Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications阅读笔记

Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications 计算机视觉算法与应用

英本大二 人工智能专业 Computer Vision学科

Look at Chapter 14 section 1 and section 4 of Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications (Links to an external site.) for more information on “classical object detection” and image classification (1-3 hours).
Week 6 object detection老师推荐读物



14.1 Object detection物体检测

14.1.1 人脸检测Face detection

According to the taxonomy ofYang, Kriegman, and Ahuja(2002), 面部检测技术可以分为基于特征的,基于模板的或基于外观的。feature-based, template-based, or appearance-based.

Feature-based techniques attempt to find the locations of distinctive image features such as the eyes,nose, and mouth, and then verify whether these features are in a plausible geometrical ar-rangement.

Template-based approaches, such as active appearance models (AAMs) (Section14.2.2),can deal with a wide range of pose and expression variability. Typically, they require goodinitialization near a real face and are therefore not suitable as fast face detectors.

基于外观的方法会扫描小图像的重叠矩形块?然后可以用一系列更昂贵但是有选择性的检测算法进行优化。为了处理比例变化,通常将图像转换为 asub-octave pyramid?,并在每个级别上执行单独的扫描。
Appearance-based approaches scan over small overlapping rectangular patches of the im-age searching for likely face candidates, which can then be refined using acascade of more expensive but selective detection algorithms (Sung and Poggio 1998;Rowley, Baluja, andKanade 1998a;Romdhani, Torr, Sch ̈olkopfet al.2001;Fleuret and Geman 2001;Viola andJones 2004).
In order to deal with scale variation, the image is usually converted into asub-octave pyramid and a separate scan is performed on each level. Most appearance-basedapproaches today rely heavily on training classifiers using sets of labeled face and non-facepatches.

clustering and PCA ?pca是什么
Neural networks :directly outputs the likelihood of a face at the center of every overlapping patch in a multi-resolution pyramid.直接在??的中心直接输出人脸的可能性。
Support vector machines : SVMs have been used byother researchers for both face detection and face recognition (Heisele, Ho, Wuet al.2003

14.1.2 行人检测Pedestrian detection

An example of a well-known pedestrian detector is the algorithm developed byDalaland Triggs(2005), who use a set of overlapping histogram of oriented gradients(HOG) de-scriptors fed into a support vector machine.
compare a number of pedestrian detectors and conclude that those based on local receptive fields and SVMs perform the best, with a boosting-based ap-proach coming close.



14.4 Category recognition类别辨识

14.4.1 词袋Bag of words

The biggest difference from instance recognition is the absence of a geometric verification stage, since individual instances of generic visual categories, such as those shown in Figure14.35, have relatively little spatial coherence to their features.

14.4.2 Part-based models

Using pictorial structures to locate and track a person
基于零件识别摩托车,提供摩托车零件的图 The top figureshows the mean relative locations for each part along with their position covariances and likelihood of occurrence.

14.4.3 分割识别Recognition with segmentation

The most challenging version of generic object recognition is to simultaneously performrecognition with accurate boundary segmentation

For more complex (flexible) object models, such as those for humans Figure14.1f, adifferent approach is to pre-segment the image into larger or smaller pieces (Chapter5) andthen match such pieces to portions of the model (Mori, Ren, Efroset al.2004;Mori 2005;He, Zemel, and Ray 2006;Gu, Lim, Arbelaezet al.2009)
A more holistic approach to recognition and segmentation is to formulate the problem as one of labeling every pixel in an image with its class membership, and to solve this problem using energy minimization or Bayesian inference techniques.

14.4.4 智能照片编辑Application: Intelligent photo editing

A different application of image recognition and segmentation is to infer 3D structurefrom a single photo by recognizing certain scene structures

Most of these techniques rely either on a set of labeled training images, or the even more recent explosion in imagesavailable on the Internet.

Face detection and localization can also be used in a variety of photo editing application

