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Avaya Aura System Manager 8.1.3.x Hot Fix for Log4j vulnerabilities.


下载  Avaya Aura System Manager 8.1.3.x Hot Fix for Log4j vulnerabilities.   42兆

上传到SMGR服务器,smgr 8.1.3.x有效,之前版本无需关注

执行:SMGRPatchdeploy System_Manager_Log4j_CVEs_R8.1.3.x_Patch2_r810014070.bin

sunhongyu >ls
sunhongyu >SMGRPatchdeploy System_Manager_Log4j_CVEs_R8.1.3.x_Patch2_r810014070.bin 
[sudo] password for sunhongyu: 
Verifying the patch binary.....
Checking if patchplugin.log exists!
StrictModes yes
AllowTcpForwarding no
Extracting files to /var/patchsfx.haOUIf...
Mon Dec 27 11:40:50 CST 2021 The System Manager bin version which is being install is System_Manager_CVE-2021-44228_R8.
Installing SMGR CVE-2021-44228 hotfix...
Mon Dec 27 11:40:50 CST 2021: EULA should be displayed on VE environment
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