authenticated, and the broadcast public key must be known, but the secret group need not
be associated to your account.
Note: The login server does not implement this endpoint.
Send parameters
Parameter Name Format Purpose
loginserver_record Login Server
Signature record
Format is
This string may be used as a kind of
‘certificate’ to prove that the login
server confirms this
username/pubkey combination.
It contains the pubkey and username
of the poster of this message
Server_time refers to the creation
time of the loginserver_record
groupkey_hash String This string may be used as a unique
identifier for groups. It is defined as
the sha256 hash of the symmetric key
used to decode the group_message.
group_message Encrypted String The symmetrically encrypted group
message to be transmitted. Utf-8
string. Cannot exceed 1024 bytes in
sender_created_at String of Float unix
the local time of the user when this
system was created
signature Signature string Sign(loginserver_record,
group_message, sender_created_at)
Return parameters:
Parameter Name Format Purpose
response String Says ‘ok’ if request ok, or ‘error’ if not
message (optional) String Contains error message (if applicable)
POST /api/rx_groupmessage
"loginserver_record": " ……… ",
"groupkey_hash": " …….... ",
"group_message": " …… ",
"sender_created_at" : "1556931977.0179243",
"signature" : " …………"
"response": "ok"
Method: POST
Purpose: Use this API to transmit a secret group message between users. You need to be
authenticated, and the broadcast public key must be known, but the secret group need not
be associated to your account.
Note: The login server does not implement this endpoint.
Send parameters
Parameter Name Format Purpose
loginserver_record Login Server
Signature record
Format is
This string may be used as a kind of
‘certificate’ to prove that the login
server confirms this username/pubkey
It contains the pubkey and username
of the poster of this message
Server_time refers to the creation time
of the loginserver_record
groupkey_hash String This string may be used as a unique
identifier for groups. It is defined as the
sha256 hash of the symmetric key
used to decode the group_message.
target_pubkey Pubkey string The public key of the targeted user.
This is what the message has been
encrypted against.
target_username String The username of the targeted user
encrypted_groupkey String The key to symmetrically
encode/decode group messages. The
key is encrypted against the
target_pubkey using the nacl
sender_created_at String of Float unix
the local time of the user when this
system was created
signature Signature string Sign(loginserver_record,
groupkey_hash, target_pubkey,
target_username, encrypted_groupkey,
Return parameters:
Parameter Name Format Purpose
response String Says ‘ok’ if request ok, or ‘error’ if not
message (optional) String Contains error message (if applicable)
POST /api/rx_groupinvite
"loginserver_record": " ……… ",
"groupkey_hash": " …….... ",
"target_pubkey": " …….... ",
"target_username": " …….... ",
"encrypted_groupkey": " …… ",
"sender_created_at" : "1556931977.0179243",
"signature" : " …………"
"response": "ok"
Because of the University’s firewall and network configurations, there are various issues with
certain IP addresses being able to connect to other IP addresses depending on where
clients are located.
The location argument thus states which type of location the user is currently in. This is
because with the issues between external and local IP addresses on the network, it is
always not possible for the server to automatically determine your local IP address.
However, clients may check that your reported IP address is within the expected range.
Use the following values:
0 – University Lab Desktop (local IP beginning with 10.103…)
1 – University Wireless Network (local IP)
2 – Rest of the world (external IP)

因为专业,所以值得信赖。如有需要,请加QQ99515681 或邮箱:99515681@qq.com 





