利用 terser-webpack-plugin 去除生产包中的console



一般我们在开发中大多数会使用 console.log 去打印一些数据, 以便于开发调试。到了生产中这些 console.log 就显得有点多余,且容易暴露一些重要信息。所以我们在发生产的时候有必要将 console.log 等打印信息给去除。 我们可以使用 webpack 去帮助我们实现这个效果,免去了手动删除这种繁琐的操作。


从webpack官网上发现官网推荐使用的TerserWebpackPlugin大致能满足我们的需求。 需要注意的是 webpack4 要安装 terser-webpack-plugin@4 的版本。

  1. 安装依赖
npm install terser-webpack-plugin --save-dev
  1. 引入插件
const TerserPlugin = require('terser-webpack-plugin')
  1. 配置
optimization: {
    minimize: true,
    minimizer: [
      new TerserPlugin({
        terserOptions: {
          compress: {
            drop_console: false, // 默认false,设置为true, 则会删除所有console.* 相关的代码。
            pure_funcs: ["console.log"], // 单纯禁用console.log

附上一段关于 drop_consolepure_funcs 属性的说明

drop_console (default: false) – Pass true to discard calls to console.* functions. If you wish to drop a specific function call such as console.info and/or retain side effects from function arguments after dropping the function call then use pure_funcs instead.

pure_funcs (default: null) – You can pass an array of names and Terser will assume that those functions do not produce side effects. DANGER: will not check if the name is redefined in scope. An example case here, for instance var q = Math.floor(a/b). If variable q is not used elsewhere, Terser will drop it, but will still keep the Math.floor(a/b), not knowing what it does. You can pass pure_funcs: [ ‘Math.floor’ ] to let it know that this function won’t produce any side effect, in which case the whole statement would get discarded. The current implementation adds some overhead (compression will be slower).

